Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 2606 the same destination

Tang He glanced at him and said, "Our group has become a foil after a few words, are you still happy?"

Bai Shan smiled and reassured him, "It's the same journey through different journeys, thank you so much for this, senior. When I go back, I will invite senior to Jiufulou for dinner."

"I want ten meals."

It is estimated that the salary will be due for a month. Bai Shan is a little heartbroken, but with a smile on his face, "It's easy to talk, easy to talk."

It was getting dark early in the morning, but Master Tang didn't go back to the house. Instead, he followed Inspector Yu's words and turned around in the backyard garden.

At this time, he will definitely be arrested by Liang Yushi and the others. He has not thought about what to say to persuade them, so he decides to avoid them temporarily, and he also wants to think about this Inspector Yu.

He walked in the darkness with his hands behind his back, turned his head and said to Bai Shan, "Although walking with him will be a little more restrictive, looking at his words and deeds today, it is true that there are both rough and subtle. Since he has a plan in his heart, then we are not afraid."

In officialdom, they are not afraid of their opponents, but they are afraid of pig teammates. Since their new teammates are not pigs, Master Tang doesn't mind making a slight concession in the situation of cooperation.

In the main courtyard, Inspector Yu took off his clothes and soaked it in the tub, and said, "This Master Tang is very generous, and thought that this time he came here not only to deal with the various forces in Qizhou, but also to deal with the inspections from the capital. I didn't expect that. He's very reasonable."

The lieutenant stood outside the screen and replied, "Is it for the Lord Bai? Lord Tang seems to value the Lord Bai very seriously, and does not want him to offend the Lord and break the rules of the officialdom. Moreover, Lord Tang calls him a junior, his behavior The demeanor seems to be friendly too.”

Inspector Yu rubbed the mud on his body vigorously and said indifferently, "I know, when I was in the capital, I went to Ping An to find out that Bai Shan was a student of the Imperial College, and then he entered the Chongwen Hall as a companion to the Prince, and he was also a former Yizhou student. Students from Fuxue, whether they are from Yizhou Fuxue or Guozijian students, all have a relationship with Tang He, but this official did not expect their relationship to be so good."

"But it's also good. Selling their favor will make it easier to get along later."

Inspector Yu thought of something, shook his head and smiled and said, "But this shouldn't be the key reason. The most important thing is that this is the fastest way to quell the riots of the tenants."

"What are you going to do, sir?"

Inspector Yu said: "Since we want to rent the land to Da'an Village, why not just rent it to all the tenants who rent the land? What does it mean to rent for one year? This official can let them rent for three years, or even five years."

"My lord, this is a wonderful move. In this way, it is a gift for them. In the future, it will be easier for us to manage affairs in Qizhou."

Inspector Yu said: "I just cut someone down, but I have to be softer."

"It's just that the tenant rent that Mr. Bai has promised is too small."

Inspector Yu: "If there's anything to worry about, it's only three or five years. After these three or five years, you can mention another achievement."

"At that time, it is estimated that the adults will not be here, and this benefit will not fall on the adults."

Inspector Yu said indifferently: "I am charging 50% to 60% of the rent now, and this benefit will not fall on me. Do you think the Ministry of Household is giving us Qizhou money in vain?"

He said: "It's all to be paid back, but now it is because there is no money in the treasury of Qizhou, so the Ministry of Household has advanced it. Before I came out, Liu Shangshu specifically asked me to talk to him, or he would search the house and return the money for this redemption to the Ministry of Household. , or, in the future, the land that has been redeemed will be returned to the household every year until this part of the arrears is paid off.”

Inspector Yu said: "I've already thought about it, I won't pay back the ready-made money."

He said: "It will take more than a year for the output of the fields to come out, but now Qizhou does not need money for doing things? Let the household department slowly collect these rents."

The lieutenant couldn't help but laughed, "Your Excellency is brilliant."

Master Tang walked around the garden, buzzed by mosquitoes, and when he was really annoyed, he turned around and took Bai Shan back to the front.

He said, "This Inspector Yu is so shrewd and old-fashioned that Liu Shangshu will suffer this time."

Bai Shan said, "I'm afraid Liu Shangshu is more shrewd than him, but I don't think he will suffer."

Tang Daren said: "This time we bought the money from the Ministry of Household. I thought the new governor would pay it back, but today, looking at the results of this governor, he definitely won't pay it back."

He didn't pay it back either.

Bai Shan remembered something, and said softly, "Brother, it seems that the land deeds that we bought back have always been in our hands. Didn't Liu Shangshu tell us before that, in order to calculate the money spent, should these land deeds be brought back to the capital for verification?"

When Master Tang reacted, he was speechless for a while.

The two looked at each other and sighed together, "Jiang is still old and hot."

At this moment, the prefect Yu, who was still unaware, simply rubbed his hair, and after one pass, the water came out, and he said to the lieutenant: "Grandma, just to kill them by surprise, I didn't even bring a maid with me. Go back and ask someone to find Renyazi and buy two girls who will serve you."

You have to find a sensible person to do the tedious task of washing your hair.

The lieutenant smiled.

The two returned to the guest house where they lived in front, and before entering the courtyard, they saw Liang Yushi and Ren Yushi standing under the corridor pinching their waists, looking at the two with anger in their eyes.

Master Tang paused slightly, lowered his voice and said, "Come on quickly."

Who knows that Bai Shan's speed has also slowed down, "Brother Tang, you are the chief officer."

"It's inconvenient because I'm the chief officer, hurry up..."

Bai Shan had no choice but to return to his normal speed, and passed over Lord Tang and stepped forward to salute the two censors, "Why are Lord Liang and Lord Ren standing here and not entering the room?"

Liang Yushi asked with a stern face, "Where did Master Bai and Master Tang go?"

Bai Shan smiled and said, "We went for a stroll in the backyard. Speaking of which, we have been in Qizhou for about a decade, but we haven't visited the garden in the backyard of the Governor's Mansion."

"It's dark and blind, but Master Bai and Master Tang are interested."

Bai Shan smiled and said, "Although it's dark, the moonlight is still pretty good."

Censor Ren: "Where is the moonlight?"

Bai Shan looked at the sky subconsciously, only to find one or two stars in the sky, and the moon disappeared directly behind the dark clouds.

He smiled and said, "Xingguang is also pretty."

Liang Yushi and Ren Yushi let out a sigh of relief at his open-eyed nonsense, turned around and entered the room with a cold snort.

Tang He smiled slightly and frowned at Bai Shan.

When he entered the room, Liang Yushi asked directly, "What is Master Tang's plan for the murder of Inspector Yu?"

Tang He sat down on the chair and said with a smile, "Yushi Liang, this official has said that this is not the responsibility of this official, so this official has no plans."

"It's just like the Inspector kills people as soon as he arrives. I'm afraid our relationship that has been eased after this period of time will deteriorate again."

Tang He pondered for a moment and then said: "The Governor Yu has already promised to rent the land to the tenants and give them a better share, so this official thinks that most of the problems of the tenants have been solved, and the rest, as long as the momentum is concerned. If you hold down the families again, the matter will be done.”

The two censors looked at each other and knew Tang He's plan.

Bai Shan smiled and said: "Lord Liang, Lord Ren, the main purpose of our visit to Qizhou this time is to appease the people and buy land. If these two things are done, we can return to Beijing. The rest is the Qizhou Prefect's Office. thing."

The two censors fell silent and stopped talking.

A sergeant came to invite them, "Sir, the food is ready, Governor Yu invites all of you to come to the table."

Master Tang got up and said with a smile: "Let's go, we can go to the backyard and have a chat with Governor Yu."

see you at nine

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