Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 3239 Bai Erlang's point of view

Li Shangshu still agreed.

The Crown Princess and Mingda immediately asked people to choose a location, and the two even walked around the streets of the capital in person, making sure to choose an excellent place to open a women's school.

The Crown Princess crossed a lot on the course list of the royal princess, shook her head and said, "Since there are not only royal daughters and noble daughters of noble families, but also small folk girls in the women's school, then these are not suitable. ."

Mingda nodded and agreed, "But riding and archery don't have to be removed."

She glanced at it and said, "These are things that clan daughters and noble daughters of noble families have to learn."

The Crown Princess frowned slightly, "Keep it, I'm afraid students from ordinary backgrounds can't afford such expenses."

Mingda smiled and said: "You can refer to Guozijian and various schools. I heard Man Bao mentioned that when Bai Shan was studying at the school, all the bows and arrows used in the school were originally from the school, and students did not need to buy them separately. As for the horses , except for the very wealthy, most students rent horses for practice."

"Yizhou Fuxue cooperated with the horse farm of Yizhou Wangfu in those days, and our women's school can also find a horse farm to cooperate," Mingda said: "We can use the horses we have learned in the usual class, and we can rent the horses from the racecourse when practicing. It shouldn't be too expensive."

The Crown Princess raised her eyebrows, "Do you still need to rent a horse for a family like Mr. Bai?"

Mingda said with a smile: "They bought their own horses after they came to the capital. In the past, horses were mainly rented in school."

The Crown Princess nodded, "Okay, let's do as you said."

"However," she said after a pause, "I still think students with different identities and aspirations should still be taught separately."

"Isn't the Imperial Physician's Office recruiting a group of students all at once. After one year of study, they will be divided into classes. Those who want to learn physical therapy go to physical therapy, and those who want to learn acupuncture go to acupuncture?" said the princess. : "When the time comes, we will also teach them separately, what do you think?"

Mingda frowned, "Isn't that the academy making them friends? At that time, there will be a group of women from the royal family, a group of noble families, a group of honorable people, and another group of ordinary people."

It's not what she thought.

"But it's not a good idea to put them all together to study," the princess said: "Every family has different situations, different foundations, and different learning after school. Putting together students from ordinary families It is even more crushed, and I am afraid that it will be even worse for them."

Mingda frowned, momentarily embarrassed.

Bai Er heard that and said to her, "Don't worry, put them together to study, one year may be to look at the background of the family, and after two or three years, the influence of these will be small."

He said confidently: "At that time, the level of intelligence and effort will really affect the results. You can see me and Zhou Man."

Mingda couldn't turn around for a while and asked, "What does this have to do with you and Zhou Man?"

"Why doesn't it matter? It's a big relationship," Bai Erlang put down his pen, put aside the half-written manuscript, and said seriously to Mingda: "Those girls from small families, no matter how poor, can Zhou Man be poor when he first entered school? "

"When Zhou Man first entered school, all the books she used were hand-copied by her husband. Besides, she didn't have any of her own books, but I'm different," Bai Erlang said, "At that time, I had a lot of books in my house. A room. So when she first entered school, I bullied her."

Mingda: "...But I heard that as soon as she and Bai Shan entered school, you were beaten by your father-in-law because you bullied them."

Bai Erlang choked and waved after a while, "That's not important, it's all because adults are involved. As far as classmates are concerned, it's me who bullied them."

Mingda nodded, "Then what?"

"Then as time went on, I learned more and more and more advanced, Zhou Man bullied me, I mean learning," Bai Erlang said, "Could it be that her family background is better than mine, Does it have a deeper background than my home?"

"Of course not. The reason why she can bully me is because her brain is better than mine, and she works a little harder than me. So what kind of family background is not so important after two or three years of schooling."

"Children from small households are still girls. If they can be admitted to women's schools, their intelligence and perseverance are naturally different. They are not necessarily worse than the daughters of the royal family and noble families."

Bai Erlang felt that there was no need for them to think too much, "No one can think of everything in this world, so it's better to let them make progress on their own. Look at the Imperial Physician's Office. At the beginning, students are recruited directly when they apply for the exam. Classes have been divided, but now they will study for a year first, and then divide them according to their qualifications and choices.”

"It can be seen that nothing in this world is set in stone. Anyway, you and the Crown Princess are the mountain leaders, and the academy is yours. When the time comes, the rules are not suitable, and you can change them later."

Mingda thought seriously, nodded after a long time, and then looked at Bai Erlang in surprise: "Do you think these words yourself?"

Bai Erlang shook his head and said, "Do you underestimate me?"

He shook the manuscript paper and said, "I'm someone who has written five books anyway, and someone who can write books, will I be bad?"

Mingda couldn't help but burst out laughing, and looked at him with a smile in his eyes, "It's not bad, but if you're writing a book, you can talk to me, but you can't talk about it in front of the father."

Bai Erlang muttered, "I'm not stupid, so I wouldn't mention it before Your Majesty."

"However, it's better to ask Zhou Man's opinion on this matter," Mingda mused. "She participated in the establishment of the Imperial Physician's Office. She has experience in running a school."

Bai Erlang handed her the letter and pen, "Come on, husband, I'll add fragrance to your blue sleeves."

Mingda was amused by his words and couldn't help but squinted his eyes.

"That's what you want to do. It's just a women's school. I see that you've been smiling less recently, and your face is always sad. This is a good thing, you should smile more, or your Majesty will regret that you agreed to set up a women's school."

Mingda wrote a letter to Zhou Man, and by the time the letter was delivered to Beihai County, the autumn tax had already been collected. It was the time when the county government was the busiest and the medical office was at its leisure.

Because there are two students and two apprentices under her hand, she is very leisurely, so after receiving the letter, she opened the letter leisurely and read it.

When Zheng Gu delivered the letter, he asked something by the way, "Master, do you have any news about the booklet you handed over last time? The Secretary of the Department has sent a letter to ask for news again."

Zhou Man opened the letter and said, "Zhezi is still in the province, and Xiao Yuanzheng wrote to say that even the Imperial Physician's Office can't unify opinions, and it is even more difficult to unify in the province, so this matter is temporarily put on hold, but Xiao Yuanzheng Trying to convince everyone.

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