Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 2838 Cao Lu

Zhou Man had a good night's sleep, and when he woke up the next morning, he wore her light green official robe and ran to the Governor's Mansion to report.

She took out her official seal and pressed it on a piece of white paper. After printing the words "Qingzhou Medical Office", she picked up a pen and wrote her name beside the official seal.

She handed the paper to Cao Lushi.

Cao Lushi put it away in the file and made the registration, and Zhou Man's registration was successful.

Bai Shan, however, had to go to Beihai County first, take office directly in Beihai County, and then come to Qingzhou after the new governor was summoned.

When Cao Lushi saw that Zhou Man had the receipt and was about to leave, he hurriedly stopped her and said, "Master Zhou really intends to put the medical office in Beihai County?"

Zhou Man's heart moved, he turned around with a smile and asked, "Where does Cao Lushi think the medical office is better?"

"Of course it's Qingzhou City," Cao Lu said honestly: "Qingzhou City is the center of Qingzhou, and the Medical Department is the state's establishment. Naturally, it should be located in Qingzhou City like the Governor's Mansion."

Man Bao sighed in his heart, it seems that although this Cao Lushi regarded the magistrate Lu as an idol, he did not understand the troubles of the magistrate Lu.

She simply stayed to chat with him, "If it falls in Qingzhou City, which street does Cao Lushi think it should fall on?"

"Let's be closer to the prefect's office or the county government," Cao Lushi said, "closer to all departments."

Man Bao didn't want to be too close to the governor's mansion and the county office. These two places occupy a large area, but there is a feeling that strangers should not enter. She wants to build a medical office, not a prison.

However, a too prosperous area will not work, not to mention the waste of expensive houses, and it is not good for patients to quarrel.

You have to find a street that is both spacious and accessible to everyone, but there are not many places where people gather.

Man Bao told Cao Lu of these conditions.

Cao Lushi frowned and said, "A mansion like this...does Master Zhou need a ready-made mansion? Why not just build one yourself? The government still has a few plots of land in the inner and outer cities. If the medical department wants it, it can be free of charge. Grant it to you."

Zhou Man: "I don't have a problem. It's best to build it yourself, but do you have money in Qingzhou's treasury?"

Cao Lushi: "...Our governor's office only pays the salary of your Imperial Physician's Office. Don't you and the Imperial Physician's Office need to allocate the rest of the financial expenditure?"

Zhou Man said directly: "The Imperial Physician Office has no money."

She looked at Cao Lushi with a foolish look, "If the Imperial Physician's Office is rich, do I need to be so confused about where the medical office should be built? Let me be more generous. Wouldn't it be better to build one in every county? "

Cao Lushi frowned, "Do you have so many positions in the Imperial Physician's Office? The Physician's Office has only one in a state, right?"

"Then there are also Pharmacopoeias and Doctors below. If the county branches can be established, it is possible to hire a doctor to be a doctor first, and it is also possible to see a doctor for everyone," Zhou Man said: "What's more, the Imperial Physician's Office can be upgraded. How difficult is it to mention the official position of the Medical Department?"

Cao Lushi: ...It's so easy to say, don't you spend money?

The salaries for half-ranked products are different. There are so many prefectures and counties in the whole Dajin, all of which are mentioned once. With so many more jobs, isn't all the money going to the account of the Ministry of Households?

No, it may also be a local account, because it is well known that the salaries of officials in various places are derived from the local finances.

When Cao Lushi looked at Zhou Manshi again, his eyes were wrong, like she was a money grabber.

Zhou Man's attitude remained the same, and he brought the topic back, "So the treasury has no money, right?"

Cao Lushi said loudly, "No money!"

"Then it can't be built. Save some money and choose a set from the existing house." Zhou Man stretched out his hand and said, "Do you have any information about the house? Give me a copy, and I'll go back and see where it fits."

When Cao Lushi heard this, Zhou Man had already decided to put the medical office in Qingzhou City. In the future, it would be much easier for the poor in Qingzhou City to see a doctor. Just ask."

Zhou Man rolled his eyes, followed him, and said, "I'll go take a look with you. If there are no extra transcripts in the house, I'll copy a few suitable ones now, and go back and have a look."

Cao Lushi nodded and took Zhou Man with him without any scheming.

Regardless of whether it is the prefectural government or the county government, the establishment is imitated by the central government.

Among them, houses and fields are managed by households.

At present, only part of the houses in Qingzhou City that are in the hands of the Governor's Mansion can be found here, and some are in the hands of Yidu County.

However, the Governor's House also has records here, and they are not only beneficial to the records of the county, but also to the records of other counties.

This is to prevent local officials from enriching their personal pockets, and it is impossible to investigate the direct conversion of official residences into private residences.

Man Bao's selection criteria were very clear. While the people in the household were looking for some information about the house for her, they sent someone to quietly go to the county office on the next street to notify the county magistrate.

Man Bao just pretended he couldn't see it. He scanned the information of these houses with one glance and ten lines. He was not satisfied. He shook his head and asked, "Didn't Qingzhou copy a lot of other people's houses last year? Take out those houses and let me have a look."

Hufang: do you even know this?

These few requirements of Zhou Man, at first glance, are nothing, neither in the prosperous area, nor in the center of the rich and powerful in the city, but they are just a few light conditions, a set of selected houses are found. All are top notch.

Even if it is not the original main house, it is a very important hospital. It must be well managed. Such a good house will be used as a medical office...

The household only brought one volume, opened it, and there were only five deeds in it.

Not to mention Zhou Man, even Cao Lushi frowned, "I copied so many houses last year, and all those houses were sold?"

"That's not true, it's just the beginning of the spring, there are a lot of things about the house, and I don't know where to put it after I found it last time. Now I only found this book, and there are five house deeds in it, that is, there are five houses. , Lord Zhou, why don't you choose this first?"

Man Bao said while flipping through the pages: "Then your governor's house is quite messy, every booklet has its place, and I can't find it now, which shows how poor your ability to handle affairs is. If it has not been recovered for more than ten days, wouldn't it be directly dealt with as lost?"

The clerk in charge of the data of the household should check the data room every ten days when the shift is handed over. If the important existing data cannot be found, the handover party can only deal with the loss. This is the rule.

The clerk in charge of receiving them was sweating on his forehead and looked at Cao Lushi anxiously.

However, Cao Lushi's face was not good-looking. He glared at the other party and said, "Why don't you look for it soon?"


There was Cao Lushi with a dark face, and things were quickly found out.

Zhou Man had seen the house deed, she was not familiar with Qingzhou, but Cao Lu was familiar with it. He obviously really wanted Zhou Man to put the medical office in Qingzhou City, so he was very interested in introducing her to the houses on the land deed.

He has never been to these houses, but the house deed has its location, size, how many houses it has entered, and who copied it from the files below.

He knew the general situation of those streets, and also basically understood the situation of the people who were raided, so he took four or five points of the situation of the house.

For the rest of Zhou Man, he directly asked for a pen and paper, wrote down the appropriate ones after the preliminary screening, and then asked someone to check them back.

Upright Cao Lushi: Lu County Magistrate I love you

Road county magistrate:  …

see you at nine

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