Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 2715 An City City One

Man Bao inspected the wounded soldiers, and took a peek inside. Seeing that they were patronizing fights, some wounded soldiers were too late to lift, so he still greeted two students with their medicine boxes on their backs.

Man Bao stretched out his hand and dragged out a wounded soldier who had been hit by an arrow. He should have fallen to the ground after being hit by an arrow.

Man Bao took out scissors to cut off the arrow feathers, took out a needle and stabbed him in the tiger's mouth. After he woke up, he helped him out.

She didn't draw the arrow immediately, but after looking at the speed of the bleeding, she felt that he could wait, so she turned around and went in, and continued to slap the wounded soldiers, or those who were hit by arrows, or those who were cut incompetence.

After all, they are generally cut, as long as they can still hold the knife, they will not retreat.

Man Bao and the two students pulled the wounded soldiers down. The rest of the students had already started to treat them. Man Bao glanced in and felt that they were fighting too fiercely. Some Goguryeo soldiers had already jumped over the barrier, although it was very fast. It was chopped, but there were also many people who crossed the barrier behind...

Man Bao retracted his head, quickly cut off the wounded soldier's clothes with his hands and feet, stuck a needle to stop the bleeding and relieve the pain, and then started digging for arrows...

When the wounded soldiers on his hands were almost dealt with, Man Bao ordered two more students, ran into the city gate together, and dragged out the wounded soldiers who could be seen.

General Ashina was in front, and she didn't notice her movements at all, but the soldiers behind saw it. They didn't rush up in one go. General Ashina made an arrangement. Now the other two groups are sitting and resting, and some people simply hold their knives and sleep in the place that can be covered by the tower.

The soldiers who were resting saw that, they simply stopped sitting, and after asking the Shangguan for instructions, they stepped forward to help them carry the wounded soldiers.

In addition to them, there are more than a dozen soldiers who were originally allocated medical bills, and after a while, all the wounded soldiers on the battlefield were pulled out.

Man Bao was satisfied and turned around to deal with the wounded soldiers.

Those soldiers also went back and continued to squat, and then they heard General Ashina's personal soldiers roar: "For the second batch-"


At the same time, the flag-bearer signaled the flag, and their general flags and small flags were calling for people. They immediately went to get their weapons and went forward to replace the people.

The first batch of soldiers was replaced, and the guards upstairs were replaced, and the soldiers responsible for shooting arrows were also replaced.

General Ashina also felt a little tired, so he asked the lieutenant to supervise the battle. He returned to the castle tower, looked around and found Zhou Man, not even the wounded soldiers, so he couldn't help but look up to the tower.

"General, Lord Zhou is outside the city."

This is what General Ashina did not expect.

After passing through the city wall, there were rows of wounded soldiers outside the city wall. Because the position was large enough, Zhou Man just placed them casually. The seriously wounded were here, the lightly wounded were there, and the arrow wounds were here. , the knife wound is over there...

The soldiers who retired also found the medical account, and anyone who was injured immediately came to ask for medicine.

Zhou Liru was sitting in front of the pile of medicines, and she stepped forward with a slight injury. She took a look and felt that they could handle it by themselves, so she gave them medicine and asked them to apply the medicine and bandage by themselves.

The medical bills were busy in an instant.

After fighting for half an hour, the second batch also retreated, and the third batch was replaced, and the wounded soldiers surged again.

Fortunately, most of them were minor injuries, and there were very few serious injuries, only seven or eight. Man Bao took two students to deal with them, while the others dealt with the slightly injured soldiers.

General Ashina stood on the tower and looked into the distance. The other party suffered more casualties than them, and they were guards, so they had to be more calm. The other party was already a little impatient.

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he squinted to look at Anshicheng in front of him. At the same time, he was also looking at the east. It was almost dawn.

It was almost dawn, and Yuan Yi made no progress at all. The second high school prince, who had not slept for half the night, seemed a little haggard and anxious, and kept sending people to ask, "Where did they attack and how many streets did they recover? "

Ling Bing: ... not even a zhang. The first attack had already crossed the barrier and checkpoint, but the opponent beat them out again after changing their team. At this time, the barrier and checkpoint were still there, still a hundred feet away.

However, the commander did not answer, but went to the front line to ask Yuan Yi after taking the order. The second prince was a little terrified at this time, so let General Yuan Yi answer.

Yuan Yi became annoyed when he heard this, and said to the soldiers, "Tell the second prince that he will try his best to recover the lost ground. Please wait for the good news."

The commander responded and ran back to tell the second prince.

General Ashina had already replaced the second batch, and let the third batch come on. Yuan Yi wanted to take a rest, but after the second prince sent his soldiers to inquire, he did not take a rest, and replaced the first batch with a new one. people behind.

When General Ashina saw that he made a faint move, he said to the lieutenant: "Tell them, this time, move the checkpoint forward twenty feet, and occupy the lanes on both sides to set up checkpoints."

"Yes!" The lieutenant walked away.

The corner of General Ashina's mouth twitched. The forwards of the Goguryeo soldiers had come and gone with them, and they were waiting for work. Unlike their previous long-distance raids and two consecutive battles, they faced the Jin army when they had the best energy.

It has only been fighting for more than an hour now. It was when the anger came out. At this time, when the battle was replaced, the anger was suppressed, and the soldiers in the rear who had been unable to go forward to fight have been seeing them for more than an hour. The people who are suppressed are only afraid that they have already felt fear and fear in their hearts.

It is much easier to play against them than the experienced strikers just now.

The reason why General Ashina changes a group of people every half an hour is because his soldiers have been fighting since yesterday morning and have not been able to rest until now. A short rest can not only restore their physical strength and energy, but also allow them to recover. Their psychology adapts.

Yuan Yi was obviously learning from him, but he just happened to be poor.

Sure enough, as soon as the talent on the opposite side was replaced, the Jin army, who had been fighting for a day and a night in a row, was instantly suppressed by blood and courage.

Yuan Yi saw that the forward was being held down and retreated continuously, his face changed suddenly, and he commanded from behind: "Go forward, the spear is forward, where is the archer, where is the archer..."

General Ashina commanded in an orderly manner. At this time, the bows and arrows on the tower were no longer able to reach here, and the enemy was already out of range, so he formed an archer to follow, just when Yuan Yi called the archer, The archers of the Jin army stepped up to the front two rows and attacked from the left and right.

The Goguryeo soldiers were a little confused because they retreated, and the shields didn't stand up until the arrows came, which was already too late.

Yuan Yi couldn't hold back the defeat, and was so angry that he drew his sword and killed the two retreating soldiers, which stopped their retreating momentum, but still allowed the Jin army to advance about ten feet.

The two sides temporarily truce, and the Jin army moved the checkpoint over, and then continued to add checkpoints and barriers behind. With these things in place, they would be able to maintain one or two more major attacks.

At this time, the second high school prince, who was dazed with anger, remembered one thing, "If you can't retake the city gate from inside the city, how about taking it back from outside the city?"

Happy March 3rd~

See you at 6 pm

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