Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 3219 Longchi Courtyard

Having said that, the emperor still looked for Yin Li.

So Yin Li's letter went to Beihai County.

At this time, Guo Shishi had already left his post and returned to Beijing, and General Liu had not yet arrived, and the Qingzhou side was temporarily presided over by the magistrate Chang Shi and Lu.

Yin He received a letter from his father calling him back to Beijing. After thinking about it, he put away the letter and went to Bai Shan, "I have finished handing over everything I have to you."

Bai Shan asked, "When do you plan to leave?"

"I still have to ask Bai Er and Princess, but we are not in a hurry," Yin He said: "I will write a letter back first, explaining that it will take time to hand over things, and August is the best time for seafood, so I will bring some replies. Jing, just go back before the Mid-Autumn Festival."

"You are weak and weak, and you are small. You can't be too rushed on the road. You have to leave early and leave enough time on the road."

Yin He nodded and asked, "Where is Senior Brother Tang now? I don't know when we can meet each other this time. I don't know if he has time to come to Beihai County to gather."

Bai Shandao: "In Laizhou, last month was the day when the salt was released in the second quarter. An official ship transporting official salt in Laizhou sank. Originally, the case has been closed and it was the work of the pirates at sea, but the incident was reported. In the capital, His Majesty was furious and ordered his senior to go for a re-examination, and he specially rushed over from Linzi County half a month ago."

Because Beihai County is on the edge of Laizhou, it just so happens that Beihai County also has a salt field, and half of the official salt is also transported by official ships. He knows the situation at sea very well, so Tang He specially wrote to him to ask him about the situation at sea.

Bai Shan's official ship was occasionally harassed by the pirates, but it has not been sunk by the opponent. In the final analysis, it was because the official ship was borrowed by General Liu, and now the three official ships are in charge of General Liu's son.

It was also because of General Liu Xiao, Bai Shancai and General Liu that they had known each other, and they had come and gone.

However, in the past two years, because of the prosperous shipping, the number of robbers at sea has indeed increased.

Bai Shandao: "Let me go to the letter and ask, it's not far from Laizhou to Beihai County, um, just invite him to Longchi, don't you want to eat seafood? Ask Man Bao to take two days off, including Xiu Mu, Let's go to Longchi for a few days."

Zhou Man is now the order of the Qingzhou Medical Bureau, plus the order of the Beihai County Medical Bureau, she is the largest official, so she also asks for leave with herself.

She calculated the recent events and found that there were not many, mainly because everyone started to collect beans, and fewer people saw a doctor when the farmers were busy.

So she responded generously, approved a fake note for herself, and then handed the matter over to her deputy Zheng Gu, and she took her family to Longchi first.

Instead, Bai Shan and Yin or Bai Erlang were one step behind. They still had some things to deal with, and they would pass after they were dealt with.

It is more convenient for Bai Shan to go to Longchi. He can go directly without a fake note.

Longchi has changed a lot.

The carriage came around the spacious official road, and as soon as you looked up, there was a large archway with four big characters "Longchi Wharf" written on it. After the archway was a spacious street that went straight to the end, and you could vaguely see the end of the road when you rode on the horse. Pier and sea.

The whole wharf town is inclined towards the sea as a whole, with similar shops and houses on both sides. This is a big town no less prosperous than the county seat of Beihai County. The streets and alleys connect these houses.

Although it has only been built for less than three years, all the shops have opened, and there are many business travelers and people coming and going.

But instead of going down the street, they turned left and went up the hillside the other way.

There is a yard in the middle of the mountain, and there is a wide road connecting to the door.

The servants in the other courtyard received the news that the master was coming, and they sprinkled water on the road and open space at the gate early.

When he saw the carriage approaching, a white-faced, beardless, small butler immediately trotted forward with his servants. As soon as the horse and carriage stopped, he led them to kneel beside the carriage, kowtowed and said, "The servant welcomes you. Your Highness the Princess, Your Highness the Princess."

A big palace maid said, "Get up."

He got up immediately, but ran over to help Zhou Man hold the horse, with a flattering smile on his face, "Madam, the wind and sand are so big, why don't you ride the car?"

Zhou Man shuddered and jumped off his horse, "Don't call me Empress, I'm a little cold, so call me Lord Zhou."

"Slave dare not." He smiled and handed Zhou Man's horse to the servant, and then went to the car to wait in a hurry. The curtain was lifted, and a maid stepped on the stool first, and then turned to help Mingda. down...

Mingda smiled and said, "What's wrong with you? But the princess called her well, so I'll call her that in the future."

Receiving Mingda's compliment, he laughed happily and answered "yes" repeatedly.

When Ming Da got out of the car, there were two small heads sticking out of the car door. Bai Jingxing and Bai Ruoyu used their hands and feet to climb out quickly.

When the servant saw it, he couldn't help but let out an "Ouch", and reached out to the car carefully, for fear that the two of them would fall off.

Zhou Man stretched out his hand and took the two down, "How old are you and still crawling, can't you walk?"

Mingda glanced at her, "You can hide and ride your own horse. I don't know how noisy they are when they are in the car."

Zhou Man smiled ingratiatingly at her, and after putting the two children on the ground, he went to the car behind to pick up the Zheng family and the little Qian family.

Although the two children were brought up by the Zheng family and Xiao Qian's family, for some reason they liked to play around with Zhou Man and Ming Da. As long as they went out, they stayed by their side, and they couldn't tear them apart.

Bai Jingxing and Bai Ruoyu often came to the Longchi Courtyard, and they didn't need anyone to take them with them. Those who were familiar with the road would run inside, followed by a string of maids.

As soon as the gate of the courtyard on the mountain opened, many people in the big town below knew that the nobles in the county were here again.

"It seems that there are more people coming this time, and the three carriages."

"I saw Mr. Zhou. She was riding a horse. You said if I gave her a bucket of sea cucumbers, would she give me some medicine?"

"Tsk, is Lord Zhou the one who lacks a bucket of sea cucumbers? She won't buy it herself? If you want to ask Lord Zhou to see a doctor, you have to try your luck at the medical office, or ask her for something she hasn't seen before."

"By the way, I heard that a Master Wu came to Dengzhou last year. He gave Master Zhou a sea fish, which no one has seen. Master Zhou was very happy after receiving it, and then he cured the Master Wu. "

"What's the disease, you have come all the way from Dengzhou?"

"It's infertile. He came with his wife. I heard that both of them have passed the age of 2. They don't have a child. After living in Beihai County for four months, they became pregnant. Calculate the time, they should have given birth now. ?"

There were a lot of people talking, but no one really dared to go to the other court to disturb it, because they knew that the people from the other court would definitely come down.

Sure enough, after a while, the door of the other courtyard reopened. This time, Zheng and Xiao Qian didn't go out. They were tired after rushing for half a day, so they stayed in the other courtyard to rest.

The two children were very energetic, and they had slept in the car for a while, so they couldn't sit still, so they took a sip of water and dragged their mother out.

The servants took the horse, Zhou Man and Ming Da carried the child to the horse, mounted the horse themselves, and led them down the mountain.

Sitting on the horse, the little boy Bai Jingxing was so happy that he clapped his little hands and shouted in front of him, "Chong duck—"

Zhou Man kicked the horse's stomach and rushed up, and Feng and Tu gave her a mouthful. The little boy Bai Jingxing closed his mouth instantly, but he still couldn't hold back his cough.

Zhou Man couldn't help laughing.

Mingda couldn't help laughing, and walked beside her on a horse, "How old are you to make trouble with her like this."

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