Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 2710 is persuaded

At this time, after going around the boss and rushing for four days, the Jin army finally got in with some defeated skirmishers and refugees who were exiled because of the war, and finally followed them into the city of Anshi.

They are really yellow, skinny, and really hungry. Seeing the steamed buns and noodles on the stall, they can't wait to grab them and eat them.

Yin Li deliberately chose a relatively short and thin soldier. There is no way. To pretend to be a refugee, you must first be hungry.

Therefore, Yin Li only prepared a small amount of dry food for them.

But they prepared some money for them, including copper coins, pearls and gold.

These are the capital for them to feast on, as long as they get into the city smoothly, and things haven't been discovered.

Fortunately, they came around on purpose. They looked similar to the locals, with yellowish skin and thin skin. At first glance, they had been hungry for several days, and their eyes glowed green when they saw what they were eating.

However, the soldiers guarding the city gate still carefully inquired about their origins. They had memorized them all before they came. They divided several groups of people to go in. They were fellow villagers in groups of three or five. To testify, even if there is no household registration, it was also put in.

Then, as soon as they entered, there were people who were picking them. Those who were good-looking would be recruited as soldiers as long as they weren't particularly thin. They couldn't help but refuse to agree. Those who were struggling would be dragged away as soon as the rope was locked.

The brave men who just entered the city:  …

When some people saw this, they turned around and were about to sneak out of the city. Then they were caught. The leader squeezed his arm, checked his palm again, slapped him directly, and cursed in Goguryeo: "You A deserter!"

"No, I'm not, I lost the battle, everyone dispersed, and Nusa surrendered."

Lu Geng, who was squatting on the ground with the refugees, rolled his eyes and heard the city guard say: "One day is my Goguryeo soldier, then it will be my whole life. Bring it back and re-enlist into the army."

Lü Geng knelt on the ground with a snap, and brought several brothers beside him to the ground. Seeing the sight of the city guard, he kowtowed repeatedly: "I am willing to be loyal to the new Nusa."

The city guard knew that he was also a deserter, bah, the defeated army, so they waved away together.

Lu Geng and a few others were dragged away together as skirmishers.

The other Jin soldiers squatting behind:  …

The city guards picked a lot of people and took them to the military camp to be the lowest-ranking soldiers, while the others were put into the city.

Everyone followed the crowd into the city, carefully gathered together and said, "What is Lu Geng doing?"

"Don't complain, Lu Geng went in by himself, but five of us were selected to go in. The flesh on his arms is strong, even if he doesn't take the initiative, he will be dragged in. His Goguryeo language is ok, I hope Don't be heard."

"Where are we going then?"

"Wherever you can go, just walk around, find an alley and lie down first, and see how things are sold in this city, and fill your stomach first."

There aren't many people sneaking in. If there are too many people, they will be conspicuous, and if they are conspicuous, accidents will happen easily.

Therefore, Yin Litong chose a total of 25 people, five people in one group, a total of five groups.

Most of them didn't know each other before, but they met in a hurry when they were selected, and then because they came along the same way, they were barely acquainted with each other.

But they separated on the way, and basically did not communicate unless necessary.

They met a lot of refugees on the way, but once they entered the city, they dispersed and no longer got together with those refugees.

They have to find a way to reach the West City Gate, and they have to get some weapons...

The ambush soldiers in the mountains continued to lie still, while the emperor in Liaodong City had already begun to let people pull out of the camp and split up a group of people to leave.

The scout ran back and told the second high school prince, "They retreated to Yingzhou, and I heard that they are going back from Yingzhou."

"Where's the emperor of Da Jin?"

"Not moving."

"Second prince, the emperor of Da Jin must wait for the city to be stabilized before leaving. Now their watchtower is about to be built."

The scout also said: "Prince, when I came back from my rank, I heard the sound of quarrying stones in the mountains. They seem to want to block the road with stones, so that we won't be allowed to go there in the future."

"Too deceiving! Isn't this really going to be a boundary?"

They are not very afraid of checkpoints and observatories. If they build them, then they will destroy them. After all, many people over there are also their own people. When the time comes, they will naturally have a way to grab the land back, but they will be cut off. Communication is different. "

The scout continued, "I heard someone say in the tea shed outside Liaodong City that the emperor of Da Jin will remove half of the people here, all the officials are listed, and then move some people from the mainland..."

The face of the second prince of the high school changed slightly, and finally he became anxious. If they were to move people away and then move strangers over, then Liaodong City would really not be the Liaodong City of Goguryeo.

He couldn't help standing up and turning in circles.

The generals on the left and right said anxiously: "Second Prince, we can't wait any longer, if we don't take back the territory now, then we will lose people's hearts, and when they remove the people, we won't be able to hold the territory again. "

"Can you keep it now if you grab it back?"

"No matter how bad the situation is, it won't be as bad as it is now," a Nusa said: "We can't hold it, the big deal is that we will retreat and continue to defend Anshicheng, at least they will break their checkpoints and observation towers, and then they will make noise. The common people, if they are willing to follow us to oppose the Great Jin, they will not be able to take the place back, and it will be enough for them to have a headache."

"Yes, it is absolutely impossible for Da Jin to take over Liaodong City so smoothly, the second prince, this trip, Da Jin has hit a lot of our cities."

It hurts to think about it.

The second high school prince clenched his fists and said with a cold face: "Okay, then let's send troops!"

What he said was full of pride, but he was only willing to send two thousand troops to test it.

Generals:  …

There are 100,000 defenders in Anshicheng, so be generous, at least 10,000, right?

The second high school prince was not happy. He said, "I always feel that the Emperor Jin will not retreat so quickly, so these two thousand people will try it a little bit."

Everyone couldn't beat him, so they could only agree.

So the second prince of the high school ordered 2,000 soldiers and horses to destroy the checkpoints and observation towers, and by the way, cleared out the forty miles west of Anshi City, and recovered this piece of land.

Of the 2,000 men, only 500 were cavalry, and the other 1,500 soldiers ran behind with knives or spears.

Ashina, who was gnawing on dry food until his face turned yellow, heard the sound of horses' hooves and the sound of many people running.

The scout has hurriedly got in and reported, "General, they have dispatched troops."

General Ashina was refreshed and asked, "How many people?"

"Not much, it seems to be about 2,000 people, five hundred cavalry, ten cavalry in a row, a full fifty platoons."

As for the infantry who followed behind, he made a rough calculation, but with his eyesight, it should be inseparable.

General Ashina said: "Very good, take everyone down, tell General Xue to prepare, send troops back to the main account to report, we will try to delay the time as much as possible."


see you at nine

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