Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 2803 release

Mr. Yu pondered, and asked thoughtfully: "Are there many people who come to the door to invite Mr. Xiao Zheng to see the doctor?"

Zheng Gu said: "It's okay."

He glanced at the magistrate of Luo, grinned and said, "In Luoyang City, from Prince Gong's Mansion to an ordinary merchant, anyone who can afford the price of my visit has invited me."

Not only did he come from the Zheng family of the Xinglin family, but he also studied at the Imperial Physician's Office. He was also the eldest disciple of the genius doctor Zhou Man. Just because of these names, he should not invite too many people.

There were also many people from other counties in Luozhou who came to invite him. After all, the Luozhou Medical Bureau nominally managed the entire Luozhou.

Oh, by the way, the Luozhou Medical Office also has another function, that is, to see a doctor for the officials in Los Angeles to ensure their health, no fees for consultation, and no fees for medicines that go away from the medical office. out.

When prescribing prescriptions for other patients, the medical office only records the prescriptions and will not give them to the other patients.

He has been in Luoyang for a few years. Luozhou has nine counties under its jurisdiction. He has traveled to each county, and the magistrate of each county has gone to the clinic, and even the magistrates of four of them have changed. , he has been ill.

He believed that he still had some friendship with them, and even had the best relationship with the magistrate Luo, so when he was arrested by magistrate Luo, he was as shocked as if he had been thrown a basin of ice water, and when his wife was dragged out so roughly, He was even more saddened.

If it wasn't for the fact that a prison guard quietly told him that Erniang An was rescued by his master last night, he might not have survived yesterday's punishment.

Zheng Gu stared at Luo County magistrate angrily and said: "I have been to the nine county offices in Luozhou, and among them, I have come to Luoyang county office the most times. There is no need for consultation fee to go to the doctor with the official's family, but the magistrate Luo gave a red seal every time, and the lower official thought we got along very well."

The magistrate Luo said with a serious face: "Yes, we get along well, but I will never bend the law for personal gain."

Zheng Gu was full of anger, and nodded again and again: "Yes, the lower officials do not ask Lord Luo to bend the law for personal gain, but fairness and justice can always be done, no matter what the public grievances are boiling, it is almost time for dinner when the servants come to the door. However, there are still many patients in the medical office who come to seek medical treatment. If the people are angry, and if the people of Luoyang do not trust our medical office, why do they still come?"

Everyone turned to look at Magistrate Luo, wanting to hear how he answered.

The magistrate of Luo sighed and said: "People's livelihood is so difficult, some poor people really have no money to see a doctor and get medicine, even if they know that the medicine from the medical office may be fake, but because the medical office is free, they can only take the risk to get the medicine. ."

"Not bad!" Zheng Gu suddenly shouted violently, startling everyone, and saw him stand up from his chair excitedly, staring at the magistrate Luo with wide eyes, looking at him word by word: "How difficult is the people's livelihood? , the poor can only see a doctor and get medicine from the medical office, and only the medical office can give them a chance, so the medical office must not be cancelled!"

He turned his head to look at Master Yu and Master Xia, and said with red eyes: "Even if the sewage on the lower official's body is not clean, the Imperial Physician's Office and the local medical office must not be cancelled."

Master Yu couldn't help sitting up straight, turned his head and looked at Master Xia, vaguely feeling the reason why Luozhou targeted the Imperial Physician's Office.

Imperial Physician Lu pursed his lips, and even Tai Physician Tan, who had always been kind, couldn't help but look serious.

Luo county magistrate frowned slightly, his eyes were a little cold, and he looked at Zheng Gu and said softly: "Sir Xiao Zheng misunderstood, the county government is looking at the case and investigating the case, I don't know why Xiao Zheng thinks so? Can you cover up what you have done under the banner?"

"Okay," Mr. Yu interrupted the confrontation between the two, handed the things in his hand to the clerk behind him, got up and said, "These things are sealed first, we will always find out what happened. Shi Tai and the Imperial Physician's Office came here to handle this case."

He said to Zheng Gu, who was standing beside him, "Master Xiao Zheng, please go back to the medical office first. You must not leave Luoyang City until the case is cleared, and you can be called at any time."

Zheng Gu raised his hand and gave a deep bow, and replied, "Yes."

The county magistrate Luo's expression changed slightly, and he couldn't help but say, "Sir, can't you just let him go? He's a suspect."

Master Yu said: "This is in compliance with the law. Zheng Gu is an official. Before there is conclusive evidence to prove that the counterfeit medicine in the medical office is his intentional purchase, he does not need to take it in custody."

He added: "What's more, if you can run, the monk can't run away from the temple."

He pointedly looked at Zheng Gu and said, "Jishitang is not far away, and the Zheng family is not too small. This official thinks that Mr. Zheng should not ignore the family, right?"

The Dajin Law still has a system of continuous sitting, although it is rarely used, but if Zheng Gu really runs away, the court will not arrest all of Zheng's people, but Ji Shitang does not want to continue to open it. Searching Ji Shitang in the name of a search, the value obtained is much greater than that of Zheng Guke.

Therefore, there are not many people in this world who can abandon their families and run away, and people who don't care about their families and their lives in this way can't be called human beings in the eyes of the world.

He didn't think Zheng Gu was such a person.

Zheng Gu is indeed not, he said solemnly: "Xiaguan will not flee."

Zheng Gu glanced at the magistrate Luo, turned around, and bowed to the doctor Lu and the doctor Xiao Tan, and then walked out stiffly.

Tai doctor Xiao Tan instructed the entourage behind him, "Send Lord Xiao Zheng back to the medical office."

Outside the county office, shopkeeper Zheng Da and others who got the news in advance were waiting outside early in the morning, but they couldn't get in.

They wanted to wait for Imperial Physician Lu to ask about the situation, but when they saw Zheng Gu being helped out, their eyes lit up, and they immediately brought people up to meet them, "Zheng Gu—"

Zheng Gu's eyes turned red when he saw the shopkeeper Zheng Da, "Father—"

Shopkeeper Zheng Da stretched out his hand to support him, and Shopkeeper Zheng Jiu asked excitedly, "Is this all right?"

"No," Zheng Gu said, "I just go back to the medical office first, so I don't need to take custody."

Although I didn't find out, it's good to come out. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. The shopkeeper Zheng said: "It's good to come out. It's so cold now, how can you stay in the prison?"

Zheng Gu hurriedly asked, "Father, how is the second mother?"

"She's all right. I sent her back to Anjia, where she is now raising a baby."

Zheng Gu let out a breath, looked left and right, and asked, "Where's the master, she's not an angel, is she because she wants to be intimate?"

"She's an angel, but she was sent to see King Gong's doctor," Manager Zheng explained to him, "She really wants to be private, so she can't come here today, alas, I don't know if she can meet with Imperial Physician Lu and the others. "

After all, her identity is to avoid suspicion.

The shopkeeper Zheng Da had a lot of things to ask Zheng Gu, but the fourth master Zheng on the side said: "Let's go back and talk about it. I think Zheng Gu's face is pale, have they tortured you?"

The shopkeeper Zheng had already found out, and he sighed: "Let's go, go back and talk about it first."

Forewarning, I will make up for it tomorrow, I can't swallow the keyboard

See you tomorrow

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