"Where else can it hurt? My entire buttock and lower back hurt. Didn't you see that they were all green?" Chuu Lang was still righteous, he tried his best to look back, and then he lay on the pillow again and said, "Yes It really hurts, you quickly ask your fourth sister-in-law to rub the medicine bar for me."

"No." Man Bao confiscated the medicinal wine and said, "Even if you want to rub it, you will have to rub it tomorrow night. This medicinal liquor can promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis. Even if you don't have broken bones or internal bleeding, the capillaries will definitely bleed. Otherwise, it won't turn blue like this, at this time, you have to use well water to ice it, and then rub the medicinal wine tomorrow."

Thursday Lang was a little unconvinced, "Is this still possible? I remember that my family always rubbed the medicinal wine as soon as I fell. That taste..."

Man Bao persisted.

Since she was holding a book, although Shizuo Lang and Shi Fang were dubious, they still decided to listen to her.

Then Mr. Fang hesitated, "Man Bao, did your fourth brother have any broken bones? You said internal bleeding, why don't you go to the big set and find the old doctor to take a look?"

Man Bao said: "Of course it's the best, but internal bleeding is impossible. Look at the fourth brother's face, look at his lips, and you know that he can't have internal bleeding, but the bones may be broken."

Thursuro: "...you can't expect me a little bit, okay?"

Man Bao snorted.

Mrs Fang went to pull him, "While it's still light, let's go to Daji. If it gets dark, we'll stay at my parents' house at night."

"Don't go," Chuu Lang pressed his bed hard, and said, "People who ask for money to see a doctor are just squatting and squatting. Who would go to see a doctor?"

"Didn't you say it hurts badly?"

"That's lying to you."

Fang Shi was dubious, there was nothing he could do, Chuu Lang said too many lies, and most of them came with his mouth open, with a calm expression on his face, she really didn't know which of his words was true and which of his words was false.

Thursday Lang reached out and hooked her finger, and whispered: "Don't go, we only have a little money on us. After a while, you have to take a look."

Man Bao turned his head to look at Mrs Fang, "Sister-in-law four, haven't you seen the doctor yet? Brother No. 4 told you that you were pregnant."

When Mr. Fang heard the words, he realized that Thursday's big mouth had already been publicized, and he couldn't help reaching out and pinching his waist.

With a groaning sound, Chuu Lang clutched his waist and dared not move.

Man Bao giggled when he saw it, extremely happy, and the depression of being deceived was finally much better.

But she didn't plan to let Thursuluo go.

She spent her points to buy a book for him. Of course, she had to study it carefully, otherwise she didn't know when the next person would fall and get injured.

And apart from her own family, outsiders are probably reluctant to see her doctor.

Thinking of this, Man Bao rolled up his sleeves and continued to hold the book and said: "Fourth brother, don't move, I'll show you a serious look, this time you have to answer honestly what I ask you, if you ask again Dare to lie to me..."

Man Bao hummed, "I'll go tell Dad that you bullied me."

Thurso snorted out of fear.

Man Bao continued: "Our family is going to plant winter wheat this year, and it's time to sell ginger and yam, hum..."

Zhou Chulang immediately lay down and said softly, "Man Bao, look at it, what do you ask the fourth brother, the fourth brother will tell you, remember to say a few good words for me at your father's place."

He is not afraid of full treasure.

But he was afraid that Man Bao would talk to his father.

The work at home is arranged by the father and mother, especially the work in the field. Basically, whoever does anything is the father's word.

If Man Bao suggested on the side, to the extent that Dad spoiled Man Bao, he would definitely listen to Man Bao.

At that time, the old fifth and the sixth go into the city to sell ginger and make money easily, and he may be pulling the rope and plowing in the field.

Just thinking about it made him feel bad.

Seeing that the fourth brother was obedient, Man Bao was satisfied, so he said to Mrs Fang, "sister-in-law four, go and fetch some well water and apply it to the fourth brother in a while."

Mr. Fang responded in a daze, and turned to fetch water.

Applying cold compresses is also correct, at least not wrong.

Generally, if you fall, or fight with bruises, it is basically cold water first, then hot water, but those are people who have no medicinal wine at home.

Basically, if there is medicinal wine at home, they are directly rubbed with medicinal wine. Who would bother to apply cold water?

Man Bao re-examined Shirou according to the book. This time Shirou didn't dare to make a fuss, and answered honestly whether it hurt or not.

A quarter of an hour later, Man Bao lay on the bed again, tilted his head to see his face, and after looking at him for a long time heaved a sigh of relief, waved his small hand, and said with certainty, "It's okay, it's just a contusion, um..."

Man Bao glanced down at the book, then raised his head and said, "The cartilage tissue is bruised, the bones are not damaged, and there is no internal bleeding."

Thursday Lang: ...I already knew it was a contusion, but you didn't know it until you studied it for a long time?

Of course, Shirou did not dare to say this, but what is cartilage tissue?

Of course Man Bao wouldn't tell him what it was. She reached out and rolled up her sleeves and said, "Come on, let me apply cold water for you."

Thursday Lang resigned and lay on the bed.

Man Bao took care of his first patient with great interest, and said to Keke, "Treatment is still very fun, very happy, just as happy as making a problem arranged by Mr.

Keke looked at the host's points, hesitated and asked, "Does the host like medicine?"

Man Bao's brain replied excitedly, "Yes!"

This is a bit beyond Keke's expectations. It feels that the host can read more, be knowledgeable and knowledgeable, so that he can go farther in the future and live better, so that he can have more energy, time and ability to collect more biological specimens.

It seems that the host, who has not yet reached the age of seven, has already chosen the future direction of development.

This is a bit beyond Keke's service experience, because in the past, the hosts it encountered were adults. Although there were always problems of one kind or another during the counseling process, the direction of the host's career development was the least of his worries.

One is that at the time of binding, the host already had a career direction; the other is that the host is an adult, what to do or not to do is his freedom, and the system will generally not interfere.

But Manbao is different.

She is too young, and it has always thought that her current task is to read more and learn more contemporary survival skills so that she will have enough ability in the future.

But if she is interested in medical skills, given the characteristics of this era, it seems that she is about to start learning.

The system glanced at the host's points again, and the data in the chip was passed over and over again, and finally suggested: "Host, if you decide to study medicine, I suggest you use the teaching room in the system."

I locked 6,000 words in the Great God Code. I expected to be able to write it before twelve o'clock, but I couldn't finish it. Then I locked myself and panicked, so I needed a monthly pass to calm the nerves at this time. , come, who still has a monthly pass, come and give me peace of mind

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