Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 3098 Surprise

He nodded to the car in front of him and said in a low voice, "Have you seen your two senior brothers? The county magistrate said that if they make a great contribution in the future, and they have developed their skills, the county government will also give them a house. ."

Madam Pan asked quickly, "How big is the house? Does it have three rooms?"

"Three rooms?" Veterinarian Pan raised his chin and hummed, "You'll know when you're there, so there are more than three rooms?"

"That's...five rooms?" Madam Pan's eyes lit up. If there were five rooms, then their family would be able to have one room per person. In the future, the three sons would no longer have to think about buying a house.

When they reached Beihai County, Veterinary Pan still recognized the way, and took them to the east of the city. When they found the second yard, they took out the key to open the door. After pushing the door, the two sons removed the threshold and pulled the car in.

He said to the stunned wife and children: "See, this will be our home from now on."

Madam Pan walked in in a daze, and when she saw the wide yard inside, her feet softened, and she leaned against the door and was speechless.

The four children screamed "Aah", and the youngest girl jumped up and rushed in, shouting, "So big, so big, so big..."

Pan Dalang led his three younger brothers and sisters and ran behind him, pushing all the doors open, and after counting, he became confused, so he didn't count anymore, turned around and flew out and asked, "Dad, then I can live alone. A room?"

"Yes," Veterinarian Pan waved his hand: "Apart from the main room, you can choose whatever you want. You can live wherever you want. If you don't mind it, no one will tell you if you change rooms at night."

Pan Xiaotao, who was only seven years old, also ran out of the backyard, hugged her mother's waist, and asked, "Mother, can I live in a room by myself?"

She doesn't want to live with her parents anymore.

Madam Pan touched her head and said, "Yes, let's choose a room."

Pan Xiaotao was happy and rushed back to the backyard.

Veterinarian Pan's two apprentices and the guy from the car dealership pulled the two cars into the door and started to unload things. Veterinarian Pan turned his head and said to the two apprentices, "You also choose a room in the front yard to live in."

The two apprentices happily responded.

Madam Pan left their master and apprentice three, and went back in excitedly. The house that came in was also well repaired. The most important thing was that there was a yard at the end. There was only a kitchen and a firewood room in the yard, and the rest The land was empty, and she felt that she could clean it up, and then she could grow some vegetables on the soil.

Madam Pan leaned against the door and wiped away her tears, feeling that she was overdone.

The four children opened the door of each room and went around, their excitement diminished a little, and then they remembered the most important thing, "Father, mother, there is no bed—"

Veterinarian Pan waved his hand indifferently and said, "Let's go to the station to live first, then go back to the pawnshop and look for it to see if there are ready-made beds, tables and chairs, buy a few sets and put them back and you'll be able to live."

As for the quilts and other daily necessities, they brought them all from home, not even the wooden barrels and wooden basins.

Madam Pan also came back to her senses. Although there are a lot of things that need to be added, this is her own home, and she is completely in charge of her own home!

Madam Pan became ambitious and waved to Veterinary Pan: "You don't need to worry about these matters. Dalang and I can do it well. You can go to the yamen with peace of mind and work hard for the county magistrate!"

At this moment, the image of Magistrate Bai in her heart was incomparably tall, reaching the peak, no one could compare.

Because there was no bed, Veterinarian Pan and the others tidied up a little and then went to the inn.

Veterinarian Pan and the others knew that they were back as soon as they moved into the inn. He immediately got up to look for Zhou Man, but when he walked out, Fang Xiancheng hurried in, "Sir, several people have come from Qingzhou City, saying yes I want to buy land with our county government."

Bai Shan stopped and asked, "Where do they want to buy land? The court has ordered that wasteland in various places can no longer be bought and sold at will."

Fang Xiancheng said: "What they want to buy is open land, which is not suitable for farming."


Fang Xiancheng said, "It's the area around Longchi."

Bai Shan knew it, smiled and said: "Then you should entertain them first, and ask them whether they came by yourself or through the relationship of the county magistrate."

Fang Xiancheng was stunned for a moment, puzzled, "Lu County Magistrate?"

Bai Shan nodded, squeezed his hand, and said, "You can show them something. We need to unify the construction of houses and streets in Longchi. Now we have not decided whether to sell the land to people or build it by the county government. ."

Fang Xiancheng hesitated, "Sir, do we still have extra money to build a house?"

Bai Shan glanced at him and said, "If you don't say it, I won't say it, who knows that our county government has no money?"

"What's more, the situation in Longchi is different from other places. If you think about the town outside the Laizhou Wharf, it is no less prosperous than the state city. The Longchi Wharf is farther from our Beihai County. Can the houses there still be cheap?"

Fang Xiancheng was thoughtful.

Bai Shan patted him on the shoulder, "Go, we have sold a lot of official salt in Beihai County this year. If you don't tell me, outsiders will not know that we are so poor. Think about the yard we built in the east of the city. It was given to the talents who came to our Beihai County. Looking at the yard in that street, will outsiders still think that our Beihai County is short of money?"

Speaking of this, Fang Xiancheng couldn't help but say: "Sir, we have to save some money from now on, if you didn't want to build a yard and spend a lot of money, we might really be able to build a house in Longchi. stand up."

Bai Shan felt a little guilty: "...Some money can be saved, but some money is not easy to save. For example, recruiting talents should not be too stingy."

The house was built, and Fang Xiancheng couldn't say anything, so he only asked in the future, "My lord should be more frugal in the future."

Bai Shan responded simply, "Okay."

"By the way, why do you want to hire a veterinarian?" He even gave a house for this purpose.

Bai Shandao: "Veterinarians are very important. In order to build docks and towns, it will definitely take up a lot of labor. I am planning to buy more cattle, and I also plan to raise a large number of pigs, which will require veterinarians."

Fang Xiancheng opened his mouth, but he still didn't object. Many things Bai Shan did were bold and unnecessary in his opinion, but when he did it, he would find that it had a profound impact on the county seat.

For example, Dajiawa Salt Field, such as Longchi Wharf, who would have thought that Beihai County would look like this last year?

Fang Xiancheng could only help him check and fill in the vacancies, "Master Song should know something, in case they find Master Song."

Bai Shan said bluntly: "Let Master Song go to the countryside to inspect the situation of officials and long-term workers in various places. The New Year is almost here, so everyone must have a good New Year."

Fang Xiancheng nodded after a little thought, that's fine, everyone is fine, um, except for Song Master.

Leave request: It can be regarded as a leave request. Recently, book friends have been worried and anxious. The update time is very late and very unstable.

In the past two months, my health has been very bad. I have allergies on my body. It was better in the middle, but it relapsed after a few days. In July, I did autohemotherapy for a month. The allergic reaction on the arm is gone, the neck is a little longer, and the first shot of the vaccine is in the middle.

Two days ago, I felt better on my body, and the time for the second injection had been delayed for several days. The top urged me to get the injection, so I went for the second injection, but my back was a little allergic...

This repeated illness made me exhausted. The doctor said that autohemotherapy did not have much effect on me, and asked me to go to bed early and get up early to exercise more, but... it was really difficult.

I'm a little disappointed with myself, but I want to cheer myself up and adjust. I feel very depressed over and over again, so I don't want to code words, so the recent update is very unstable.

However, I will adjust it as soon as possible. This difficulty seems to be a small difficulty. Please wait for me, book friends.

Good night, looking forward to the sun tomorrow.

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