Then she divided her study into several parts according to what was taught in it, listed the time she could use, and arranged them one by one.

Anyway, Bai Er will only go with people to catch bamboo rats in the mountains, and go to the river to fish for small fish. She doesn't want to play such games at all, so she can spend a lot of play time to study and study the system in the system. forum.

After the initial trial, the forum quickly prospered. Whether it is the first channel or the second channel, countless transactions are being completed every day.

Man Bao was dazzled by all kinds of good things. Of course, she didn't know most of the things, so she just watched the fun.

Therefore, under such strong competitiveness, Manbao's business has obviously declined.

Keke also decided that after realizing that the hosts of various worlds began to actively trade, he suggested Manbao to turn off the function of sticking to the top and save the ten points.

Then Man Bao's post instantly sank to the bottom. Except for a few buyers who had bought things with her, no new orders appeared.

Even so, Man Bao still goes to the forum every day before going to bed. Even if there is no transaction, it is fun to read the various posts they send.

And can learn a lot of things.

Man Bao was ordering in the forum when suddenly a ding bell sounded. Man Bao was very familiar with this sound. It is the sound when there is an email or an order.

She quickly pulled out the backstage to see, and saw that the mailbox was lit.

She opened it and saw that the letter was not from Teacher Mo.

Man Bao's email contact was only Mo Congjun, a medical doctor. She looked at the unfamiliar avatar suspiciously, opened it and read the letter.

Keke also glanced at it, and then introduced: "It's a big customer of the host, and she bought all the objects you uploaded."

There are a lot of people who bought it, and there are all kinds of strange names. Some of the characters are full of treasures.

When Keke said this, she went to pull the transaction records next to her, and finally found her. It's no wonder she didn't know her. It's just that their avatars are too similar, basically they look like a book.

According to Koko, this is the default avatar.

Man Bao gave a "um", "No wonder I think her head looks familiar."

The letter is very simple, with only one sentence, "Did you record Poria?"

Man Bao's eyes were shining, someone finally asked about Poria, and she excitedly replied "Yes!"

The other party replied almost immediately, "Can you give me a copy?"

Man Bao smiled in the system and replied, "Poria is hard to find, you have to find it in the mountains far, far away."

"It can be seen that I have checked the records you have collected. Not only are there few records, but there are also few types. Your place is very poor?"

Man Bao: "...No, it's very rich. We also have a lot of good things here."

It's just that she is still relatively young, so she can't go too far, and can only circle around Qili Village.

Of course, Man Bao didn't say this, Keke said it, she can't tell others her age, otherwise others will bully her.

Although he is pitied at a young age, he is more likely to be pitted as ignorance, and he may not feel guilty after pitting him.

So Man Bao only wrote here and then changed the topic and asked, "If you want tuckahoe, how many points do you get?"

The other side was quiet for a while, and then replied with a number, "Fifty thousand."

Man Bao blinked, this was far from what she expected. She scratched her head and asked Keke in uncertainty, "Keke, what do you think?"

"Host, I cannot interfere with your transactions, you can decide for yourself."

Man Bao immediately understood, and returned a number to the other party, "150,000!"

other side:"……"

Man Bao said: "Do you know how many points I exchanged for Poria in the Encyclopedia?"

The person on the other side really doesn't know that this is classified information and will not be released.

They also can't see the information of the recorded person and the information of the other world, but there are traces to follow, such as the number of the entry.

There will be some information in the recording system. She checked it bit by bit, and it took more than a month to find Man Bao's body. This was because she had done several transactions with her.

Otherwise, trying to find her is tantamount to looking for a needle in a haystack, unless she takes the initiative to post on the forum to sell tuckahoe.

The other party was silent for a while and then asked directly, "How much?"

Man Bao: "I won't tell you."

other side:"……"

"If 150,000 points are not expensive, I can also give you some Fuling soil for free."

The other party was refreshed and immediately asked, "What is Poria?"

"It's just the soil with tuckahoe. It's not difficult to dig the tuckahoe soil, but there's only a small piece of tuckahoe, and I asked my second brother to sell the rest. We searched all over the mountain, and there was no one left. So I'll give it to you if you want, or you'll have to wait until next year if you want to buy it again."

Opponent: ... Co-authoring is a rare commodity.

"Can't you keep a little more? Aren't points more valuable than your money?"

"But money is also very important, and points can't be used to buy things with people here."

The other party was speechless and could only ask, "Can't it be cheaper?"

Man Bao hesitated a little, wondering if the price was too high, but seeing that Keke had been silent, she hardened her heart: "No, compared to the encyclopedia, it's much less."

Man Baodao: "I heard that those scientific research institutes also have to pay points for researching things from the encyclopedia, and there are quite a few."

He raised his eyebrows slightly across the countless planets and replied: "Okay, 150,000 is only 150,000, remember to help me get more tuckahoe soil."

Man Bao became happy and went straight out of the system. After rolling twice on the bed, he happily re-entered the system and wrapped the small piece of tuckahoe in the corner.

This piece of tuckahoe was dug up last time when they went up the mountain to find tuckahoe, and Man Bao picked it up and left it behind.

When Thursday Lang saw it, he didn't take it to heart, they were planning to grow tuckahoe.

Man Bao took the tuckahoe home and immediately cut it into three pieces.

She kept the other two pieces that looked better, and wanted to try to see if they could be planted.

So this is the only piece left in the space.

Man Bao randomly chose a piece of tuckahoe soil, set aside half to wrap it up, and sent it to her together with the tuckahoe.

Then Man Bao sat in the system with his chin up and waited for her to score points.

Keke reminded: "Host, it's time for you to sleep."

Man Bao shook his head, "No hurry, no hurry, I have to wait for the points to come."

Keke looked at her total points and didn't speak.

Some time ago, Man Bao successively earned 76,000 points from the forum, and now her total points have reached more than 580,000.

Add in 150,000, and there are 730,000, which is one step closer to 990,000.

Man Bao couldn't help yawning, her eyes slowly closed, she woke up again when she was about to float out of the system, and wanted to see if the points had reached, but soon she failed, her eyelids became heavier and heavier, She simply closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Then a wave moved, Man Bao on the bed turned over, hugged the quilt and fell asleep.

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