Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 2673 is glory

Man Bao sat beside him, his heart was itching, and he wanted to ask how much money he had raised since yesterday.

But so many people are sitting here, she was embarrassed to ask.

Although this important question is not easy to ask, another important question can be asked. She asked, "Miss, is all this money under the control of our Imperial Physician's Office?"

The queen smiled and nodded, and said, "If there is any excess, I will hand it over to the Ministry of Household to prepare food and grass."

More is impossible, and they are not too much.

However, Mrs. Zhao Guogong paid more attention to another question, "Do you want to stay by His Majesty's side all the time with the army, or..."

Man Bao smiled slightly and said: "This depends on the arrangement of the Ministry of War. The Imperial Physician's Office is only an auxiliary, and when you enter the army, you will naturally follow the orders of the army."

Even if they have set a policy, they can't tell you about it. Is this a secret?

Mrs. Zhao Guogong was in high spirits. If the Ministry of War made arrangements, Zhou Man would probably go to the front line.

Zhao Guogong is definitely going to the front line...

Mrs. Zhao Guogong immediately said: "Niangniang, I don't have much money, so I donated 100,000 yuan to express my feelings, and I just hope to save a few more soldiers."

Mrs. Yin also immediately said, "I will also donate 100,000 yuan."

She was much more direct than Mrs. Zhao Guogong, and smiled at Man Bao: "When I go to Liaodong, my son will ask Lord Zhou."

Man Bao narrowed his eyes with a smile, nodded and said, "It's easy to say, easy to say."

When the others saw this, those with their family members who went to the battlefield donated 100,000 yuan without blinking. The others were a little less, and for the sake of appearance, they would not be less than 80,000 yuan.

Man Bao did the math and found a lot, and there were still many people in the Wude Hall.

Man Bao was about to move and wanted to go to the Hall of Wude.

The queen seemed to know what she was thinking, and after finding an excuse to send everyone away, she left her, and reached out to take an account book from the hand of the big palace maid and hand it to her.

Man Bao took it, "What is this?"

"This is the money booklet sent by the royal family yesterday. What's fresh at the bottom is the amount of money pledged by each family just now. Take a look at the total."

Man Bao's eyes fell on the last number, plus the estimated selling price of the jewelry sent, it was about 6.8 million money, not to mention the fragmentary, after all, some jewelry is only an estimated price, replace it with There may be a little more money, or a little less.

This is more than the money the Ministry of Household gave them.

The queen smiled and said: "Is this a lot of money? After all, Jin is a big country, and it's just a battle. It's not a problem for the royal family to save money and raise military expenses. If they even loot the salaries of the ministers, and the fans of the officials and family members. Money, if it is spread out, it will damage the prestige of the Great Jin."

Empress means so far.

Their royal family can be diligent and thrifty in raising military expenses, but if they reach out and raise funds with ministers and officials, that means the treasury is empty and the prestige is insufficient.

So the Queen didn't want Zhou Man to put his ideas on those officials and family members outside. Today, the old ladies and ladies in the main hall were all of good grades. They were also driven out when they talked to Princess Mingda, so the Queen didn't care.

She glanced at Mingda and said, "This is the end of the matter. Tomorrow, I will have someone take out the jewelry I received and exchange it for money, which will be handed over to your Imperial Physician's Office."

Man Bao was very disappointed, he hesitated for a while and said, "Niang Niang, in fact, this amount of money is not enough..."

The queen frowned slightly.

Man Bao stretched out his hand and took the abacus with the maid. While reporting the name of the herbs on the medicine list, the unit price and the approximate quantity, he calculated it for her.

More than 11 million dollars, it sounds like a lot, but buying the medicinal materials is not much specific to each person, not to mention that Manbao is also specific to the disease.

A soldier, after three months, may not be injured only once, nor may he need only one medicine to stop bleeding.

And if you buy a lot of these medicinal materials, the price is likely to rise, and the medicinal materials will be even more scarce.

Although Dajin's majesty is also very important, Man Bao feels that the lives of soldiers are more important.

She suggested cautiously: "Niangniang, what if it wasn't for Chaotang and them to ask for something, but they gave it on their own initiative?"

Mingda said: "Just like the old ladies just now."

The queen smiled and said, "That's because Mrs. Zhao Guogong and the others care about them, and they will be like this when they have family members on the front line."

Man Bao said, "What if it's a kind of honor?"

"That's right, we didn't accept anyone who gave us money," Chang Yu said, "After accepting the money, it's enough for my mother to praise them a few words later. Isn't this honor?"

The queen was speechless for a while.

The three Man Bao looked at her eagerly.

It was rare to see Ming Da and Chang Yu so concerned about state affairs, the Empress smiled and said, "Okay, you can do it, but you can't force it."

Man Bao and Ming Da immediately nodded happily, only Chang Yu was a little stunned, "Do we have to do it ourselves? Wouldn't it be enough to send a few clever palace maids to spread some small talk?"

The queen said: "Since you want people to feel honored, then your status must not be low. I think the three of you are fine."

After thinking about it, she said, "You go and call the Crown Princess together."

Changyu:  …

Ming Da and Man Bao respectfully responded, and one of them pulled Chang Yu's side and dragged him down.

After leaving the hall, Chang Yu looked left and right and asked, "What should I do? I can't stand in front of people and say that it is very honorable that Mrs. Zhao Guogong donated money?"

Mingda directly summoned a palace maid and asked, "Where is the Crown Princess?"

The palace maid bowed her knees and said, "Prince Concubine is resting in Wude Hall."

The crown princess has a big belly. If she wasn't the crown princess, she should be ready to give birth now.

But she is, so come out.

However, the queen was also considerate of her, so she did not let her get tired, and let her sit in the Wude Hall to rest and wait for the palace banquet to start.

The three turned to Wude Hall to find someone.

The Crown Princess was eating grapes, and when she saw the three of them, she waved her hands and smiled: "This is the last time the grapes were sent from Huangzhuang in the suburbs of Beijing. The steward of Zhuangzi said that because the sun is good this year, the grapes that came down are sweeter than previous years. , come and have a taste."

The three stepped forward, and one twisted and ate one.

The three hissed at the same time, feeling sour.

The maid on the side held back a smile and said, "This year's grapes are a bit sweeter than last year's, but our mother-in-law has a heavy mouth and likes sour ones, but the mother-in-law finds it sweet."

When Chang Yu heard this, his eyes fell on the crown princess's bulging belly, "I heard someone say that there is a saying called a sour girl, and the eldest sister-in-law is still the grandson of the emperor, right?"

The princess couldn't help but look at Zhou Man.

Man Bao swallowed the grapes and said, "This can't be done properly, and some people like to eat stinky and bitter things, so what are they going to produce?"

This makes sense.

Chang Yu was indignant, "Who made up these common sayings?"

Sorry for the heavy hair, see you at nine o'clock at night

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