Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 3202 Politics

This is not the first time Zhou Man has mentioned the restructuring of the local medical office. Xiao Yuanzheng and Lord Luo have also mentioned it in the court from time to time, but for various reasons, the matter has been stranded.

If I mention it again at this time, maybe everyone has received the news that the emperor has promised Zhou Man, so today's small court meeting is going smoothly, and there are not many people who oppose it, but they have objections to the authority of the local medical office.

Zhou Man talked with them for a long time, but in the end he could not settle all the objections.

The emperor glanced at the hourglass, Gu Zhong understood instantly, stepped forward and said: "Your Majesty, it's getting late, do you want to have lunch first? Zhongshu Department sent a lot of documents, all waiting for your approval. ."

The emperor nodded, temporarily retreating from the court, and discussing things tomorrow.

The ministers withdrew, and Zhou Man was stopped by Liu Shangshu as soon as he went out. He smiled and said: "Master Zhou, the autumn harvest is over, and the autumn grains are dried and stored in the warehouse. Now is the time to pay the autumn tax. Is the rice suitable?"

Zhou Mandao: "It can be anytime."

She glanced at Yang Heshu who was behind Liu Shangshu, and smiled slightly: "But the rice seeds in the field of the official post are not bad. On the other side of Longzhou and Mianzhou, the Ministry of Housing still needs to send someone to weigh and escort them."

Yang Heshu said: "The new rice seeds from Longzhou will be transported to Beijing, and those from Luojiang County will be stored in Mianzhou. I will send officials to weigh and distribute, there..."

"My second brother and third brother are both at home. I will write to them. When the time comes, adults will just come to the door."

Yang Heshu nodded to Liu Shangshu.

The three of them went to the palace gate together. After leaving the palace gate, Liu Shangshu and Zhou Man smiled and said, "Master Zhou, congratulations."

Zhou Man was stunned for a moment, then cupped his hands and said, "They are all doing business for the country."

Liu Shangshu smiled, nodded to Yang Heshu, and went to work in the Ministry of Housing.

Zhou Man looked at Yang Heshu curiously, "Isn't Brother Yang going to the Ministry of Housing?"

Yang Heshu shook his head, "I'll walk with you. I'm going to Pu Village in the afternoon to see your new rice seeds. Who will your family send with me?"

Zhou Man thought for a while and said, "My eldest brother and Lizhong."

She couldn't help laughing, "You guys are too hasty, the rice seeds stay there and won't run away."

"It's about people's livelihood, don't dare to neglect," Yang He Shuchong beckoned from behind, Wan Tian and Da Ji came on the horse, the two mounted the horse, and walked out of the imperial city together.

Yang Heshu said, "You should be more cautious in your words and actions in the future when you enter the Xiaochaohui. You have done a good job today."

Zhou Man exhaled, "I thought you were going to scold me."

Yang Heshu smiled and said, "What am I scolding you for? You are an official returning to Beijing. It is human nature to sleep late, and the palace didn't ask you to prepare for the small court meeting in advance? Well done."

Zhou Mandao: "After all, I have so many people looking for it. If I don't admit my mistake, should I let those servants take the blame?"

Anyway, she just sold the emperor a big face, and she has a good relationship with him recently, and there is no need to drag others into the water for things that can be solved by admitting a mistake.

Yang Heshu couldn't help laughing, and lightly kicked the horse's stomach to speed up, "You've become more thoughtful and gentle, not bad."

Yang Heshu asked Zhou Lizhong to invite Zhou Lizhong to Sinong Temple with a post from the Ministry of Housing, and he took Zhou Dalang to Pu Village. Before leaving, he and Zhou Man said, "I don't know how long you can stay in the capital, but Tang He will also need it when it's not too long. Li Jing, we can get together when you have time, and your sister-in-law often talks about you."

Zhou Man nodded, "Okay, you choose the time and place."

After thinking about it, Yang Heshu said: "Xuandu Guan is not bad. It just happened to climb the mountain in autumn. I heard that the Taoist crab in the Guan is doing very well. I will send a few baskets up there so that everyone can enjoy the chrysanthemum while eating the crab."

Zhou Man immediately said, "The chrysanthemum wine that my mother-in-law made two years ago is still buried. I will dig out two jars to bring it with me."

Zheng likes to grow flowers. In addition to making all kinds of cakes, the flowers are dried to make sachets, otherwise they are made into wine.

Yang Heshu and Zhou Man were very busy for a while. They went to the Xiaochao meeting every day. In addition to the medical office, Zhou Man also began to participate in other government affairs. In fact, it was not that she wanted to participate, but the emperor would ask.

Agriculture has always been the foundation of the country, Zhou Man has cultivated new rice seeds, and whether it is the current new rice seeds or the previous new wheat seeds, she has her shadow, so in promotion and some land administration, even In terms of taxation, the emperor began to ask her about politics.

Although the officials of the same Xiaochaohui had some opinions, they could only bear the discomfort when they saw that the emperor supported her and the crown prince was her backer.

Li Shangshu was one of the people who didn't like Zhou Man's entry into the Xiaochao very much. He felt that it was not etiquette.

So these days, he has been facing Zhou Man with a cold face, and when he enters and leaves the Taiji Palace, he glances his head aside and ignores her.

This dissatisfaction was reached when Zhou Man suggested that the Imperial College and the Imperial Medical Office jointly run a school, or that the Imperial College would select talents suitable for the Imperial College to study in the Imperial College for a period of time, or that the Imperial College would send a certain number of students to study at the Imperial College to the peak.

Because Zhou Man prefers the second type, and half of the students she plans to send are female students.

Kong Jijiu didn't speak, and Li Shangshu couldn't help but jump into a rage, "There has never been a female student in Guozijian, Master Zhou, aren't you messing with my dynasty..."

Zhou Man: "Who said that there are no female students in Guozijian? Didn't the Princess Silla go to school in Guozijian? She accompanied two female students."

Li Shangshu choked, and said for a while, "That's a foreign woman, not a member of my court."

"Even foreign women can study in Guozijian, but why can't I enter the court?" Zhou Man raised his head and said to the emperor, "Your Majesty, the students in the Imperial Physician's Office only study medicine and pharmacy, and they are far behind in the management of people's livelihood. Many, this is also one of the reasons why the Imperial Physician's Office has a bad relationship with the county government after entering the local area."

She said: "The way of the sages is in the Guozijian. The doctors practice the journey of the sages to cure diseases and save people. The way of the sages, how about broadening one's own knowledge?"

Li Shangshu: "Male students can enter, but not female students."

Zhou Man said with a serious face: "Li Shangshu, the lower officials are also women. I can, why can't they?"

"Is the way of the sages so easy to learn?" Li Shangshu said: "Master Zhou studied with Zhuang Xueshi since childhood, so that they can stand above the court, but they are all that old, and they still have to learn medical skills. That energy?"

Zhou Man: "They are all teens and 20s, so why not? They have a hundred years of life, and they still have decades. As the saying goes, they live until they grow old and learn, as long as they don't die, they can go to school. "

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