Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 3096 Pan Veterinary

Bai Shan brought the veterinarian back to the county government office. He didn't just pick a veterinarian and take it away, but he asked someone and chose veterinarian Pan.

He is not too young. He has been a veterinarian since his grandfather. He specializes in fanning horses. He can treat both cattle and horses.

The reason why Bai Shan was able to dig him out was because he told Veterinarian Pan, "As long as you go to Beihai County, I will buy you a yard in Beihai County. In addition to the monthly salary from the yamen, I will give you another one. Pack a red envelope, and the red envelope should not be less than 600 yuan."

Veterinarian Pan's current monthly salary is 800 yuan, and occasionally there is some extra money, but on average, it will not be higher than a single coin per month.

So he only hesitated and agreed, and even promised to go to Beihai County with Bai Shan on the same day. He did not even bring his family, but brought two apprentices.

The top-ranking officer of the Si Mu Institute of Qingzhou Prefecture is only rank nine, and his salary is 400 wen higher than him. Although the official rank sounds better, Si Mu seems to be able to live better than him. Who knows if he will be able to wait for the top?

The Si Mu Institute in the county seat below has no rank, but if Bai Shan fulfills his promise, he will be satisfied even if he only gets the extra six hundred wen silver during his term of office.

He mainly looked at a courtyard that Bai Shan said.

When they arrived in Beihai County, Bai Shan took them directly to the east of the city, pointed to a row of courtyards and said, "Choose one."

Veterinary Pan opened his mouth wide and asked in disbelief, "This, this is all..."

"This is all built by the county government. Don't look at the bias here. Everything on the street is newly built, and in the city, it is not easy to walk to the main road. The people who live in this area are also good and will not be chaotic." Bai Shandao : "These houses will be given to those who have made outstanding contributions to Beihai County in the future."

In fact, with the increasing number of talents in the county government office and the medical office, Bai Shan and Zhou Man were worried that so many people could not live in the backyard of the county government office and the medical office. There are many fields on the east end.

Some of the fields were open fields, uncultivated, and the soil was of average quality.

There are not many, just one street, face-to-face yard, eight rooms in a row, only sixteen in total.

Mr. Cui and Mr. Qian have already chosen a room. In fact, Bai Shan also wanted to give Mr. Cui a room, but Mr. Cui did not like the house here. He just lived there, and it was also near the Longchi Wharf, which was convenient for work.

Bai Shan said to Veterinary Pan, "Choose it, it's not far from here to the county office. I'll take you on a walk to identify the way in a while."

The two apprentices looked at their master enviously, wishing they could come down for their master immediately, it's a pity that they haven't graduated yet, and they don't have the ability of their master, otherwise...

Veterinarian Pan was deeply moved, and after careful selection, he chose a room not far from the street, so that it was easier to get in and out, and it was also close to the street.

The courtyards are all about the same size, and the layout inside is similar. They are all two-entry yards. There is a lot of open space in the front and back yards, which is a place for them to play freely.

Bai Shan took them in to see, and said: "But all the courtyards are not furnished, you have to do this yourself, so you live in the inn during this time. Veterinarian Pan can ask the family to help, or you can move in as soon as possible. "

Veterinarian Pan's eyes were wet, suppressing his excitement, and asked, "That deed..."

"The house deeds are all ready-made, as long as you fill in the name of Veterinary Pan," Bai Shan said with a slight smile, "We are from the county government, and these procedures are not difficult to go through."

Veterinarian Pan nodded again and again, and followed Bai Shan to the county yali to go through the formalities.

Bai Shan is right, it is not far from here to the county office, no, it should be said that the entire Beihai County is not big, and the east of the city is close to the county office, so in the past, it only took more than two quarters of an hour to walk.

Veterinarian Pan looked at the people on the street very carefully, and found that there was a street not far from where they lived. There were many shops and stalls on it, as well as vegetable sellers. It was quite lively.

This is not the main street, walk from the end of the street to the street, turn right and enter the main street, and then go a little further to the county office.

The main street is more lively, there are all kinds of things, and there are many people.

This is more convenient than going to the streets where he lives now.

Veterinarian Pan suppressed his happiness and went all the way to the county government office with Bai Shan.

Bai Shan took out a document and a house deed, put it on the table, and said to Veterinarian Pan, "Veterinarian Pan, take a closer look at this document."

He said: "If you decide to stay, then you will have to stay at the Beihai County Simu Institute for at least ten years, and you will have to train some veterinarians for Beihai County."

Veterinary Pan calmed down a little and asked, "Can my two apprentices be good?"

"Of course," Bai Shan raised his head and smiled at his two apprentices, and said to Veterinary Pan, "Then you have to teach them well. Of course, besides them, you can also accept a few more apprentices or apprentices, choose Whoever and how you teach it is up to you, as long as there are no less than five people in Beihai County who can be veterinarians."

Veterinarian Pan couldn't help but wonder, "Do you want us to treat horses or cattle?"

Bai Shan said with a serious face: "I want all of you!"

He said: "All livestock must be managed. Horses, cattle, sheep, pigs, chickens and ducks can be treated as much as they can."

Veterinarian Pan's eyes widened and he couldn't help but say, "How is this possible? My lord, I'm good at treating horses, and I can also treat cows, but I've never learned anything else, and my ancestors didn't have such medical skills."

Bai Shan said: "If you don't have it, you can study it. People are connected with people, and naturally between livestock. I heard people say that the ancestors only knew how to treat horses and horses at first, but later, they also learned how to treat cattle by analogy?"

Veterinary Pan: ...Then pigs, chickens and ducks can't be compared with cattle and horses. The species are different, isn't it still the same as using them to treat people?

Seeing his embarrassed look, Bai Shan patted him on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, this county has patience to wait. I think pigs and cattle and horses look similar, so let's start with pigs first. Zhou Shuling knows you, and you can discuss it."

Veterinarian Pan's eyes widened, and the two apprentices behind him also opened their mouths, "This, this, Zhou's order is, is it... to rule people?"

Bai Shan said confidently: "As for medical skills, they all have something in common. I think she also has some ability to treat livestock. You can discuss it."

Veterinarian Pan looked at Bai Shan, then looked down at the deed on the table, and finally gritted his teeth, "Okay!"

So Pan veterinarian signed his name.

But he also asked, "I, I have to go back to the county seat to pick up my family..."

Seeing Bai Shan frowning, he immediately said, "There are some tools and medical books that I have to bring as well.

see you at ten pm

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