Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 3241 Unintentional cut off Hu

What Princess Mingda said is right. There is no one who can meet the holy face more easily than Xiao Yuan.

He regularly sees every other day, occasionally every day.

Xiao Yuan was walking to the Tai Chi Hall to ask for a meeting.

The little waiter hurriedly said: "Your Majesty is seeing Master Na Luo Er, Xiao Yuan is waiting, our family will report back."

Xiao Yuanzheng frowned slightly, lowered his voice and asked, "Has your majesty taken the medicine pill again?"

How dare the little maid to answer such a question, and hurriedly entered the hall without saying a word.

Xiao Yuanzheng frowned, his face became serious, and he pinched the folds in his sleeves. Originally, he only had five percent of his mind, so he would not be able to follow the fate, but now that he has put a lot of thought into it, this must be done.

After a while, the little servant came over and asked Xiao Yuanzheng to enter the hall.

Xiao Yuan was entering with his servants, and the emperor was sitting face to face with a monk with white eyebrows and white hair.

Although he had only been in the palace for less than half a year, Xiao Yuanzheng disliked this person very much and was very wary.

However, he has served in the imperial court for more than ten years, and his superficial skills are not bad, even better than that of the court officials.

He does not have the wisdom and eloquence of Baiguan, but in terms of restrained expression and no emotion, I am afraid that no one in the civil and military of the Manchu Dynasty can match him.

Xiao Yuan was entering, and he respectfully saluted and said, "Your Majesty, this minister is here to ask your majesty's pulse."

The emperor smiled and said, "Didn't you just ask for a pulse yesterday?"

Xiao Yuan said: "Looking at His Majesty's pulse yesterday, there seems to be a fever in the body, but it is not serious, but at this time the seasons are changing, and I am worried, so I want to ask for a pulse every day."

The emperor smiled and stretched out his hand: "Just right, I just took the Bulao Dan, how is my pulse?"

Xiao Yuanzheng glanced at the monk calmly, replied yes with a smile, stepped forward and took the emperor's hand on his knees, closing his eyes slightly to feel the pulse.

After a long time, Xiao Yuan was withdrawing his hand, and smiled with the emperor: "Your Majesty's pulse looks stronger, but the heat in the body is also heavier. After all, this minister is a normal doctor, so he can't get more pulses."

The emperor thought it was boring, "You always say that every time you finish taking Bulao Dan, you are already the best imperial physician in my court, you can't figure it out, who can figure it out?"

Xiao Yuanzheng said with a smile: "Your Majesty, isn't there a genius doctor in the court? You forgot, she is the reincarnation of Taibai."


He looked at Xiao Yuanzheng helplessly. Others don't know how Zhou Man Zhou Taibai's name came from. Can they both know?

Wasn't he the one who asked Bai Er to write the book design?

Xiao Yuanzheng said with a smile: "Although this folk rumour is exaggerated, your Majesty knows that Master Zhou's medical skills are indeed good, and when she was still in Beijing, she was on par with the ministers, and now she has gone out to practice for five years. , I am afraid that medical skills will be higher.”

The emperor's heart moved slightly, "I heard rumors from outside that Tang He was poisoned at the time, and when he was sent to Beihai County, people were dying, but Zhou Man still saved people?"

"Yes," Xiao Yuanzheng said with a smile, "I did not expect that in just five years, Master Zhou would have achieved such success in detoxification."

The emperor was very excited, but he was soon discouraged and sighed: "She is now an order from the Qingzhou Medical Department. I can't recall her to Beijing if there is nothing important."

Originally, the DPRK and the CCP had a lot of opinions on his alchemy. If he knew that he had urgently ordered Zhou Man to return to Beijing for this reason, I was afraid that the opinions would be even greater.

Xiao Yuan immediately took out the booklet from his sleeve and said, "Your Majesty, after five years of management by Lord Zhou, the Qingzhou Medical Office is now on track. Now all the medical offices are based on the experience of the Qingzhou Medical Office. The purpose of the adults being released has been achieved.”

Xiao Yuanzheng said: "Master Zhou has Zheng Gu under his command, and he can completely take over the work of Master Zhou, but there are still some problems when local medical offices refer to the process of Qingzhou Medical Office, such as insufficient funds for local medical offices, and shortage of medicinal materials is one of them Big problem."

"At this time, one person is needed to reconcile. I think that there is no more suitable person than Lord Zhou who established the Qingzhou Medical Bureau."

The emperor took the book, unfolded it and asked, "What is this?"

"This is the case for Master Zhou's proposal to create a pharmacy in order to fund the development of local medical offices," Xiao Yuanzheng sighed: "This minister has lost his grace, and his medical skills are good, but in terms of the overall situation, we still have a long-term vision. I'm not as good as Lord Zhou, so I'm also constrained in the office, and I often feel that it is difficult to perform, so the minister proposes that Zhou Man be transferred back to Beijing to preside over the overall situation of the Imperial Physician Office."

The emperor was surprised, "You want to give Zhou Man the post of the Imperial Physician's Office?"

Xiao Yuanzheng choked, although he had no plans for this, but the emperor said so, he could only grit his teeth and nod, "Yes, the minister is willing to abdicate and become a virtuous person. Lord Zhou is more suitable for this position than the minister."

"No," the emperor said with a serious face: "Isn't that helping the seedlings? How old is Zhou Man?"

"And the promotion of official rank is not right," the emperor said. "Is the official rank of Qingzhou Medical Office the fourth rank or the fifth rank?"

Gu Zhong hurriedly said, "Your Majesty, Qingzhou is the fifth grade."

The emperor and Xiao Yuan said righteously: "Look, it's not suitable."

Gu Zhong glanced at the monk who had been closing his eyes slightly, as if he was closing his eyes to rest in peace, and glanced at his apprentice.

The little servant immediately brought up a teapot, Gu Zhong took it, smiled and stepped forward to add tea to the emperor and monk.

The sound of the water brought the emperor back to his senses. He looked up and saw the monk who closed his eyes and rested. He said with a smile, "Master is tired, let's play this chess here today, Gu Zhong, Send the master out of the palace."


The monk got up and said goodbye.

After he left, the emperor turned his head and said to Xiao Yuan: "Do you want Zhou Man to take your hand?"

Xiao Yuanzheng bowed slightly and said, "I think this is an accepted result."

The emperor thoughtfully said: "I thought that Aiqing and courtiers were more interested in Luo Aiqing."

Xiao Yuanzheng said: "Master Luo has a very strong ability to handle affairs, and he is indeed a rare capable minister, but he doesn't know medical skills or principles, so I'm afraid it's not right to be an order of the Imperial Physician's Office, and in terms of ability to do things, Master Zhou is still there. above him."

The emperor did not deny this, "but it is not appropriate for Zhou Man to be in the position at this time."

The emperor said: "The time is wrong."

Xiao Yuanzheng: He didn't even think about making Zhou Man the order now. You didn't mention it yourself.

The two looked at each other, but didn't speak for a while.

Gu Zhong walked in quietly, took the monk's tea and handed it over to his apprentice, and asked him to withdraw. He seemed to see the embarrassment between the emperor and Xiao Yuanzheng, and said with a smile: "Xiao Yuanzheng, Imperial Physician Liu is not going to serve as an official. Is that right? Isn't the Imperial Physician's Office going to vacate a place?"

"That position is... Imperial Physician Lu he..." Xiao Yuanzheng saw the emperor's bright face, and he was speechless.

The emperor asked: "It has been decided that it is Imperial Physician Lu? Why didn't I receive the certificate?"

"No," Xiao Yuanzheng said with a complicated heart: "It's just that the minister thinks so..." Many imperial physicians in the Imperial Physician Department have tacitly agreed.

But this time, he was really relieved.

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