Chapter 2694 Flickering

The emperor frowned slightly and asked, "What's going on in the inner city?"

He asked, "Is there any news about the badge?"

Feng Shangshu, "The last time we contacted was nine days ago, and there has been no news since then."

The emperor counted the time. Nine days ago, it was just a few days after Gao Zhi went to the eight cities. At that time, Gao's royal court should have received the news that Gao Zhi surrendered with Anshicheng, right?

After pondering for a moment, the emperor summoned Bai Shan, "Draft a national letter, and let the King of Goguryeo come to see me. If you don't want to negotiate, then return my envoys."

Bai Shan complied and retreated. After a while, he prepared the national letter and presented it. The emperor read it, nodded slightly, changed a few words, and handed it over to Bai Shan, "I will transcribe it immediately, and the author will send it now. "

This small town is also a domestic city. It is only the size of a county. It is not very far from the domestic city. It is more than 30 miles away, and the fast horse will arrive soon.

Bai Shan wrote it and took it to the emperor to read and stamp it. Then he took the stamped national letter and went to the servant in the province. After they agreed, he copied it and kept it on file, and then handed it over to the minister. Yin Li, he, the commander of the forbidden army, sent someone to send it to the inner city.

At this time, Zhang Hui was squatting in Goguryeo's Heavenly Prison and sighing. He was arrested seven days ago. Before he was arrested, he wanted to send a message to Feng Shangshu outside the city, but the people who sent him were arrested. The line that was said to be very safe was also cut off, and none of the operators were caught.

The fifth prince of Gao lived in the ward next to him, and was a little stunned at this time.

Both of them have disheveled hair and unshaven beards, but this is only an appearance, and there is still an essential difference between them.

After all, the fifth prince of Goguryeo was the prince of Goguryeo, and he was favored before, and his mother was still there, so he lived in a cell with not only clean quilts, but also tables, chairs and benches, not only hot tea and hot water, but also snacks.

There was also a stove in the corner of the supposedly dark and damp sky prison.

In contrast, Zhang Hui next door lived in the real prison. The quilt was a hard and smelly quilt, not to mention the tables and chairs. He had to use thatch to make the bed so it wouldn't be too cold.

I was not very lucky. When I was caught, all the gold, silver and jewelry that were not sent out were seized, and the only good things left on my body were also scoured when I was in prison.

So he can only live a miserable life.

Zhang Hui was forced, and the fifth prince was frightened, unable to eat or swallow, unable to sleep, and took the initiative to live a hard life.

The two of them don't know who is more sad.

Zhang Hui has been appeasing the fifth prince in the past few days, just to avoid his mutiny.

However, he also heard what the soldiers reported at the time. The Jin army had already captured Anshi City, and even the second high school prince had surrendered, and even brought the vanguard army to the eight cities.

Goguryeo's demise is imminent, and the final result of the rebellion of the fifth prince of Goguryeo at this time will not be good. It is better to follow him all the way to the dark.

Prince Gao Wu of course knew this, but he was also afraid. He was afraid that before the Jin army invaded the inner city, his father would cut him off.

So he was terrified these days.

The two squatted in the cell and sighed together. Zhang Hui sighed that his life was sad, and the fifth prince sighed for his own life.

He moved under a wall and spoke to the badge next door through the wall, "Master Zhang, when will your majesty reach the inner city?"

Zhang Hui said: "It's snowing outside, and the marching speed will definitely be slow. The prince doesn't have to worry. With the second prince's current siege speed, he should be able to reach the city in a few days."

Across a wall, Zhang Hui couldn't see Gao You's state, but he could hear the fear in his voice, "You said, will my father kill me?"

Zhang Hui complained in his heart that if he were to die, he would definitely commit suicide. It would be okay to take this unfilial son away before committing suicide.

But he definitely couldn't tell Gaoyou like this, so he said softly: "No, tiger poison doesn't eat offspring, not to mention the King of Goguryeo is not vicious, and he has always been good to His Highness, plus your mother clan reconciles, he is sure I don't want to kill you."

He added: "You are also doing this for the sake of the king and the royal court."

Zhang Hui persuaded: "Our majesty has so many cities in a row, and we are about to break through Goguryeo. Your Majesty can't resist to the end."

"Although our majesty is kind, it is not that he has no temper at all. After the matter is over, the fifth prince can use the credit he has made to intercede with your majesty. This is your filial piety."

Zhang Hui's face was moved, and his voice was full of moving: "The world loves fame, and the prince is willing to take this notoriety for the safety of the king. Isn't this great filial piety?"

The fifth prince was taken aback for a moment, yes, he surrendered to Dajin not because I lived alone, but also because of my father.

When the Emperor of Jin calls over, he can intercede with the Emperor of Jin and let him spare his father's life. Isn't this filial piety?

The fifth prince was moved by himself, so he became more and more determined. When he was brought up to see the king in the palace, he knelt on the ground and cried, and said to his father: "Father, it is for you, and my son will not listen to you. And then stand on the side of Goguryeo."

The King of Goguryeo was so angry that he picked up the teacup and smashed it, "They gave you some ecstasy, and they were able to hook your spirit away. What do you mean by me? You are obviously greedy for life and afraid of death."

There were not many sons of the King of Goguryeo, and only a few were favored. As a result, two of them voted for Jin. There are already rumors outside that their royal court of the Gao family is tyrannical and vicious.

This dark is naturally his Gao family's royal court, and the bright is the Jin state.

pissed him off.

The fifth prince had just finished moving himself in the prison and was not very afraid of King Goguryeo. He said, "Have you ever thought about what will happen to the inner city if the inner city can't stand it?"

The King of Goguryeo twitched his cheeks. The fifth prince did not know that the army of Dajin had arrived outside the city, but the King of Goguryeo knew that even he received the letter of credentials.

So at this time, the sharp sword on the neck has fallen to the neck, clinging to the flesh, just waiting for it to be cut off accidentally, and the head will fall directly.

The fifth prince said: "Father, my son wants you to live, I want you to live, if... can't stand it, the royal court is broken, the son can exchange all the credit for the father to survive, the emperor of the Jin Dynasty is still benevolent, Erchen pleads for mercy, maybe it will work."

When the King of Goguryeo heard this reason, he ran over and gave him a kick in anger, "Idiot, do you need to surrender and do meritorious deeds to plead for mercy? You are greedy for life and fear death, and you put the reason on my head..."

"Your Majesty..." The chamberlain quickly grabbed the King of Goguryeo.

The King of Goguryeo kicked the fifth prince several times, kicked everyone and vomited blood before exhaling, pointing at him and scolding: "Drag him down, drag him down."

Originally, I wanted to discuss with him how to deal with the badge. It was best to bribe the envoy to do something, but seeing that he was so stupid and fooled by the badge, he immediately had no desire to continue with him.

That's all, why go through him, just look for the badge.

He wanted high officials and riches, beauties and golden utensils, whatever the Emperor Jin could give him, he could give them double.

see you at nine

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