Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 2805 What a coincidence

Zheng Gu returned to the backyard of the medical office, which had been copied over and over again, and things were thrown everywhere, even the quilts and so on fell to the ground.

Shopkeeper Zheng saw it and frowned slightly, "Cold pots and stoves, even the house is cold, how can I live here?"

Shopkeeper Zheng Jiu also said, "Why don't you stay at my house first? Or go to Ji Shitang."

"No," Zheng Gu said: "At this time, the less involvement I have with Ji Shitang, the better."

"You are from the Zheng family, so there is no way you can separate yourself from Ji Shitang," the shopkeeper Zheng said angrily, "If we want to not get involved, unless our father and son cut off our relationship."

Zheng Gu said helplessly: "Father, I live in the medical office and have less contact with Ji Shitang. At least this time Ji Shitang is not so eye-catching."

Manager Zheng Jiu agreed, but he couldn't let them live in the medical office just like that. He said, "I'll find some servants to clean and tidy up. After the kitchen is heated up, the house will be ready for people to live in."

When shopkeeper Zheng Jiu left, Master Zheng Si shoved the medicine box into the hands of shopkeeper Zheng Da and said, "Brother, give Zheng Gu some medicine."

Shopkeeper Zheng Da looked left and right, and could only reluctantly gather a brazier to give Zheng Gu medicine.

When Zhou Man saw Zheng Gu, it was already the second day after he was released from prison. Coincidentally, Mr. Yu and the others also read the case file and came to the medical office to investigate.

Zhou Man's carriage came from the north road, and Master Yu and his carriage came from the south road. The two teams of carriages converged in front of the medical office.

Master Yu got off the carriage, and was looking at the palace carriage that had just stopped in front of him with some doubts, when the curtain was lifted, and a very familiar person came out from inside bending over.

Master Yu:  …

Man Bao leaned over holding the cake's hand, looked up first, smiled when he saw Master Yu and the others, stepped on the stool happily, and bowed: "It's a coincidence, I didn't expect it to be possible today. Meet Master Yu and Master Xia."

After Man Bao finished speaking, he glanced at the back and added, "There are also Imperial Doctor Lu and Imperial Doctor Xiao Tan."

Imperial Physician Lu and Tai Physician Xiao Tan: ... You can't ignore them just because they are both from the Imperial Physician's Office.

Master Yu had a headache and reminded: "Master Zhou, Zheng Gu is involved in this case. As a rule, you have to be private."

Man Bao nodded, "Don't worry, I won't stop the investigation."

"You can come to me if you need help," she said with a smile, "I can trust my disciple."

Master Yu tentatively said: "If it is said that Master Xiao Zheng is intentional, I don't really believe it, but if I don't detect fake medicinal materials for a while..."

He paused and sighed: "This is actually forgivable. After work, who doesn't make mistakes?"

Man Bao became serious and didn't say that Zheng Gu was definitely not wrong. After all, she had not seen Zheng Gu or the batch of fake medicinal materials, but just stated a fact, "On the identification of medicinal materials, Zheng Gu can be a pharmacist in the Imperial Physician's Office. The students who have graduated, their abilities are still higher than mine.”

Master Yu's eyes flickered slightly, and he turned his head and looked at Master Xia.

Master Xia simply turned his head to look at Imperial Doctor Lu who was standing beside him, "What does Imperial Doctor Lu think?"

Imperial Physician Lu nodded and said, "Zheng Gu's family background, because he worked as a small shopkeeper in Ji Shi Tang for several years, he really knows the medicinal materials very well, and it is not worse than our old imperial doctors, and because his family is a pharmacy, he concocted it. The herbs are also more skilled than us."

Master Yu said: "Let's go in, Master Xiao Zheng should be in a hurry."

Someone knocked on the door, but the door of the medical office was not closed at all, and it opened with a push.

The medical department is not a big family like the county government. The imperial medical department is backed by the emperor's internal treasury and is not very rich. Choose a more suitable place from the official assets to be converted into a hospital.

If not, buy land to build a house or buy a house.

The Luoyang Medical Center is a hospital with three entrances selected from the official assets.

This is a house recovered from the former county government's raid. It is usually listed for sale, but for some reason it has not been sold.

The location of this place is good. There is a spacious street in front of it. Luoyang is also divided into inner and outer cities. It happens to be in the outer city, but bypassing an intersection is the place to enter the inner city.

If the place is in the outer city, there are many poor people faced.

This house, when you enter the gate, is a spacious yard with only two trees. There are many chairs and stools scattered in the yard. Master Yu and the others paused. Although a lot of things were smashed, you can still see the original layout.

Zheng Gu obviously arranged many chairs and stools in the yard, which should be for patients who came to consult.

There was still a long table in the corridor, and some cups fell on the ground. Master Yu glanced down and saw some yellow soup in the quilt, which should be medicinal soup or tea soup for keeping out the cold.

After passing through the hanging flower door, and then entering, you will find the main room and the left and right hatches in the inner courtyard.

Most of the doors were open, and the east wing was opened. Inside were rows of medicine cabinets. Before they entered the door, they smelled a faint aroma of medicine.

Seeing that the counter was in a mess, Zhou Man couldn't help frowning. He went around the counter and pulled open the medicine cabinet. Seeing that it was empty, there were only some uncollected medicine dregs, so he pushed the medicine cabinet back in anger.

Master Yu and Master Xia also frowned.

The east wing was opened into a pharmacy, while the west wing was divided into small rooms. Push the door open to enter, and the room inside was divided into two. There were very few things inside. There were two beds on one side. A table, four stools, and nothing else.

Zhou Man and Taiyi Lu and Taiyi Tan knew that this was the ward with just a glance, and explained this to Master Yu and Master Xia.

Master Yu thought thoughtfully, "So the medical department still admits patients?"

Zhou Man said indifferently: "Some patients are seriously ill and can't move for the time being, so they can only live in the medical office."

Master Yu nodded.

The lobby of the main room is still left, which should be used for banquets. The rooms on the left and right have their doors removed, and they are only hung with curtains and signs on them.

Master Yu looked at it and said, "Apart from Master Xiao Zheng, there are two other doctors in this medical office?"

Imperial Physician Lu explained: "The local medical office has complicated affairs, and he alone is not enough. If the imperial medical office does not send him enough doctors, then he has the right to hire a doctor in the local area."

Master Yu nodded, and Master Xia pointed to a sign next to him and said, "This is a classic medicine, and he is also a medical officer. Where has he gone?"

When Imperial Physician Lu saw him looking at him, he said rudely, "Where do I know where to go?"

They came together, ask him?

Shouldn't I ask Luo County magistrate?

Master Yu coughed lightly: "Let's take a look at the back, Master Xiao Zheng should live in the backyard of the medical office."

The third entry after that is the residence of the officials of the medical department and their families.

There was a small door in the back of the main room. The small door was very thick and was firmly locked. Master Yu pushed it and found that the door was locked from the inside and outside, which meant that they could not go to the back from here.

Several people looked at each other with embarrassment, as if they had gone to the wrong place.

See you at 6 pm

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