Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 3093 Back Road of Fishing Village

Zhou Man was stunned for a moment and immediately said, "Are the crabs delicious at this time?"

Bai Shan has already trotted up, took off the cape and threw it to the girl, and quickly stepped forward to pull the two of them, "Mother, sister-in-law, you can't catch the cold at this time, you go back to the car and warm your feet."

Only then did Zhou Man return to his senses and nodded again and again, "Yes, you can't suffer from the cold."

Bai Erlang also looked away from the crab, but he couldn't help but say, "The sea crab is much bigger than the river crab. It seems that we didn't eat crabs this Mid-Autumn Festival."

Zhou Man and Ming Da were both pregnant, and they had long forgot to eat and drink in order to build a wharf to attract talents. If they hadn't seen it now, how could they have thought that sea crabs and river crabs are not the same.

Seeing him looking left and right, Yin He said, "There are no fishermen here, so let the guards ask questions. Let's go back to the other courtyard first."

Bai Erlang's courtyard has been built long ago, but they did not let the craftsmen return to Beijing, but moved to another place to build a paper workshop.

The other courtyard is not very far from the pier. If you drive a horse and carriage, you can get there in about a quarter of an hour. Because the four fields are now empty, you can see their other courtyard from a distance from the pier.

The other courtyard is in a higher place, undulating upwards. From a distance, it seems to be on a half hillside, overlooking the sea. The craftsmen also built a viewing tower for them. In fact, it is not very high. There are only three floors, but it is This is the tallest building in the neighborhood, so you can see it all.

It has been a month since the other courtyard was built, but they have never come to live there, which is convenient for everyone at this time.

When they arrived this morning, the servants had already gone in to clean up and prepare. Bai Shan helped Mrs. Zheng and Mrs. Qian to get into the car, and asked the maid to take their shoes and socks, wrap their feet with cloaks, and turn around to pick up Zhou Man.

Returning to the other courtyard, Zhou Man asked the cakes to boil the cold-dispelling soup, "Add more ginger and brown sugar, it's spicy, and the cold-dispelling effect is particularly good."

The biscuits should be down.

Zhou Man went to see Zheng's and Xiao Qian's. The two had already changed their clothes, and their faces were still rosy. Although they felt cold in the back, they took off their wet shoes and socks and put on a cape as soon as they got on the carriage, so they didn't catch the cold. .

But the two still drank a bowl of cold-dispelling soup, and then pulled Zhou Man and asked enthusiastically, "Where are the crabs we caught?"

Just a crab, it looks not small, but it is definitely not enough to stuff the teeth.

Bai Erlang asked the guards to ask the fishermen in the nearby fishing village. In the end, there were no crabs, but several fish were brought back.

The guard said: "Consort, they all say that crabs are not delicious, far less than these fish."

Bai Erlang didn't care and asked directly, "Can they catch sea crabs?"

"The crabs in this season are average, but they can still be caught."

Bai Erlang immediately waved his hand, "Then fish!"

Whether it is delicious or not, eat it first.

When Zheng Shi heard this, he became curious, "Is the fishing village far from us?"

Bai Shan: "It's not very far. Does my mother want to go see it?"

Zheng Shi nodded again and again, she was still very interested.

So they had lunch at noon, rested for half an hour, and then went to the fishing village, just for a walk.

The fishing village is indeed not very far from them, and it takes two quarters of an hour to arrive, but the village is a bit messy and has a fishy smell.

Zheng Shi looked at Zhou Man and Ming Da, and was relieved when they saw that they didn't react much.

When the village chief heard that the nobles were coming, he immediately rushed out to greet him.

Bai Shan nodded slightly to him and asked, "Has anyone in the village gone to sea recently?"

"Yes, yes, everyone will go to sea when the wind and waves are small." Although most of the young men and women in the village are now working on the pier, others can also go to sea, but they won't go very far. , it wouldn't be very dangerous.

Some of them went into the sea today, and they came back after netting some fish. Zheng Shi was curious to see them, and found that they didn't know them all.

Xiao Qian didn't know either, but she saw the fishermen take out several fish and cut open their stomachs for dinner. She suddenly thought, "These fish can be kept for caviar."

She saw that when the man cut open the belly of the fish just now, there were a lot of fish roes in it.

Zhou Man also leaned in to look, but his eyes fell on the other two fish in the bucket, and then instructed people to pick them up, "I haven't seen these two fish before, I want them."

She also took down a long snail from the fishing net that was piled aside, smiled slightly, "I want this too."

Jiulan immediately stepped forward to pay, how dare the village chief ask for it? He hurriedly said: "It's just a few fish, adults like to just take it, it's worthless."

Bai Shan insisted on paying, and gave more, smiled: "We are very interested in the things in the sea, you will go out to sea in the future, and bring back more things we have not seen before, as long as they are alive, no matter how many. , just one or two, fish or shellfish, we all want to see."

The village chief glanced at the long snail in Zhou Man's hand, believed it, and immediately said: "Don't worry, my lord, I will tell you in a while, they will pay attention when they go to sea."

Bai Shan nodded in satisfaction.

In addition to the two fish that Zhou Man liked, there are also several fish selected by Xiao Qian's. I don't know if someone who cooks delicious food also has talent in choosing dishes. She doesn't know these fish, and she has never seen them before. But she flipped through it and decided to buy it.

Zhou Man was very curious about how it tasted.

Seeing how she swallowed while looking at the raw fish, Mrs. Qian couldn't help laughing, "I'll make it for you when I get back."

Zhou Man nodded again and again.

Mingda was also curious, she thought about it and said, "You have to eat something lighter."

Little Qian nodded and smiled: "Okay."

Bai Shan was not curious about the food for the time being. He looked around the fishing village and nodded with satisfaction, "It's much cleaner than the last time I came here."

The village chief immediately said, "This is all thanks to the adults."

He said: "According to the instructions of the adults, I waited to open some land on the other side of the hillside, raised the land with manure and water, and each household divided a little to grow vegetables. Most of the people in the village worked at the wharf for wages. , I can support my family even if I don't go to sea, so life is better."

Bai Shan asked: "Then the dock will be built in the future, have you thought about what to do next?"

He said: "The ability to fish cannot be lost for the time being."

The village chief responded immediately and said: "We dare not forget, but we also listened to the instructions of the adults to learn more from the people on the pier. We have learned some skills recently. When the pier is built, maybe someone can do carpentry or masonry. , By the way, we also learned farming from others, but unfortunately we have no land here, other than raising pigs."

The village chief was very excited when he said this, and said to Bai Shan, "Do you want to see the pigs we raise? My family has raised three pigs this year, but they have only been raised for three months, and they are still very young. It is estimated that it will not be until the autumn harvest next year. to kill."

When Bai Shan heard this, he immediately followed him to see the pig, and Zhou Man went too.

Xiao Qian said to her, "It's dirty and smelly. When you were a child, you went to see the pigs raised by the villagers, and then left after watching for a while in the pigsty. What are you going to see at this time?"

Zhou Mandao: "Look, they are different from us here, they have never raised pigs."

see you at ten pm

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