Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 2913 surround

He didn't dare to move immediately, but there was still a lot of noise from other parts of the village, and some people shouted loudly.

Some people even lit torches, and when they saw who was coming to arrest people, they were shocked and angry, and they didn't know what to do.

The yamen and the soldiers reprimanded them for squatting according to what Bai Shan had said. They only caught the gangsters, not their family members...

More than one family was arrested. If there was only one family, although the villagers did not like these bastards, they would still stop the officers and soldiers from arresting people because of the same village.

But looking around and listening to the voices from outside, it seemed that there were quite a few people arrested, so they hesitated and did not resist.

The movement of Xiaojing Village did not affect Dajing Village. Bai Shan was satisfied. He did not let the soldiers withdraw from Xiaojing Village.

Bai Shan took Feng Dashan and Jia Erlang to Dajing Village with his people, and after following a similar pattern, he arrested a few more people and started to act together.

It was already late at night, and most of the villagers were in their sleep. The officers and soldiers jumped over the wall with torches and kicked in the door. When they caught suspicious people, they lit their faces with torches, and asked their names aloud. tie people away.

Most of the dumbfounded family members did not respond. After they responded, they chased after them. They saw that there were so many soldiers with knives outside, and there were screaming and arresting sounds from all over the village. It was like being surrounded by people.

Torches were lit everywhere, and there were sparks of fire in half of the village. Seeing movement in Xiaojing Village, the soldiers and yamen escorted their prisoners to retreat in an orderly manner, and retreated to the intersection to meet Zhou Man. .

Man Bao squatted on the ground and felt that there were mosquitoes buzzing around her all the time. Even though she had a medicine bag on her body, occasionally mosquitoes would bite.

Therefore, this medicine should still be set on fire, and the mosquitoes will be dispelled with the smell of smoke.

Seeing that they brought the prisoners back, she said: "Leave two teams to guard, and the rest should reinforce Dajing Village."

They carried Feng San over, and Man Bao looked at him with the light of the torch and said, "I'm out of breath, why did you use the arrow?"

"The county magistrate shot," the soldier said excitedly: "Master Zhou didn't look at it. It was almost dark at the time, but the county magistrate was stunned to shoot through the heart. Your archery is really good."

The yamen explained: "This is the best way. This kid is very wild, the fields are vast, and the sky is dark. It really makes him turn around and run away. It will be difficult to catch him later."

He said: "I really told him to run out and disturbed the Dajing Village side. Tonight's action failed."

Zhou Man nodded.

Feng Dazhu, who was lying on the ground, moved and looked at them resentfully.

Man Bao looked down at him and felt that he looked familiar. He squatted down and looked at him carefully and said, "The person in the portrait?"

The yamen only glanced at him and said, "Yes, according to Feng Dashan's confession, he is one of Jia Dalang's confidants. Because his family has three brothers in it, everyone is afraid of their family. This person is one of Jia Dalang's right and left hands."

Zhou Man: "Why didn't he take them to the county office?"

"My lord guessed that he was specially left to manage their staff. If Jia Dalang has a firm foothold in the county office, then Feng Dazhu can cooperate with him to do what they want to do; if Jia Dalang can't get along in the county office, he can also get The county yali withdrew and came back to continue taking over."

Zhou Man looked at the yamen in surprise, looked up and down and said, "I think you are very similar to a yamen named Zhao Wu."

The yamen seemed to have a toothache, and his mouth moved before he said, "Master Huizhou, that is the younger brother, and the younger is Zhao Wen."

Zhou Man: "One literary and one martial arts, a good name."

She looked down at the Feng Dazhu brothers who were thrown on the ground side by side, looked at them and said, "Your name is Feng Dazhu, is your brother Feng Erzhu?"

The two brothers' mouths were gagged, so naturally they couldn't answer.

Zhao Wen replied instead of them, "Yes, Lord Zhou."

Zhou Man sighed: "It's really fate, the person who was hacked to death by you in Xiaoliu Village is also called Erzhu."

Feng Dazhu still looked at her with hatred in his eyes, but Feng Erzhu shivered and his face turned pale.

Zhou Man got up and looked at Dajing Village. The movement over there was getting louder and louder, and they also heard someone shouting in the field.

The people who were guarding the field heard the shouting, looked up, and saw a shadow rushing out in the dark, with shouting and chasing from behind, and they spread their legs to block the shadow...

When the people approached, the shadow also saw them. As soon as he turned his steps, he stumbled and turned a small corner and continued to run. He was familiar with this place. Although he stumbled in the dark, he knew where the ridge was higher. Go down, spread your feet and continue to run...

The people chasing behind fell to the ground with a thud, two people got up and continued chasing, and the other went to help the fallen person...

"Don't, don't, don't, it hurts so much, I can't move my legs..."

Dajing Village and Xiaojing Village are now lit with torches and lamps. Soldiers and yamen escort the captured people to the intersection. The villagers hold torches and slowly follow behind with wooden sticks and hoes, one by one. Approaching the point...

Bai Shan took Lieutenant Dong and Patrol Song out of Dajing Village, and walked to the soldiers to block them.

The soldiers and the yamen also lit the torches, which illuminated the faces of Bai Shan and the others so brightly that everyone could see the expression on his face even if they were far away.

He was no longer the gentle and humble he had seen a few days ago, with a cold and serious expression on his face.

The villagers were shocked by his expression and slowly stopped, but they still held up their torches and refused to retreat.

Their family members were arrested, so of course they can’t stop there. Some people are just assholes, and they keep causing trouble for their families, and the family members are angry; but more people still think that their children are okay, and those bad things are all People outside bring bad things, and they can't accept people being arrested.

Bai Shan's eyes slid over their faces little by little, and he said solemnly: "These people are all suspected of looting other villages, do you want to resist arrest?"

The villagers didn't say anything, but the first few people took another two steps forward with torches, and the people behind followed.

Bai Shan sneered, raised his hand, and a team of twenty soldiers immediately raised their bows and arrows, drawing full bows at the villagers...

The crowd was agitated, and the villagers walking in the front also changed their expressions. They could not help but step back slightly, but only a small step back. After they had reacted, they stopped again.

See you at half past eleven

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