Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 2845 Dystocia

This shout called out all the people hiding in the room, and saw an old woman rushing out of the yard. With just one glance, she sat on the ground and patted her thighs and said, "A sin, a sin, my grandson. , Guo family, you compensate my grandson!"

Facing the door with a pale face, he took a step back and saw that the neighbors were running out to watch the fun, and immediately said: "She pushed me and then fell unsteadily, so don't do my business."

Man Bao saw that the pregnant woman's mother-in-law just sat on the ground and patted her thighs. The face of the pregnant woman who fell on the ground was getting paler and paler, and a pool of blood was dizzy on the ground. She couldn't help but calm her face and went straight in to touch it Her stomach and pulse condition, and then rushed to the still noisy people: "She is about to give birth, first carry the person into the room."

The neighbors who were watching then came back to their senses and ran in one after another, persuading the mother-in-law and the opposite door who were still arguing to stop, "Guo's family, carry people into the house first, if there is something wrong with the wealthy family, even if you don't push it. It's because of a fight with you, can your family get rid of it?"

The neighbor who said this was an old woman, with a capable face and obviously some prestige. After finishing speaking, she went to the door and said to the pregnant mother-in-law, "Da Fu Niang, look at your daughter-in-law's face, do you still want to sit on the ground and make trouble? If she is really good or bad , your family still has money to marry a daughter-in-law for Dafu?"

When the rich lady heard this, she stopped sitting and patted her thighs, got up and followed everyone to carry the rich family into the house.

The old woman said, "It has to be called Granny Wen."

Da Fu Niang wiped her tears and said, "The family is so poor that only water is left, where can I find money and ask for Mother Wen?"

The old woman couldn't help but said angrily, "Then watch your daughter-in-law bleed to death?"

Da Fu Niang grabbed the Guo family who was moving back, and said angrily: "It was you who pushed my daughter-in-law, I saw it all."

"no no……"

Man Bao frowned, keeping his hand on the pulse of the pregnant woman, turned his head and said, "I will deliver the baby, go to the kitchen to boil water, and prepare some clean linen..."

The rich lady quickly said, "My family is poor, how can I have clean linen?"

Man Bao ignored her, took out a packet of needles from his sleeve pocket, unbuttoned the pregnant woman's clothes, and said to the cake: "She is having a difficult childbirth and needs a drug to induce birth, you ask Daji to find the doctor at Baicaotang. , tell him that to induce birth, nourish qi and blood, and stop bleeding, if there are ready-made pills, let him bring the medicine box over immediately, and I will dispense the medicine when he arrives here."

Xibing turned around and went out to find Daji.

The rich lady was anxious, "Who is the lady, my family doesn't know you, and my family has no money to buy medicinal materials."

Man Bao untied the pregnant woman's clothes and went down three needles to temporarily slow down the bleeding. Then she turned to look at Da Fu Niang and said, "Your daughter-in-law is going to die."

After saying that, she turned to the side to let her see the blood on the bed. With just these few words, the thin quilt on the bed was already dyed. This time, all those who were still talking all stopped their mouths, stunned. Look at the bed of blood.

Only then did they realize that the rich family had been silent for a long time, and when they looked again, they could see no blood on her face. At this time, they were lying on the bed and looking at them with fear.

Only then did Da Fu Niang realize that the matter was beyond her control. She was terrified and couldn't help clapping her thighs and crying, "Old everyone, it's terrible, how can I explain to Da Fu like this?"

Zhou Man couldn't help drinking to stop her, and said sternly, "Why are you crying at this time, why don't you go and boil hot water soon."

The rich lady came back to her senses, and hurriedly turned around and went out to boil water.

Man Bao swept around, ordered the old woman and two women, and asked them to stay to help, and then said with a sullen face: "Everyone else goes out for me!"

Everyone was so frightened, they all withdrew, and only returned to their senses when they reached the courtyard, "Whose lady is this?"

"I haven't seen it before. I saw the clothes on her body, and the embroidery, but it's beautiful. It doesn't look like she lives in our area."

"She will deliver?"

Xibing passed by them, snorted and pushed the door in.

Inside the house, the old lady also looked at Zhou Man with some suspicion, "Could the lady deliver the baby?"

Zhou Man nodded and asked someone to remove the pregnant woman's trousers. She squeezed the needle and gave her four more needles. Seeing the pregnant woman trembling, she said, "This is for pain relief."

Seeing her relax, Zhou Man touched her stomach and frowned, "How many months have you been?"

She whispered, "Seven, seven months."

Man Bao pursed his lips slightly and asked, "What is the first child?"

"The third child."

Although it was the third child, Man Bao still couldn't relax at all, because after touching it, she found that the fetus was standing upright, that is to say, the fetal position was reversed.

She glanced at the pregnant woman, rolled up her sleeves, took off the jade bracelet in her hand and handed it to the cake, and said, "Tell the kitchen to bring hot water quickly."

She moved her fingers back and forth and started finger exercises, just as she was about to tell the pregnant woman her fetal position, she heard sobbing from the other side of the table, everyone turned their heads and looked over, and saw a little girl about two years old sitting under the table , was pushing away the stool and crawling out while crying, there was a smaller child sitting behind her, and she was looking at them blankly at this time, maybe she saw her sister crying, she couldn't help but pursed her mouth and wanted to cry .

Seeing these two children, Man Bao turned around with a stiff neck and asked the pregnant woman, "This is your birth?"

The pregnant woman nodded, a little anxious, "Big girl, why are you here, take your sister out."

Man Bao asked blankly, "How old is your little daughter?"

The pregnant woman was looked at seriously by her, and she felt a little guilty for some reason, and said, "It's two years old."

"I asked about the birthday!"

The pregnant woman whispered: "One year and two months."

Man Bao pursed his lips, "What about your eldest daughter?"

"Two years and six months."

Man Bao's chest rose and fell sharply, and then slowly smoothed out. She forced a smile to the other side, turned around and hugged the two children under the table, then opened her purse with snacks and gave them to them, "You guys take it and eat it. , your mother is going to give birth to younger brothers and sisters for you, so be good."

After that, he took the child out and put it in the yard.

Da Fu Niang brought hot water over to see it, and couldn't help scolding the two children, "Crawling around all day long, who asked you to come here, get out quickly..."

Man Bao glanced at the other party, put the child in the yard, beckoned for Xibing, and whispered, "Go back and tell Bai Shan, and let him bring someone over."

Although Xibing was puzzled, he still nodded, just a little worried, "The lady is here alone..."

"Don't worry, pregnant women can't give birth for a while."

What about dystocia, and it is still a dystocia that has not yet reached the day, and you have to take the medicine to induce birth. How can it be so fast?

It's really not fast. Although she fell down and moved the fetal gas, there was no sign of giving birth at all, but Man Bao felt the pulse. If the child was not born, he would not be able to save it. There is even a great chance of bleeding to death.

See you tomorrow

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