Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 3137 start

On Thursday, Lang lived in a different courtyard and had the goods arranged, and then took everyone to see the sea together.

Standing on the seashore, the fierce sea breeze was blowing, the waves rushed up and hit the rocks on the shore, and the moment the tide receded, the monstrous wind came from nowhere, and directly blew their hair backwards. It smeared on their faces at once.

Thursullang tried his best to pull his hair off his face, and then closed his wide-open mouth, "Hey, is this wind always so strong? How do you go about sailing?"

Liu Gui said: "No, it's not that big usually," he said after a pause: "But sometimes there are waves that are bigger than now."

When Thursday Lang heard this, he swallowed nervously, "That's going to capsize in the sea..."

Liu Gui said with a sad face: "It's probably impossible to live."

Thurou:  …

The sea is definitely more dangerous than the land.

There were a few boats parked outside the Longchi Wharf. Except for three from Laizhou, there were two others. I don't know what conditions Bai Shan gave, so they snatched the boats from the Laizhou Wharf;

The rest are official ships.

Liu Gui led Shizulang to look at the pier, and then wandered to Haisi, and then whispered to him: "There are three official ships, which were transferred by His Royal Highness from Qingzhou to Lord Lang, and they mainly go north to Cangzhou and Pingzhou. If you want to go to the south of the Yangtze River, the fourth uncle has to find a ship from the company."

"Is the boat expensive?"

"It depends on the goods and people you bring. The price of the place you take will be higher." Liu Gui has come to Longchi from Qingzhou and handed over the shop in Qingzhou to the people below. Although he does not go out for business now, he It was intended to use the shop that Bai Shan bought, so I had already inquired about it.

He reported the price of each house, the place to go, and the time it took to report to Thursday.

Thursullang directly saved the effort of inquiring.

"In this way, it is indeed cheaper to travel by sea than by land."

"No," Liu Gui said with a smile: "Not only is it cheaper, but also faster, and the bed also saves money for staying at a hotel on the road. All expenses are counted. It is also in Jiangnan, and the sea route can be more than half cheaper. ."

Liu Gui asked, "Fourth Uncle, where do you want to go?"

Thursday Lang looked tangled, "Because of the relationship between Bai Shan and Man Bao, it is naturally best to take the official ship, but... I want to go to Jiangnan to see."

I heard that Jiangnan is prosperous, and it is second only to the Central Plains. He has seen the prosperity of the Central Plains, but he has not seen Jiangnan.

And I heard that the satin and brocade ribbons over there are also different from the ones they use here, and they don't have a sense of style.

Liu Gui smiled and said: "What's the matter? If you are fast, you can go in and out twice a year. You can take the company's sea boat first, and then take the official boat later."

It was only then that Chuu Lang remembered and asked, "Is the official ship going for the official family's business?"

Liu Gui shook his head and smiled and said: "I don't know about this little one, the little one only knows that the official ship has to listen to the dispatch of the master, and the merchants who are eligible to go on the official ship need to be approved by the master in person, but I think the fourth uncle should not have it. questionable."

It's not because of Thurou's ability, but because of his natural attributes, they belong together.

Shangguan Ship's caravan must be his own, otherwise, Bai Shan would rather not make that extra money.

So far, Bai Shan has not found any businessmen to cooperate with, but he is not in a hurry. The space on the ship is not empty.

They need to ship out a lot of salt.

Spring flowers are blooming, and spring is returning to the earth. At this moment, the busy season of spring has begun. It is the time when all regions need to work hard. The next half a year is a time when the salt is consumed.

At this time, Jiangnan said without warning to the yamen who came to purchase from all over the country that the Jiangnan salt field was short of revenue and could not provide the salt they needed for the time being.

When the news came back to various places, the local yamen were a little anxious. They could only write letters to the procurement officials, asking them to mediate as much as possible, and at the same time, they wrote to the imperial court to impeach the official salt in Jiangnan and the salt administration in Jiangnan.

The Censor Desk read the book and handed it over to Zhongshu Sheng, who pressed it down and handed it over to the emperor.

The emperor sneered, handed it over to the prince, and said, "Let Bai Shan get out of the boat."


The emperor warned: "Things must be kept secret, and the wind must not be leaked until the salt arrives."

The prince responded and wrote a secret letter to Bai Shan, which he put in a gift for Mingda.

The emperor then remembered, "Why haven't Mingda and the concubine come back?"

The prince said without changing his face: "The children are only two months old, so young, how can they be on the road? I think they should stay in Qingzhou."

It is also good to help Bai Shanzhen to fight the ghosts and snakes.

The emperor frowned, "As soon as the salt in Beihai County goes out, Bai Shan is afraid that he will become a thorn in the eyes of many people, a thorn in the flesh. What if they are accidentally injured there?"

The prince thought for a while and said, "Let Lord Yin send some more banned troops there? Yin Wei is also there. After all, he is Lord Yin's only son, so he should be quite worried."

The emperor thought for a while, and finally sighed, feeling that the child was too old and would fly away from home as soon as his wings became firm.

The son is no problem, he has to stay in the vassal, staying in the capital for fear that the courtiers want to gossip more, and now even the daughter can't be retained.

The emperor hesitated for a moment, but agreed.

However, the prince did not have the power to dispatch the forbidden army, so the emperor had to ask Lord Yin for it himself.

The letter was quickly delivered to Beihai County, and Bai Shan, who had been preparing for a while, went to Dajiawa immediately after receiving the letter.

Because his daughter-in-law was not around, Zhou Liwei was more sloppy than three months ago. He didn't shave his beard, and he looked wild. When he saw his little uncle, he embarrassed to touch his face.

Bai Shan twitched the corners of his eyes, feeling that it hurts his eyes too much, and waved: "Go and wash up, let someone start loading the car, and we will leave tomorrow."

Zhou Liwei responded immediately.

Vehicle after vehicle was towed out, pulled to the warehouse, and put away, where the soldiers themselves loaded the vehicles.

When all the four-wheeled carts were full, the soldiers also pushed out a lot of carts, loaded the salt on it and tied it up...

In the early morning of the next day, they went out from Jiawa to Longchi in a mighty way. They took the same route as Ding Xiu's conscription last year, which could save a lot of time. There are not many people walking, except for the villagers from a few villages along the way, there are basically no people at the rest of the time.

Bai Shan and Nie Canjun personally escorted the team. The two walked for a day. They deliberately stopped to rest in the middle of the afternoon, and continued to walk after dark. Finally, they reached Longchi in the dark in the early morning.

The people on Longchi's side had already received the news and were ready. Seeing the fire coming, Fang Xiancheng brought people to greet him, "Sir, the official ship is already waiting outside."

Bai Shan nodded slightly, looked left and right, and asked, "Isn't it shocking?"

"No, in the past few months, according to the instructions of the adults, people will listen to the bell to rest, listen to the bell, and the rest of the time, they will walk around at will, and they will be treated as thieves."

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