Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 2731 Volunteers take the bait

The chef's eyes lit up, and there was a moment of surprise, and then he hesitated again, hesitatingly said: "Is the noble person going to sign a contract with Xiao?"

"The contract is of course to be signed. You can sign the living contract. If you don't want to work in my house, there is also a restaurant in my house. You can go in and try it. I think your little white cake is delicious."

The chef was nervous, both wanting to go and terrified.

As for Chang'an, it is said that the place is full of gold and pearls. The adults in it all wear silk and satin, and they all eat white rice and white noodles. Just looking at this noble person's demeanor is extraordinary.

If you can follow him...

The chef asked cautiously, "The little family..."

Bai Shan smiled slightly and said, "I'm not a villain, so of course I won't let your flesh and blood be separated. You can bring your family with you."

He pointed to Daji and said, "If you are interested, you can talk to Daji if you have any doubts. I think your skills are good, and you are a little inferior in staying here. If you go to Chang'an, you may be able to show your strengths, and you may not be successful. "

Chang'an, the capital of Dajin, is a place that many people yearn for. Even if the chef is far away in Goguryeo, he yearns for it.

But leaving his hometown and leaving a familiar place still made him a little terrified, mainly because he didn't know much about the treatment of this noble person at the moment.

So he knelt down and kowtowed, "I want to think about it, little one."

Bai Shan nodded, "Yes, you can think about it slowly."

After the chef went out, he went to Daji to inquire. He asked Daji curiously, "Is your lord a servant of a noble family?"

The servant of the world is actually a kind of honor among the servants, and can use the power of the master.

Daji said: "It used to be, but I am a good candidate now, but I am still beside the young master as a personal follower."

The chef's eyes lit up when he heard it, "That must be the adult's outstanding ability, and he has made great contributions to the master's family. Is this the credit?"

Daji just smiled and didn't want to say more, but after thinking about it, he still said: "It's okay, but the two sons in the family are also promising, and one is about to study for the imperial examination, so the old lady grace gave me a book. "

To be able to study the imperial examinations, the chef covered his heart, this is a major event to change the family.

The chef lowered his voice and asked, "Is your family prosperous?"

"Our young master is from the Bai clan in Longzhou."

The chef didn't understand, but it seemed to be very powerful.

He hesitated for a moment, but still asked, "I don't know how the wages of the servants in the family are calculated?"

This is very familiar. The treatment in the kitchen has always been relatively good. The person in charge of the kitchen directly receives the same salary as the maid, a monthly stipend, and clothes throughout the year. You don’t have to worry about food and lodging. Not bad anyway.

The chef asked in a low voice, "I don't know how much rice can I buy in Chang'an with a drop of money?"

"For this year, let's go up and down eighty buckets of money."

The chef asked, shaking his lips, "Bai, white rice?"

Daji nodded: "White rice."

The chef became more and more excited.

Daji continued: "There are restaurants and tea shops at home. If you don't want to stay in the mansion, you can also go to these places to be the chef."

Daji paused and said, "Their wages are not low."

Daji is an honest person and can't say anything particularly nice, but the chef and other guards have also inquired about Chang'an, and I heard that the city of Anshi is similar to a small town on the edge of the capital, where a county is prosperous. Incomparable, tourists are like weaving.

Buildings are generally not lower than three floors, the roads are wide, people from any country are there, pearls and gems are all over the street...

Xue Gui walked past them expressionlessly. He didn't quite understand Bai Shan's meaning. What's the use of taking so much trouble to subdue a cook?

It can't really be a little white cake to bring people back to the capital, right?

Then Bai Shan smiled when the chef brought his family to show his loyalty and expressed his willingness to follow Bai Shan back to Chang'an, and immediately established a ten-year contract with them.

He said: "Ten years later, if you still want to stay in my house, then continue to stay. If you don't want to, I will settle down in Chang'an for you, as a good record."

The chef was greatly moved and kowtowed again and again.

Then Bai Shan gave him a bag of golden beans and said with a smile: "I suppressed this beforehand, and now the two countries are at war, and it is not easy to publicize, so you know what I know, and you can take these golden beans and buy more tomorrow. Good food, I want to invite General Yuanyi and a few adults to eat."

"Yes." The chef bowed to take it.

After a pause, Bai Shan smiled and said, "It's not good for the generals to have a meal without wine, and the drink is not good either. I don't know which one in this city has a good wine collection?"

After thinking about it, the chef said: "Some wealthy businessmen and big families have fine wines in their possession, but it's just that these wines are not easy to buy. Unfortunately, the restaurants are closed now."

"I also know that fine wine is rare, but after all, this is my first time to entertain guests, and I always have to do my best," Bai Shan said with a smile: "In my opinion, fine wine is rare, but as long as you have enough chips, someone will always sell it. —"

Then some soldiers and guards came up with a few pieces of cloth.

These are all good things they looted when they broke Liaodong City and Baiyan City and other cities, and Bai Shan brought them here specially.

He said to the head chef, whose eyes were straight, "This is the silk and satin I brought from Chang'an. Maybe some people like it. You can try to exchange it. If you can exchange it for two or three jars of good wine."

The chef nodded again and again, and went out with his things in his arms.

He wouldn't dare to ignore such a good thing.

So in less than two hours, the big families and wealthy businessmen in half of Anshi City knew that the envoys of Jin who came from the opposite side were not only generous, but also lived extravagantly. They wanted to eat fresh vegetables and good meat. Now Also eat good wine.

Just because he wanted to entertain General Yuanyi and a few people, he was willing to exchange four excellent silks and satins for fine wine.

This is the argument of people with fairly well-informed information. Most of the ordinary people don't know who Bai Shan is at all, nor do they know that the envoy is coming from the opposite side. They are just worried, and they don't know when this battle will be fought.

But some people think a lot, they have access to the highest secrets, and they can also know the thoughts of some people.

In a large house in the south of the city, a young man walked into the house quickly, and behind him he brought a servant holding a piece of cloth, and told his father the news he had just received, "The son will give the other party a jar of wine at his own discretion."

The middle-aged man got up to look at the silk and satin, touched it, and said, "It is indeed the finest silk and satin."

"I heard that it was brought from the capital."

The middle-aged man sneered: "He came to march to fight, not to do business. What do you bring such fine silk and satin for? I guess it's the spoils of war confiscated from other cities."

"Son is ashamed."

The middle-aged man said indifferently: "What is there to be ashamed of? It's not fake. But this envoy is indeed smart and arrogant."

Since the first day Bai Shan came here, many people have been staring at him and the council. They also want to know if they can negotiate peacefully, or... surrender.

Therefore, they all know Bai Shan's recipes that have not been repeated in the past few days. Whether he is a pampered aristocrat or not, he is arrogant anyway.

And the second prince actually tolerated his arrogance, which is very intriguing.

The middle-aged man said: "Go and take out another jar of good wine, we will go out for a walk tomorrow."


see you at nine

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