Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 3006 Strong

Bai Shan brought back a scribe from Qingzhou, surnamed Qian, who temporarily settled in the inn.

Zhou Man congratulated him on finding a good talent, and Bai Shan looked up at her.

Zhou Man caught his gaze, fell back slightly, and asked, "Why are you looking at me like this?"

Bai Shan then said lightly, "Mr. Qian is not here for me, but for you."

Zhou Man was confused, "For me?"

Bai Shan nodded: "Isn't there a shortage of people in your medical department?"

Zhou Man nodded blankly, "Yes, I'm waiting for the prefect to give me a gift."

Bai Shan said: "Mr. Qian has already served as an official in the Governor's House and Linzi County. Listening to his words, he likes the medical office very much, so he wants to apply for a job in the medical office."

Bai Shan went to Qingzhou City twice. The first time happened to Mr. Qian on a trip, so he missed it. He went back two days later, and finally blocked people.

But Mr. Qian had no intention of going to the county government office. Instead, he was very interested in the medical department.

He originally wanted to go to the medical office for a job, but Bai Shan came to the door. He packed his things and left without thinking, but the drunkard's intention was not to drink. He didn't want to be Bai Shan's subordinate, but to be someone else. Lady's staff.

What else can Bai Shan do? Naturally, he can only bring people back.

"It's too late today, so I can't recommend it for you. I'll take him to the medical office to see you tomorrow when I'm busy with the county government."

Zhou Man was naturally happy that his medical department could be valued by others, so he happily responded.

The next day, Zhou Man was looking forward to seeing Mr. Qian before he went to the medical office, but when he arrived at the medical office, he couldn't remember him. It seems that there are more patients coming today, and many people are still waiting. It's outside the door.

When Zhou Man brought the cakes to the door of the medical office, the door of the medical office was opening, and the people waiting to seek medical treatment rushed in immediately, almost squeezing the old man Fei who opened the door to the ground.

Old Man Fei held the door and said, "Don't squeeze, don't squeeze, Lord Zhou hasn't come yet... Ouch, Lord, you're here."

Old Man Fei saw Zhou Man standing on tiptoe behind the crowd and looked in, and quickly turned sideways to let her in.

Zhou Man waved his hand and asked him to put all the people seeking medical treatment in first.

Everyone crowded into the hospital room, hurrying and hurrying. After a night in the wild, the teenager who came to the city with his mother and younger siblings pushed a scooter early in the morning and rushed over to inquire all the way. Seeing that everyone was crowded into the hospital, he was afraid of falling behind, so he trotted quickly. When he got to the door and dropped the trolley, he had to carry his mother on his back to enter the door. As a result, because of his low strength, he hadn't picked it up for the first time.

When Zhou Man saw it, he stretched out his hand to help him lift it. By the way, he helped him to support someone. He glanced at the two children who were snuggling next to the car and asked, "Do you want to push the scooter?"

The young man raised his head diligently to see the person who helped him, but he was only halfway up, so he could only say, "Thank you madam, just help me put the car next to the threshold, and I will come out and get it later."

Zhou Man responded, but beckoned to call for the cake, one person hugged the quilt, and the other dragged the scooter into the yard.

Xibing put the car on the threshold, Zhou Man put the quilt on the car, and helped the woman behind him to go inside, leading the person all the way to the back room, pointing directly to a bed and saying, "Put the In bed."

The young man was led in confusion and walked in. It was only now that he reacted and asked quickly, "Where is this?"

"This is a place for patients to live, let's put people down first."

Zhou Man helped the woman to lie down on the bed, and the young man saw Zhou Man's face clearly. He knew at a glance that she was not the one who came to seek medical treatment. He was a little hesitant, and Wen Tiandong came in and saluted, "Sir, the front yard is Everyone is lined up."

He looked curiously at the woman lying on the bed, "This is..."

"This is also a new patient." Zhou Man turned his head and asked the boy, "Have you eaten breakfast?"

The young man shook his head in a daze, and nodded immediately after reacting.

Zhou Man said: "Is there any dry food? There is hot water supply in the back kitchen of the Medical Office, and there is a soup for relieving summer heat. You can drink a bowl."

After saying that, she nodded and went out, first went to the yard to see the patients in the queue, and only brought Wen Tiandong when it was time for lunch to rest at noon.

The young man stood up nervously. He already knew Zhou Man's identity by now. This morning, he had been working hard to help the medical office clean up, distribute summer soup and so on. There was only one purpose, and that was to hope that Lord Zhou could keep his mother. See a doctor here.

They are also having lunch, the black buns brought by the teenager from home, which can be eaten after soaking in warm water.

He quietly prepared for several days, but not much. At this moment, he and his mother shared a share, and the younger brother and sister shared a share.

Zhou Man glanced at it and asked the boy, "Have you brought your household registration? Is your family a lower household or a middle household?"

The young man was refreshed and immediately said: "My family is the next household!"

He immediately opened the bag and took out a few household registrations for Zhou Man to see. He stole it and put it in the bag on purpose, so his sister threw it out of the window and gave it to him.

Zhou Man turned around and nodded, returning the household registration to him, and then went to see his mother.

The woman lay uneasy, Zhou Man stood in front of the bed looking at her, and asked with a smile, "Don't be nervous, do you have a bad leg?"

The woman replied in a low voice, "Can't stand up."

Zhou Man reached out to touch her leg, and asked her while looking at her expression, "Why can't you stand up? Is your leg hurt?"

"No," this was the reason why the woman was always frightened, and the family was reluctant to see a doctor, she squeezed the corner of her clothes and said, "I suddenly couldn't walk, the day before was fine, I slept all night, and in the morning I just can't get up..."

When Zhou Man heard this, he was very curious, and Wen Tiandong couldn't help but take two steps forward and looked down at the woman's waist with his husband.

Zhou Man also suspected that she had a problem with her waist, so she rolled up her sleeves and began to examine her head, "How long has it been?"

"four years ago."

It's not short, but her leg muscles are okay. It seems that she has worked hard to move, and the care is not bad. Zhou Man asked: "Do you feel any discomfort before you can't get up? Or is it abnormal."

"The waist is particularly sore, but I'm used to it. I didn't think it was a problem at the time. I wonder if it counts?"

"Forget it," Zhou Man thought. He was so accustomed to the soreness, which was a problem in itself. She checked down one by one, and asked her how she felt when she pressed a spot. Said it hurts.

Zhou Man pressed it on her leg. She was conscious. When she pressed the acupuncture point, she could even react, but she couldn't stand up.

It's not about the legs.

After Zhou Man's inspection, he glanced at Wen Tiandong, who was eager to try, and asked the woman, "Would you mind Master Wen checking it for you?"

see you at seven pm

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