Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 2601 Raid

This village is too big, and it is organized to oppose the redemption of the land. It cannot achieve its goal with the same careful and considerate persuasion as the previous villages.

So they can only use other means.

Before dawn, they all woke up. Now is the most relaxed time of the day. Bai Shan and the others got up and left quietly, avoiding the people who were staring at them.

When the two lieutenants came to Yiyue, there were only a few people left in Master Tang.

They were stunned for a moment, and just as they were about to ask, Tang He had already stood up and said, "Let's go, hurry back, I haven't bathed in three or four days."

The two chiefs followed hesitantly, and only after walking all the way did they find a chance to speak, "Master Tang, what about the other two adults and officials?"

Tang He waved his hand indifferently and said, "They're going to the next town."

He glanced at them and said with a sneer: "You Qizhou has a lot of troubles, these fields belonged to the imperial court, you bought them at a low price, and now your Majesty bought them back at the original price, it has been cheap for you all these years. Now, what's not to be satisfied with?"

The faces of the chiefs changed slightly, and before they had time to speak, Tang He pouted again and said, "But if this drudgery hadn't been explained by Shangguan, I wouldn't be willing to come over and do thankless things, now the court is worried about These tenant farmers have become a mob, so as long as you can appease the tenant farmers, it is not impossible for you to open the net and let go.”

The hearts of the two lieutenants flew for nine days and then fell back, almost unbearable.

At this time, Bai Shan and the others had circled to the end of the village and hid directly in the woods.

Ren Yushi stretched out his hand and pressed the big black mosquito on the back of his hand, his face was very dark, "It's like fighting a war."

Bai Shandao: "Looking at yesterday's stance, it's similar to fighting a war. In this entire village, there are only eighty-nine households with their own land, and the most is twelve mu, the least is two mu, and the rest are basically The tenants who rely on the tenant rent are also in the same situation that caused the situation like yesterday.”

Yushi Ren thought for a while and then said: "After entering the village, Master Bai will have to persuade the villagers. Your words will make you feel more friendly."

Bai Shan nodded, but he didn't leave immediately, but said, "Last night, Lord Ren didn't say what to do with these tenants in the future."

Yushi Ren glanced at him, "Master Tang told you to act on the camera, so Master Bai should obey."

Bai Shan raised his eyebrows slightly, knowing what he knew.

Tang Xuexiong asked him to make up his own mind, but isn't this your censor here?

When he looked back, he made a promise to appease the hearts of the people. If you don't fulfill it, it's not him who will be scolded?

And what about going back and impeaching him for not playing by the rules?

With the promise of Ren Yushi, Bai Shan led the people out, and he decided to follow his own wishes.

The officers and soldiers went back and forth, and started sweeping from the end of the village where they were least aware of, calling people out from house to house and led them to the center of the village together.

They only gathered people from the end of the village, and they stopped when they gathered eighty or ninety households. The rest came after they heard the news.

When some of the more active people at the head of the village arrived with wooden sticks and hoes, Bai Shan and Ren Yushi were standing on a high platform that was temporarily set up with several tables.

He nodded to the guard beside him, and the guard pulled out his knife, slashed it on a wooden stake beside him, and shouted loudly, "Your Excellency has something to say, be quiet—"

The noisy voices quieted down, and Bai Shan looked at them and said: "Did you know that just by attacking the court officials yesterday, you can already be defined as a mob, and for those who rebel, you can kill without mercy?"

Everyone panicked, "But you have also seen that today we don't have as many people as yesterday, do you know why?"

"Why, why?"

"Because your governor went into the city on your behalf to plead guilty," Bai Shan said nonsense with his eyes open: "Yesterday's events were not what your governor intended, and he also said that you are afraid that the land will be bought back by the yamen and will not be cultivated. , Master Tang takes pity on you, and thinks that you are the first offender, so I decided to forgive you."

"But there are some things that this official thinks it's impossible not to make it clear to you." Bai Shan said, "Do you know that the fields in this area were originally official fields?"

Everyone knows this, but they didn't know it before, but they all know it now. Recently, there has been such a big fuss. They all say that the yamen do things without morality. They were short of money a few years ago, so they sold the land to their owner.

As a result, now that they are not short of money, they regret it and want to buy Diqiang back.

They have been planting the fields for so many years, and they have all planted this year. Now they have to take the fields back, and the officials are going to force them to death.

As long as I think about this, everyone's emotions are stirred up again.

Bai Shan said loudly: "All these official fields were sold by the former governor of Qizhou in collusion with local big clans and aristocratic families at low prices. The price of the fields is less than one-third of the market price!"

No one moved, Bai Shan continued: "And these fields should have your share!"

As soon as this sentence came out, everyone couldn't help but cheer up.

Bai Shan raised his hand slightly and said, "According to the laws of the Great Jin Dynasty, anyone who has become a farmer can be assigned 20 acres of Yongye Field. How many people in your village were born last year, but they can be allocated the land, and how many people were born the year before. , but was divided into fields again?"

"These official fields were originally intended to be distributed to the males, and because of the sale of these official fields, the registered official fields in your villages and towns are scarce, and when it is your turn to divide the fields, you will find that there is no land to divide! "

Everyone couldn't help but whispered, "It seems to be true. Last year, the three boys of Zhuzi's family didn't get a share of the land, and they haven't got any share in the past few years."

"The official said it nicely. It's not certain that you have taken the land back and divided it. Moreover, how many households can there be in our village who have not divided the land? What about the others?"

"Yeah, we don't have land points, and if we don't have land to grow, we will starve to death within a year."

"Could it be possible to divide so much land?" Bai Shan said, "Of course not, the rest of the land still needs to be cultivated, and you have just changed from tenant farmers in other families to tenant farmers in the imperial court, and I can call the shots. The rent collected by the imperial court and you will definitely not exceed 40%."

Yushi Ren couldn't help turning his head to look at him, and began to wink at him, don't talk big, it's not more than 40%, and it's 40% at most. The new prefect of Qizhou knows that he will tear up Bai Shan?

Bai Shan continued: "And the court has already made a decree, and the announcement has been posted on the city wall. It has already been stated that the harvest of this year's leased fields still belongs to you. The court will buy it this year and will not take over the fields until the end of the autumn harvest. I don't know about you. Where did the rumors come from, destroying the young crops, do you know that destroying the young crops is also a big crime?"

After Bai Shan finished speaking, he gave Yushi Ren a wink, and Yushi Ren stepped forward to tell them the crime of destroying the young crops and the crime of attacking the officials. "Master Bai doesn't care about you, but it's not something you can bully casually. I will arrest these leaders. This official suspects that they are related to the rumors circulating recently!"

See you tomorrow

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