Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 2898 heart move

"I built it," the village chief was very aggrieved. "We built the road that adults came to the village to find."

Bai Shan: "...Do you call this road building? Even horses can't get in."

Village Chief: "Sir, you can still come in without riding a horse."

Bai Shan was too lazy to continue this question and asked directly, "When was the last time you guys built roads?"

The village chief said uncertainly: "Four years ago? Or five years ago."

"Where are your corvée sent every year?"

The village chief immediately said: "Official roads and some canals outside the mountains, and sometimes go to the seaside to build piers."

Anyway, it was not sent to the corvée of their own village.

Bai Shan frowned, "Is there a wharf in Beihai County?"

The village chief said: "It existed a few years ago, just in the area of ​​Longchi. Later, it was not built and was abandoned."

Bai Shan: "Why waste it?"

Village head: "Because there is no money?"

Bai Shan:  …

That's all, I'd better wait until I see Fang Xiancheng and Dong Xianwei. How could he ask a village chief who doesn't even understand his own village corvette?

Bai Shan stretched out his hand and touched the wheat in the field, and said to the village chief, "It's all ready to be harvested. Let's work hard. When the farming is over, I will issue an order for you to make a special way out."

The village chief was worried and asked nervously, "Do you want to repair it and go outside?"

Bai Shan: "I do have this ambition, but there are not many of you, and the mountain road is difficult. If you don't dispatch servants from other places, it would be good to be able to repair it outside within five years based on your village alone."

He said: "You can't delay farming for a road."

The village chief breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing this, Bai Shan said: "Dan Er and others should not be slack. It is very important to have a road leading to the outside. If your village has a road leading to the outside, you will be besieged by the mountain bandits when they come. Is it even impossible to ask for help here?"

Bai Shan believes that the reason why the mountain bandits can attack Xiaoliu Village again and again without any scruples is because it is isolated and helpless.

The mountains on all sides protect the village, but they also cut off their way, so they must have a way.

And surrounded by mountains, even if the land is fertile, they just don't lack food, but life is not just about food, but also clothing, housing, and the need for knowledge.

In life, people always have to leave something for this world. This is not a waste of time in this world, isn't it?

Only when Xiaoliu Village leads to the outside can all this be realized.

Bai Shan's heart moved, Xiaoliu Village was like this, so why not Beihai County?

Speaking of which, Beihai County is also small and there are few people. Many caravans will divert to Laizhou after arriving in Qingzhou City, and go out to sea from Laizhou Bay. Except for the caravans that see salted fish, they will come to Beihai County. Other caravans also come here. In order to sell things, it is rare to take away goods from Beihai County.

But Beihai County has few and poor people. How many merchants can come to sell things?

Even if they eat delicacies from mountains and seas every day, they can't leave much money for Beihai County, so they still have to find a way to attract more businessmen.

How to attract it?

"My lord, my lord?" Seeing Bai Shan in a daze, the village chief couldn't help but shouted twice.

Bai Shan returned to his senses, suppressed his thoughts, and said to the village chief, "Have your rice seeds been sown?"

"Yes, they have all sprouted."

"Come on, let's go and see."

The village chief turned around and took them to see the fields where the seedlings were raised in the village.

There are not many people in their village, and the place where rice seedlings are raised is mostly in the field at the end of the village, and the river that flows through their village is right next to it.

The river is not big, so there is no danger of flooding. At this time, the water of the river is flowing, and the fields on both sides are green seedlings.

Bai Shan walked down the ridge to take a look, stretched out his hand and pulled out a seedling to look at it. At this time, it was only one finger tall, but the color was about to turn dark green, showing that the fertility of the ground was good.

He looked at the rhizomes of the seedlings. They were a little thin, and the root system was not comparable to the rice seeds that Datou planted in Pu Village.

However, there is no shortage of water here, and it is normal for the root system of the seedlings to be underdeveloped.

Bai Shan asked the village chief, "What was the average yield of rice per mu in Shangtian last year?"

The village chief opened his mouth, but didn't answer. They have nothing to do to calculate the average yield per mu?

Bai Shan changed a few questions, "How many acres of land does your family have, how many acres of rice were planted last year, and how many bags did you receive? Have you weighed it?"

The village chief can tell that he has a good memory, and the annual harvest is very important.

Bai Shan listened carefully and calculated in his heart, and then he had a general understanding. He asked, "Which family planted the best land in the village last year?"

The village chief also knew that and said, "On Erzhu's family, his old man is very old-fashioned. He farms very well. There are two fields in his family that are very fertile, and he can grow a higher yield every year than others. ,Pity."

Bai Shan sighed, it's a pity, he still wanted to rent a few acres of experimental fields here, and let the best people plant them at that time.

He turned to look at the village chief and asked, "Does anyone in the village want to rent out fields?"

The village chief: "...No need, the hard work can still be finished, just like Erzhu's daughter-in-law and their family, the mother and daughter can't finish the planting, and the village will help them. People's land?"

Bai Shandao: "I want to rent the land."

The village chief didn't know what to do, and the smile on his face was a little reluctant. He said: "Why rent, if the adults want to farm the land, how many acres of land are there in the small family, why don't you give some to the adults?"

Bai Shan glanced at him condescendingly and said, "My family is in Longzhou, and my family is in the capital. What do you want the land here for?"

village head:……

Although he was scolded, he was inexplicably happy, and he breathed a sigh of relief again.

Bai Shan retracted his gaze, looked at the whole paddy field where seedlings were raised, and said, "I think the climate in this mountain is good, I have some new rice seeds, and I want to try them here. This kind of field is called a test field, and it doesn't take much. , you can rent two or three acres."

He said: "This matter is not urgent, the rice seeds are not in hand, even if they are to be planted, they will have to be planted next year. You can help me ask who is willing to rent out the land, and then find me an honest and obedient person who can farm the land."

The village chief immediately responded. As long as you don’t want land or rent it, you can rent it out for a few years without paying a penny. The county magistrate should also be promoted in a few years, right?

Bai Shan didn't return to the village until it was dark. The village was bustling with smoke from cooking. Because the wheat was to be harvested, the people in the village had dinner late today.

Man Bao and the others have just closed the booth, and they have something to say to each other as soon as they meet.

Bai Shan paused and said, "You speak first."

Man Bao said: "I have seen almost the people in this village. I will go out of the village tomorrow afternoon and go to a few nearby villages for free clinics."

Bai Shancai said: "I also want to go to a few nearby villages, there are bandits in the mountains, it is impossible to rob only one village of Xiaoliu Village, especially a bandit den with about a hundred people, it is impossible to survive by robbing Xiaoliu Village alone down, so I want to see the situation in several other villages."

See you at 6 pm

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