Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 2893 No shortage of money

The county magistrate Lu knew about this as soon as possible, and his master couldn't help but said, "Sir, the magistrate Bai won't tear up the covenant, right?"

The magistrate Lu thought for a while and then said, "No, he mentioned it before. The alliance is a private matter. Besides the two of us, there are five magistrates in Qingzhou City. It is better to be in the dark than in the light."

The county magistrate thought of something, and couldn't help but smile, "I only understand today what he said that day, I am only doing this for the people of Qingzhou, he is the parent official of Beihai County, and I am the parent official of Yidu County. As long as it is for the good of the people and has merit, why should you be too rigid about your position?"

Master frowned, "What does he mean, as long as it is beneficial to Beihai County, he will betray the covenant with the adults?"

"No, it's not a betrayal," County magistrate Lu shook his head and smiled and said, "I'm ten years older than him, but I didn't expect it to be false. I haven't thought about these things as well as their husband and wife."

Master is confused.

County magistrate Lu got up and said, "Let's go, let's also go to see Governor Guo, the busy farming season is coming to an end. Last year, due to the turmoil in the Qingzhou officialdom, the labor force in Yidu County was much worse. Just after the Dragon Boat Festival, a group of laborers was called. service."

"Not only do some canals need to be opened, but the road should also be repaired." The county magistrate said: "We will go to the governor of Guo to ask for money. It's too late. I'm afraid the money will go to Beihai County and the medical office."

Inspector Guo himself did not expect that he would send Zhou Man away on the front foot, and then the county magistrate Lu, who was crying poor and asking for money, was greeted on the back foot.

Man Bao happily ran back to tell Bai Shan what they had negotiated this time, and added: "I think the governor of Guo is very generous, isn't the county government running out of money now? Why don't you try to ask him for money? ?"

Bai Shancai waved his hand boldly and said, "Don't be impatient, our Beihai County is not short of money now, and we will mention the money when we go to see the governor on the Dragon Boat Festival."

As soon as Man Bao came back from Qingzhou City, he went to ask for money, which was too eager, no no no.

Zhou Man was surprised and said, "You don't even lack money?"

Bai Shan grinned, unable to hold back the smile on his face and said, "Today, Liwei sent someone back to say that the new salt farm has received the first batch of salt."

Man Bao's eyes lit up and asked, "Is the dried salt really better than boiled salt as you said?"

"It's better than what I ate last time." Bai Shan took out the small jar of salt from the drawer and showed her, "I asked Li Wei to build another crystallizing pond at the back, and the brine was dried in the first crystallizing pond. After the crystals are shoveled out, they are washed and filtered with salt water and then exposed to the sun. The salt produced by the sun is whiter than the salt in the previous crystallizing pool, and the impurities filtered out are also less."

Man Bao twisted a few salts to taste, and found that it was true, "Is this a top-grade salt?"

Bai Shan nodded, "That's why I said that Beihai County is no longer short of money. At this rate, we can build more salt fields along the coastline, even if there is no more salt from the old salt field."

"However, the salt field alone is not enough. There is not enough grain in Beihai County. It is not the way for grain shops to always buy grain from outside. It is still necessary to find a way to provide grain production."

He said: "I am harvesting wheat recently, and I plan to go to every village in the end."

Man Bao said, "I'm also going to take Wen Tiandong to the countryside for a free clinic."

The two hit it off and decided to go to the countryside together.

Fang Xiancheng was no stranger to the two people's enthusiasm for going to the countryside, but he couldn't help but remind Bai Shan again, "The county magistrate, the county government does not store much salt now, and the official salt we give to the governor's government is seven at the latest. It will be handed over in the month."

Bai Shandao: "I know this in my mind, Fang Xiancheng doesn't have to worry. The county government hopes that you will be optimistic. Since the long-term workers in the old salt farm can't cook salt, they should be temporarily closed."

When Fang Xiancheng heard this, he couldn't help but look at Bai Shan's expression. Seeing his calm expression and relaxed tone, he guessed that there was progress on the new salt farm, and it was very likely that the salt had already been boiled.

But recently, I haven't heard of people cutting down trees on a large scale over there.

Fang Xiancheng asked hesitantly, "The Song family..."

"Aren't all the officers who committed crimes sent to the Governor's House?" Bai Shan said, "Then there is no difference between me and other people in the Song family, and I treat them normally."

"By the way, is Master Song still ill?" Bai Shan said with a smile: "If that's the case, then choose someone from below to take the responsibility for him temporarily, um, I think Zhao Ming is not bad, let him temporarily Let's take the office of the clerk."

Zhao Ming was born in the Zhao family village. Although the Zhao family in Beihai County is far inferior to the Song family, there are many clansmen, and it is the most powerful family outside the Song family.

Fang Xiancheng's eyelids twitched, knowing that Bai Shan's patience with Master Song had run out, and he was planning to take another shot.

Since Bai Shan decided to promote Zhao Ming, he called Dong Xianwei and Zhao Ming to the front together, and directly asked him to temporarily act as the clerk before saying: "When I'm not here, you will help Fang Xiancheng deal with the county government's affairs. business."

Zhao Ming humbly responded.

Bai Shan went to the countryside this time with Dong Xianwei, and Fang Xiancheng already had a feeling that the magistrate and Dong Xianwei seemed to be getting closer.

Oh, yes, Dong Xianwei is Zhao Ming's brother-in-law.

Man Bao watched the whole scene from the side, and when he returned to the backyard, he couldn't help but tut his tongue: "It's better for our medical department, so we don't need to be so careful."

Bai Shan: "Look again in 20 years. Everything that is staged in the county government office today will be staged in the medical office. Now your medical office has just been established. There are fights, but in another 20 years, as long as the medical bureau is stabilized, these fights will not be less, and there will be fights where there are interests."

Man Bao thought for a while and couldn't deny his words, so he remained silent.

Bai Shan took her hand and said with a smile, "I'll think about it later. It's more important to deal with the current thing first."

He said: "The people take food as their heaven. Farming and mulberry farming is a major event, for our county government, and for your medical office."

Man Bao: "...What does this have to do with our medical department?"

"Of course there is," Bai Shan said foolishly: "Five grains are the basis of the body's energy, isn't that what you said? So five grains are important. Can the body of a full-fed person be the same as that of a hungry person?"

Man Bao shook his head.

"So, if the people under the treatment can have enough to eat, then the disease will be much less. Do you think the purpose of the county government and the medical office is the same?"

Man Bao couldn't even shake his head to deny it, but she also knew that he was fooling her, so she said, "What can I do?"

"I don't know, let's take a look around, don't you want to dig some flowers, plants and trees? Going to the seaside, if we encounter fishermen going into the sea, we can also see what living creatures you haven't seen before, and then we will join them together. Buy it for you."

Man Bao tried his best to suppress his smile, "That's what you said."

Bai Shan nodded.

See you tomorrow

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