Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 3213 Rescue

In the past two years, due to the promotion of new rice and wheat seeds in Beihai County, the output of grain has increased a lot, and the price of grain has dropped directly.

And because of Longchi Wharf, many business trips flooded into Beihai County, and everyone has more opportunities to make money, so many people are reluctant to sell food at low prices.

Under this circumstance, everyone's living standards have improved. Those who have eaten dry for the first six months, and those who have eaten lightly for half a year can eat dry throughout the year; the poor people who need to eat with bran have a much better life.

Even because Beihai County advocates raising pigs and chickens, everyone eats more meat and eggs than before.

Life was better, and Mingda posted an announcement to raise funds for Changshou County. When money, food, clothing, and even wood materials could be accepted, many people in the city went to donate with grain bags.

Ordinary people donate money reluctantly, but it is still possible to donate some food. Some people donate two or three liters, and some people donate two or three bags...

Because the princess presided over this matter, business travelers who passed by also came to join in the fun and donate some money and food.

This is still the case for the business travelers passing by, not to mention the local squires and wealthy businessmen.

Among them, the Song family donated the most, followed by the Zhao family.

The two families not only donated money, but also donated food and cloth. They also packed and donated the clothes that were not worn at home. Yushantang has gained a lot.

Mingda asked people to record all the materials they received. Who donated how much, even if it was only one liter of rice, the name of the donor was carefully recorded here.

After Mingda checked the accounts and there was no problem, he let someone load the car, and said to Bai Erlang, "Send it to Changshou County in person."

Bai Erlang pointed at his nose in surprise: "Me?"

"Yes," Mingda said, "Bai Shan is the county magistrate, he can't do without him, Yin or bad health, who will you go if you don't go?"

"There are a lot of supplies in this batch. Although I don't think they dare to covet what I sent, things in this world are never absolute. I still don't test their humanity," Mingda put the ledger in his hand, Wei Wei He smiled and said, "I'll leave this to you."

Bai Erlang could only hold the ledger, "Okay."

In addition to Beihai County, other counties also went to Changshou County to help, not to mention Qingzhou City.

From the moment he received the news, the governor's house started to move, Guo governor Jiao felt pimples on his brows, his heart was very painful, very painful, "How could such a thing happen, I will be leaving in three months. now..."

"Are the medicinal materials and food ready?" Inspector Guo wiped his face, barely regaining his strength, "Hurry up and count them, and I'll bring them over tomorrow."

"Sir, it is still raining in Changshou County, and flash floods occur from time to time, which is very dangerous..."

Inspector Guo waved his hand and said, "Can't there be so many people who can't protect this mansion? We will set off early tomorrow morning."

He has already got the exact news that Beijing Central intends to transfer him back. He has made a lot of achievements in the past five years.

But Beijing officials are different from local officials, and he can only take a step forward when he goes back.

There can be no accident at this time. Earthquakes and flash floods will cause so many casualties. If it is not handled well, let alone return to Beijing, I am afraid that even the official hat will not be preserved, but if it is handled well...

Inspector Guo shivered, and quickly asked, "Have the medical office asked clearly, Lord Zhou really passed?"

"It's over, I went with people at noon yesterday."

The news of the earthquake in Changshou County also came at noon yesterday, and it seems that she hurried away as soon as she received the news.

Inspector Guo sighed and waved people to step back, "Prepare well."

Zhou Man had already brought people to the epicenter before nightfall. This was the worst place. The house collapsed, and even a small half of the mountain collapsed.

The earthquake happened when it was almost dawn. At that time, people had already got up, but not many. Because it rained in Changshou County these two days, and the farmers had no work to do on rainy days, so everyone used to sleep a little longer in the morning.

Who knew that for a while, the ground moved.

Many houses collapsed directly, but before they could react, because it rained for several days, the earthquake directly caused flash floods. The water on the mountain was mixed with soil and washed out. The people who had survived the earthquake suffered many casualties.

When Zhou Man arrived, there were screams of crying in the open spaces and fields, and torches were lit in the village not far away, and everyone was saving people overnight.

Zhou Man just glanced at it and instructed the soldiers and guards who followed, "Put up the tent, it may rain at night, and the patient can no longer get rained, so boil a pot and boil water."


Everyone was busy, and Zhou Man grabbed a man who was obviously in charge, "Where are you guys, let him come to see me."

"Lizheng," the other party said numbly: "Lizheng is buried in the soil, and it hasn't been dug out yet."

Zhou Man: "What about your village chief? Who is in charge now? Let him come to see me."

The county magistrate was in charge, and the magistrate went to another village. He ran in mud, tears welled up in his eyes when he saw Zhou Man, and rushed up: "Master Zhou, you are here, we have dug up a lot of injured people. , I didn't have time to send it to the hospital..."

"Let them bring all the wounded over here."

The county lieutenant responded and went immediately.

Zhou Man took over the area with the doctors who came to help, and the raised stove quickly began to boil the medicine.

The strong smell of herbs wafted out, and the villagers sitting around the village with their heads bowed were refreshed and raised their heads to look around.

In the darkness, someone walked with a torch and shouted, "The medical department is here, someone who is injured or sick has gone to see a doctor, if you can walk by yourself, walk over by yourself, if you can't, shout, and someone will carry it..."

"There is someone from the medical department, someone is injured or sick..." The man shouted this sentence repeatedly as he walked around the village.

After a while, in the darkness, someone groped and stood up, glanced around, found the spot where the fire was most concentrated, and went to that spot.

Zhou Man glanced at the water they brought, shook his head and said, "This water must be boiled, and all the water used to clean the wound must be boiled."

"Lord Zhou, come and see this man, his legs can't be saved, they have to be sawed off."

Zhou Man hurried over to see it, and after some inspection, he said, "I'll give it a try. I really can't stop the blood and then saw it off. I need two more torches."


Everyone moved, and the area quickly filled with people.

Zhou Manjian sewed the legs of his subordinates carefully, and after making sure the bleeding stopped, he breathed a sigh of relief, took a step back, and gave the space to Xibing, "Give him medicine."

Cake: "Yes."

Zhou Man went out to check the wounds outside, and saw a child with a pale face and trembling all over on the straw mat. With a pulse, he hurriedly picked him up, "Make a bed in the tent, where is the child's family?"

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