Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 2945 beat the grass and startle the snake

The salt that Luo Patrol knew was boiled. He also went to the old salt farm to see boiled salt. Originally, boiled salt was already shocking enough, but compared with drying salt, what makes boiled salt more grand is the scene when it is boiled. It is really exciting to shovel the salt in the salt field.

Pushing the shovel forward, layers of white crystals slowly gathered together. When the wooden shovel was pushed to the end, the white salt could pass the wooden shovel. Just once, he was so shocked that he was speechless.

Since then, he has identified Bai County Magistrate in his heart.

Just relying on Bai County Magistrate's hand, the Song family is not enough to watch.

As long as the salt field is well guarded, in Beihai County, no matter what kind of bulls, ghosts, snakes and gods he is, there is no fear at all, okay?

Luo Patrol was quite confident. After all, there is only one way for everyone to enter and exit. If you keep the checkpoint, you will be fine if you pay attention to the inspection along the way.

Who knew people could still sneak in?

He recruited a soldier and instructed: "Bring two people to patrol the checkpoints on the road quickly, check, where did the people sneak in, and fill the gap for me."


Song Patrol brought a group of people into the mountain, while Zhou Liwei took the rest to patrol the vicinity of the salt field, and also gathered people from Xiaowa Village to guard the salt field together.

As soon as the villagers of Xiaowa Village heard that someone had sneaked into the mountains, they immediately stopped cooking and eating. They grabbed harpoons and sticks and went to the salt field.

Although the new salt field has not been opened for a long time, they have already received their wages, and the cold copper coins make their hearts very hot.

Moreover, Bai Shan chooses people regardless of gender, as long as they are honest and willing to work, so there are many people working in the new salt field in the village.

At this time, if someone comes over to do damage, it is equivalent to cutting off their fortune.

Cutting off people's wealth is like killing one's parents, and they absolutely don't allow it.

Zhou Liwei stood on the top of the mountain and looked down. The sky was getting dark. They stood here and looked down. Not to mention the salt field, they couldn't even see such a big sea. It was dark everywhere, and there was no light at all.

The soldier asked, "Master Zhou, how do you find this?"

Zhou Liwei thought for a while and said, "Light the torches, everyone will follow along, and after this mountain is finished, let's go inside."

The soldier was surprised, "Didn't that let the hiding people know that we found them?"

"Just to let them find out," Zhou Liwei said, "to frighten the snake, we know where the snake came from. It's best to catch him, but it doesn't matter if he can't catch him. The most important thing is to guard the Yantian, so we have to startle them away. "

Zhou Liwei felt that there was no need to confront the Song family head-on at this time. That was the job of the little uncle, so he just needed to guard the salt field.

When the little uncle left, he also said that he only needs to take care of the Yantian.

Zhou Liwei built up in his heart, and became more determined. He greeted everyone and said, "Light up the torches, and let the villagers light up too. The road in the mountains is not easy to walk. Don't let the thieves fail to catch them. In the end, they will fall out."

He said, "You don't have to speak softly. As long as you don't talk about the salt field, you can just call out to catch the thieves."

As soon as everyone heard this, they immediately lit the torches, and began to push inward on the mountain surrounding the salt field. Everyone was normal at first, just yelling at the thieves, and then I don’t know who started to mention the fire two years ago. , someone loudly cursed that the son who set fire to the mountain last time had no asshole, and the future generations will be fishermen without boats...

Zhou Liwei: ...This curse is really ingenious.

However, he also moved in his heart and shouted loudly: "Be careful, be careful, don't let them hide in the grass, and take a look at the trees, don't just focus on your feet and not your heads."

He shouted again: "Be careful with the torch in your hand, don't set the forest on fire."

"Don't worry, it just rained."

"Be careful then!"

"Master Zhou, I looked over my head, there's no one there."

"Then go inside. Anyway, pay more attention and look for it up, down, left, right, and back."

The voice spread far and wide, and a few people hiding in the tree not far away: ...

Before anyone arrived, they sneaked down the tree quietly, and wanted to go back to the big team to report in the dark, but because Zhou Liwei and others lit torches to find them, they were afraid that the fire would reveal their position, so they put out the fire.

It's getting dark...they're lost.

After walking a long distance, they felt that they should have reached the place, but no one responded to the cuckoo's bird call several times. A few people couldn't help but panic, so they lowered their voices and said, "Brother Zhu, Brother Zhu, are you there?"

Of course Brother Zhu is not here, he is feeding mosquitoes on the other side.

He resisted the urge to pat his neck, and when he saw the firelight was still approaching them, he couldn't help but lower his voice and scolded: "Where are the slackers of the third child, let them quietly go to the front to find out, they How did you get people here?"

"Isn't the third one recruited?" The second child expressed doubts. "So many people have come here. Have we been discovered long ago?"

"Impossible, we didn't make any noise before."

The voice just fell, and they faintly heard movement on the other side. They couldn't help but turn their heads to look, and saw that the torches were also lit behind them, and the torches seemed to be coming towards them.

Brother Zhu's face changed, wouldn't he want to be surrounded by nesting here again?

He got up immediately, lowered his voice and said, "Let's go."

"Where to go?"

Brother Zhu: "Just go anywhere, you can't be caught by them anyway, let's avoid them first, and take a look when we are far away."

"Then what about the third one?"

"Do you see their shadows here?" Brother Zhu suspects that they have already run away, "Let's go first and look for them later."

Seeing that the torches on both sides were getting closer and closer, the group couldn't bear it any longer, and quietly slipped in the other direction.

Patrol Luo and Zhou Liwei met in the mountains, Patrol Luo asked in disbelief, "Why did you come here, didn't you let you guard the salt field?"

"Don't worry, we came here bit by bit along the mountain on the other side of the salt field. If they were really here, they would probably be scared away. Why, you came from there and didn't meet anyone?"


Zhou Liwei frowned, "Strange, where did that person go?"

Inspector Luo doubted, "Have you really seen someone?"

Zhou Liwei couldn't wait to go back in time and let Luo Xunjian take a look for himself. He raised his hand and said, "Brother, I can swear, I really saw someone, otherwise why would I bother with this?"

That's right, Patrol Luo touched his forehead and couldn't help but look in another direction.

Zhou Liwei also glanced at it, and then said: "Impossible, I've been there, and beyond that is the sea, with cliffs and cliffs, why are you going there, jumping into the sea?"

Because it is to build a salt field, not only to find a suitable place for the development of the salt field, but also to protect the safety of the salt field, so Zhou Liwei went wherever he could.

The mountains in that direction are not easy to walk. Although the trees are sparser the further you go, the high and low ones can easily be overturned. There is a cliff at the end, and the sea below the cliff. The grass looks green, but it is still very dangerous, especially at night, if you accidentally step on the air, you will go down with one foot.

It might be a lifetime.

see you tomorrow

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