Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 3009 Wonderful life

Zhou Man didn't immediately decide to hire him. His strengths were obvious. He was knowledgeable and knew all the counties, not only Qingzhou, Laizhou, and even Qizhou. Goodness is helpful and just makes up for their shortcomings.

But the shortcomings are also obvious. He doesn't seem to have long-term characteristics. It took so long for him to change jobs.

So Zhou Man needs to think about it.

Mr. Qian was not reluctant. Although he was a little nervous, he still waited patiently for her to make a decision.

After a few people had eaten, Zhou Man sent Mr. Qian out of the hospital. Mr. Qian glanced at the patients waiting to see a doctor in the hospital. Knowing that staying here would prevent Zhou Man from seeing a doctor, he left first.

Bai Shan watched him walk away, and then retracted his gaze, "This is indeed a bit beyond my expectations."

Zhou Man asked him, "Didn't you ask someone to check his resume?"

Since Bai Shan had the intention to use him, he naturally had to send someone to check his character and resume.

Bai Shan said, "I asked Liu Gui to investigate, but he hasn't come back yet."

Daji on the side said: "Lord Lang, Liu Gui is back, he is waiting at home right now, do you want to call him over for questioning?

Bai Shan looked at the time and felt that it was still early, so he simply said, "Let him come over."

Zhou Man looked back at her patients, "I'll go see everyone for a while first."

Bai Shan nodded.

As Zhou Man walked in with him, he said, "Your county government still has a long way to go. I just admitted a patient, you can go and have a look. The young man who followed, I don't know where to let him do it. Work and earn some money."

Bai Shan said, "I'll go take a look."

Zhou Man went to see a doctor, while Bai Shan went to the backyard to see the family of four.

There are not many patients left, and Wen Tiandong can treat the boys and girls who come here for medical treatment, so the speed is not slow.

In less than an hour, the two of them finished watching the patient, then Wen Tiandong went to the pharmacy to check on the situation, and Zhou Man went to the backyard.

Unexpectedly, Bai Shan was still there.

"Is your county office okay?"

Bai Shan shook his head, "I don't have much to do, so I'll finish it in the morning."

Zhou Man was envious, looked left and right, and asked, "Where's Liu Gui?"

"I told him to go back," Bai Shan thought of something and smiled slightly, "Do you know how Mr. Qian jumped jobs these times?"

"How did you dance?"

Liu Gui found out a lot of things, and Bai Shan said with a smile: "The former magistrate of Shouguang County, who he has been with the longest, was promoted and left. Before leaving, he was asked to accompany him to take office, but he did not want to leave his hometown. So he refused. The magistrate of Shouguang County who took office later, um, he was also the predecessor. When he first arrived in Shouguang County, he heard that Mr. Qian was very capable. He was already the chief clerk at that time. , so he can't even get promoted."

Bai Shandao: "But many affairs in the county government are managed by him. The former Shouguang county magistrate did not want to be restrained by others, so he was more critical of him. He endured it for more than a month, and finally resigned and left. "

Because this magistrate was not the one he chose to follow, he was not included in his tenure. Mr. Qian believed that his tenure in Shouguang County should have ended when the previous magistrate Gao Sheng left. Because of brain pumping.

"Afterwards, he went to Bochang County and became a teacher to the former Bochang County magistrate. He resigned after less than eight months. He just wrote a letter to the Bochang County magistrate before resigning, calling him stupid like a pig and ending the case. It's like a child's play, not only has no merit in the society, but also can't restrain the subordinates, it is really unbearable to be an official."

Bai Shan didn't know what to think, chuckled lightly, and said to the stunned Zhou Man: "He asked the magistrate of Bochang County to hang his seal and leave, otherwise he will sue him with the governor's office that he is not worthy of being a magistrate."

"This letter is only for the former Bochang County magistrate. Mr. Qian also kept his promise. He will not file a complaint with the Shishi when the time is up. Who knows that the former Bochang County magistrate was angry after reading the letter, but sent someone to go there. He took him, but he didn't take him, but he published the letter himself, saying that Mr. Qian was arrogant and conceited, insulted Shangguan, and wanted the whole Qingzhou to want him, and then the censor heard about it and came to inspect, the former Bochang County magistrate stripped."

Because as Mr. Qian said, he is really a confused official. Before Mr. Qian became his master, the cases and civil affairs in Bochang County were messed up. And the servants always intervene in the county government.

The most outrageous case was a case before Mr. Qian left office. The owner had a beautiful daughter-in-law. When he went out, he always passed by the door of the Xi's house. One evening, the son of the Xi family couldn't hold back the owner's daughter-in-law who came home from work. , The Dong family's son heard the words and rushed to injure the Xi family's son.

Mr. Qian instructed the county magistrate to conclude the case, believing that the dispute was caused by the son of the West family, and that the son of the Dong family was out of righteous indignation and to protect his wife, and could be exempted from guilt.

On the other hand, the son of the Xi family not only had to pay for the medical expenses, but also apologized to the son and daughter-in-law of the owner, and promised that the incident would not be repeated. Come, in good spirits.

As a result, only two days after the verdict was issued, the county magistrate sent someone to bring the Dong family's son, daughter-in-law and Xi family's son to the lobby. He directly overturned his previous trial and changed the punishment to the owner. The owner should not only compensate the western family for medical expenses, but also He was fined, and his daughter-in-law was reprimanded in court.

The reason is, if you don't scratch your head, you look too beautiful, and you pass by the door of the Xi family, how can the son of the Xi family be bewitched?

It's clear that you don't follow the way of women and deceive people.

As soon as this statement came out, the owner's daughter-in-law couldn't stand it. She went back that night and hanged herself. Although she was saved in time, the owner couldn't live in the city, so she had to sell the house and move the family to the countryside.

Bai Shandao: "Mr. Qian heard that he was very angry at this time. He heard that he had a dispute with the county magistrate at that time, but he couldn't convince the other party. In the end, he resigned from the position of master and left that swearing letter before leaving. ."

Who knew that the former Bochang County magistrate was so stupid, he leaked the content of the letter, Mr. Qian hadn't reported it to the governor's office, he played himself as a joke, and made himself an official.

"Then Mr. Qian went to Qiancheng County, and he was also the chief bookkeeper, but unlike the previous Qiancheng County magistrate, he resigned after less than half a year."

But his ability seems to be outstanding. The former Yidu County magistrate heard that he resigned and invited him to Yidu County. This time he worked a little longer and worked for a year, but Yidu Qingzhou Chengguo County, the relationship is complicated, and the magistrate is still bound. It seems that he saw that the county magistrate was being controlled by the governor's office, so he simply resigned and went to the governor's office. The wealthy family from other places happily intervened. Mr. Qian couldn’t see it. After two admonitions, he found that it didn’t work, so he simply resigned and left.

It was such a coincidence that he resigned from the office on the front foot, and won the Eastern Expedition on the back foot. On the way back, the emperor took away these officials who were suspected of meddling in the Eastern Expedition.

He successfully escaped the catastrophe and did not become the pond fish that was affected.

Zhou Man tsk tsk, "What a wonderful life."

Much better than theirs.

see you at seven pm

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