Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 323 Warning

Because of what he wanted, Man Bao carefully divided the privet, branches and soil that Wu Wulang brought back, and then divided a portion and wrapped it in a large leaf and sent it to Dr. D, but Man Bao Looking at it, her name was a string of strange symbols that she couldn't recognize.

Through the text of the system, Keke will convert it into the text that Manbao is familiar with, but in addition to the names of each user, it is like the word Manbao under the big chicken leg. Keke can guarantee that there are not many people who recognize this word. .

However, Dr. D obviously knew each other. She received a privet child that was packaged by Manbao. She felt that she had a lot of things there, so she wanted to have a good relationship with her, so she chatted with her through email.

"Your name is Man Bao? Very fancy name, I don't know your surname?"

"Zhou," Man Bao didn't hide it. Keke only said that she should not let anyone know her age. She was also very interested in chatting with people from the very distant future. Hiding in the system to chat with her, "My name is Zhou Man, what about you, I don't know your name."

"This is the text of the blue star. My father is from the blue star, but my mother's ancestors came from the ancient earth, so I know Chinese characters, you can call me Dr. D."

This is the second friend Man Bao made through the system, Man Bao was very happy and said excitedly: "Hello, Dr. D, Keke said that people who can read a doctorate are very knowledgeable people, you must be very good? "

Although such a straightforward compliment made Dr. D very embarrassed, she was still a little self-satisfied. She replied reservedly: "Fortunately, it's just that I have read a little more. Who is Keke?"

"Keke is my system."

"It's a very interesting name, a world can only have one system, and there are countless planets in the universe, and the time and space are intertwined. I don't know how many worlds exist in it. Mr. Zhou's luck is also very good."

Man Bao replied embarrassedly: "My knowledge is still shallow, so I can't be a gentleman."

Keke: ...forgot to tell the host that this gentleman is not Mr.

Dr. D obviously didn't know much about the language of the ancient earth. She followed her own words and said, "How many years has Mr. Zhou got the system?"

Man Bao quickly put the inappropriate title behind him, and replied, "Four years."

"Which aspect do you specifically include? Plants?"

"Animals can also be collected, Keke said, except for intelligent creatures, all other creatures are within the scope of my collection."

It's just that she is young and can neither go down the river to catch fish, nor go up the mountain to catch beasts, nor can she fly to catch birds, so she is good at digging flowers and plants.

"In addition to these species, which rare species have you included? I mean species with more than a thousand points."

Before Man Bao was about to answer, the system made a long beep, and Keke's emotionless electronic voice sounded in the system, "Warning, user number D1567 violated the interests of the encyclopedia and the host of the subsystem, and I will give the first priority. A warning of expulsion and a three-day ban."

Man Bao opened his mouth wide, and then there was no movement in the mailbox, and the system was silent.

Man Bao pulled down the letter in the mailbox and looked at it carefully, and then asked Keke, "Is she a bad person?"

Keke did not answer this question, but said: "The encyclopedia and the main system have the responsibility to protect the information of each world and protect the safety of the hosts of each world."

Man Bao touched his chin, looked at those questions and thought, "Then I can't ask you about the world?"

Keke's electronic voice dropped an octave and said in a low voice, "It is recommended that the host only communicate with the target itself."

Man Bao understood this sentence.

He glanced at the mailbox regretfully, "I didn't have time to ask about the planting method of privet virgins just now, sigh, I wanted to say something first and ask after making friends. Who knew that she would be driven away."

Man Bao was refreshed when he said this, and immediately asked: "Keke, have our points come in?"

Keke directly transferred the total points to show her.

Seeing the 3,500 points that had been added to it, she immediately rolled on the bed happily, then jumped out of the bed, put on her shoes and rushed out. She decided to play for a while and then come back to do her homework.

In the sky above Qili Village, the smoke from the cooking smoke curled up, and each family was already preparing for dinner.

And there are all kinds of fragrances wafting out, more fragrant than ever, and the kitchen of the old Zhou family is the most fragrant.

Man Bao rushed over, Santou was standing at the door of the kitchen with Sitou and Sanya to look in, and after a while, one hand shoved a small fish into each of the three children's mouths.

Man Bao squeezed in to look, and saw the elder sister-in-law and the second sister-in-law were cooking small fish.

Feng shi carefully controlled the fire, so that there was only a small spark at the bottom of the pot, while Xiao Qian shi carefully turned the small fish over, and there was already a lot in the pot on the side.

Seeing Man Bao, Mrs. Qian pointed to the basin and said, "Your eldest brother and third brother brought back from the river, do you also eat two?"

Santou took a step forward with his younger brother and sister, and Xiao Qian said angrily: "You are old and young, what should you do if you eat again and have a stomachache? Hurry out and play."

Man Bao squeezed one for himself, then stuffed one for each of his nephews and nieces, and said, "No salt."

"How much salt do you need for so many fish? I didn't put any of them. Anyway, it's just a small snack for gluttons to eat and play."

Saying that, Mrs. Qian became angry again, "You asked your elder brother to catch the big fish, but the big fish was not caught, so I tried to find some small fish and came back. This thing costs oil and salt. It's better to chop it up and feed it to the chickens."

Xiao Qian was stunned for a moment, and looked at the little fish in the pot thoughtfully, "Yes, you can feed the chickens."

Santou immediately shouted, "I don't want to feed chickens, I don't want to feed chickens, mother, leave it to me, I don't dislike it."

Mrs. Qian said angrily, "Of course you don't dislike it with so much oil, and I don't dislike it either, but there's no oil at home. Do you know how expensive a pound of pork suet is?"

Santou didn't know, but he knew that what the aunt said was the most useful, so he looked at Manbao with saliva.

Man Bao quietly squeezed a fish and ate it again. She blinked at Santou's gaze, and said hesitantly, "Then take the fried baby fish to the county town for the second brother to sell? If you can sell it. Go, then buy lard suet and come back to boil the oil, then we will have oil to fry the small fish."

"Someone bought this?"

Man Bao said: "It's better than vegetables, and everyone buys vegetables, why is no one buying Xiaoyuzi?"

Makes sense.

Xiao Qian looked down at the little fish in the pot, then glanced at the little fish left in the wooden barrel, and said resignedly: "Okay, let your second brother try it tomorrow, if it doesn't work, In the future, I will chop up the little fish that your big brother and the others brought back to feed the chickens."

Xiao Qian said fiercely, but the movement of flipping the fish became more and more gentle. Since it was going to be sold, it would have to look better.

It's been a bit busy these days, but I'm finally done today, and I will pay off my debts seriously. I will slowly repay the monthly pass and reward I owed last month, and I also ask for this month's monthly pass.

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