Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 3250 confidant

The emperor sent someone to send Master Luo Er down. After the lunch was over, all the ministers also retire. Only the prince and Zhou Manxiao were left behind.

However, only Zhou Man accompanied the emperor into the inner room, while the prince and Xiao Yuanzheng were left outside the emperor's palace.

The emperor lifted his robe and sat on the couch with a big horse and a golden sword, looked at Zhou Man, "Tell me."

Emperor Zhou Manchong gave a deep bow and said solemnly, "Your Majesty, you are poisoned."

Gu Zhong, who was standing aside holding the medicine box, shook his hand slightly and looked at Zhou Man in shock.

The emperor was still calm and quiet, and asked, "What poison?"

"Erysipelas," Zhou Man said with a serious face: "In other words, the purpose of this pill is not for longevity, but for the erysipelas contained in it."

The emperor frowned and looked at Zhou Man suspiciously, "Could it be that you, like all the ministers, objected to me eating the elixir of life, so you deliberately mocked me, right?"

Zhou Man's eyes widened, "Your Majesty, am I that kind of person?"

She said, "This is medical pharmacy, and it is the subject's specialty. How could the subject use it to deceive people?"

Zhou Man paused and said, "Also, you also said that you never thought that Bulao Dan could make people immortal, but you just want to prolong your life and live a few more decades."

"Actually, my thoughts are the same as yours," Zhou Man said. "There may be no medicines that make people immortal, but there must be something that prolongs life and prolongs life for decades or even hundreds of years."

As soon as the emperor heard this, he immediately sat next to him, let the other side of the couch out, and waved at her, "Come here and talk to me carefully."

Zhou Man immediately stepped forward, and the two rulers and ministers sat cross-legged facing each other. Gu Zhong struggled for a while, but still moved the small table up and placed it between the two, and then went to make tea and prepare snacks for them.

When Gu Zhong went out, he heard the emperor ask with interest: "How long do you think it is normal for people to live?"

Gu Zhong turned around and closed the door, and said to the prince and Xiao Yuanzheng who were waiting outside: "His Royal Highness, Xiao Yuanzheng, Your Majesty and Lord Zhou are talking, I'm afraid that I won't be able to summon you for a while, Your Highness will see if you want to sit in the side hall first. rest?"

The prince thought for a moment, nodded, and turned to the side hall.

Xiao Yuan hurriedly followed.

The two guessed that when the emperor saw Zhou Man alone, he should be asking about his physical condition. Slowly to the west, Zhou Man still hadn't come out of it.

Prince:  …

If he hadn't understood his father and Zhou Man, he would have almost misunderstood what they were doing there.

However, Gu Zhong also stayed inside and didn't come out, but he brought a lot of tea in, and he didn't know what the two were talking about.

The two were talking about longevity. Of course, it was Zhou Man who was talking and the emperor was listening.

Zhou Man believes that since the ancients believed that a hundred years old is a person's life, then the normal life expectancy of a person should be a hundred years old.

The emperor thoughtfully sighed: "One hundred years old, but when a person reaches fifty, it is time to know the destiny, let alone sixty-seven. There are not many old people in Dajin who can live such a long life."

Zhou Man nodded and said: "This is because people live in the world, and they will have an impact on the body. People's diet, daily life, and the pain and injury they suffer in the process of growing up will have an impact on people's lifespan..."

Zhou Man has done research, because she spoke to the emperor, so her language is more refined and easy to understand, and she loves to give examples. In just a while, the old wound on the emperor's body was pulled out as example three I'm back.

Zhou Man picked up the teacup and took another sip of tea, and said to the emperor, "It's just that there are too many animals and plants in this world, and the things that can be used as medicines include stones and bones. It may take a while to develop medicines that prolong life. Centuries, thousands of years, even tens of thousands of years.”

Emperor: "...It's been too long, I don't have such a big heart, you can achieve it in a short time."

"That is to improve everyone's living standards, eat well, drink well, dress well, not starve, not cold, and life expectancy will be greatly improved. The most simple and effective, and face it."

Yes, they have personally talked about the lifespan growth of the entire Dajin.

The emperor's understanding of "longevity" was more thorough at this time, and he also knew that it was impossible to achieve it in a short period of time.

Gu Zhong looked at the time and felt that it would be dark if the two continued to chat, so he hurriedly reminded: "Your Majesty, the Crown Prince and Xiao Yuan are still waiting outside."

The emperor then remembered the business and asked Zhou Man: "Do you have any basis for saying that I have been infected with erysipelas?"

He said: "Xiao Yuanzheng has been checking my pulse for the past few months. Apart from occasionally saying that the pulse is a little dry, there is no problem. I also feel that my spirit is much better than before."

Zhou Man said: "I didn't hear it at first, but when I was about to close my hand, I suddenly noticed that the pulse was a little stagnant, and then I listened carefully. After that, the pulse was normal, but after about 80 breaths, it would stagnate again. …”

"I have calculated that the interval is between eighty and eighty-five breaths. It is very short and short-term stagnation. It is only a momentary thing. Your Majesty will not feel too deep, and it is difficult for the imperial doctor to detect it." Zhou Man saw the emperor's ignorant face, and knew that he didn't know what this regular moment of stagnation represented, so he looked left and right, and saw a piece of jade on the Bogu shelf not far away, with a red strip tied to it. the long rope, he pointed and said, "Bring it here."

Gu Zhong glanced at the emperor, and after obtaining permission, he went over to take it.

Zhou Man took the rope and hung Yu Jue between the two, "Your Majesty, do you know that when the heart rises and falls, it sends blood to all parts of the body," she clenched her right fist and let the emperor open it Look.

The emperor actually understood and nodded, "Then what?"

"Then..." Zhou Man scratched his head and waved the jade, "then look at this jade, it's like a heart, it swings like this, sometimes it's fast, and sometimes it's slow, but Whether it's fast or slow, it's within a certain range, and that's normal."

"However, suddenly it paused for a while, then continued to swing normally, and after a certain period of time, it paused again." Zhou Man pinched the jade and released it to continue swinging, "This kind of pause is abnormal, it's not in the normal range. Inside, when the time is short, you can't see anything, but when the time is long, there will be big problems."

"This is poisoning?" The emperor understood, but frowned: "Can't it be sick?"

Zhou Man moved back and stared at the emperor's lips carefully, "It's too difficult to explain clearly, the minister can only say that, judging by the minister's experience, after eliminating all possibilities, the poisoning is The biggest possibility of them all."

"But if you have to show me proof, it's your lips," Zhou Man said, "I think your lips are darker than before."

The emperor turned to look at Gu Zhong.

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