Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 2588 Doubt

"However, my father did find out something. At least Mr. Zheng will go to Zhuangzi for inspection. It is because someone who knew his temperament specifically told him about it. As for whether the fight that Zhuangtou provoked was ordered by others. Not necessarily, he has never confessed."

However, the magistrate Guo in the front hall said to Yin Li, "Sir, Zheng Erlang obviously has no intention of pursuing the murderer behind the scenes, so shall we continue to investigate?"

Yin Li showed him the small note he just received, "Sun Zhi is missing."

The magistrate Guo took the note and was slightly startled, "Missing in our Gyeonggi area?"

Yin Li glanced at him and said, "No, it was on the way to Beijing and disappeared not long after leaving Xingyang. The Sun family has already reported to the officials that they encountered bandits on the road."

The magistrate Guo couldn't help but stunned and asked, "Do you suspect that it is Patriarch Zheng?"

Yin Lidao said: "Old Master Tang said that you can't solve a case by suspicion alone. Without evidence, who would know whether it was a ghost or a person? We have no evidence now, and Sun Zhi is his wife and nephew. No one can tell."

The magistrate of Guo was uncertain about the meaning of Yin Li for a while.

Yin Li said: "Tomorrow you go to Zheng's house again, and tell Zheng Fei about this. Whether it is true or not depends on his own judgment."

County magistrate Guo looked up at Yin Li, is that true or not?

Yin Li glanced at him lightly, and he didn't care whether he was right or not, he just had to stir up the calm water a little more.

Whether it is or not, it is not in his Gyeonggi area.

The magistrate Guo was a little hesitant. He would not be beaten for acting like a striker, right?

So he suggested: "Sir, the next official has to go to the countryside tomorrow to see the planting situation. It happens that Lord Zhou is going to see Zheng Erlang every day. Why don't you ask Lord Zhou to convey it on your behalf?"

Yin Li glanced at him and said, "You go in person."

He said: "There is such a thing as a fight for water and weapons under the rule, even if you have handled it fairly, this is also your dereliction of duty. Among the several positions now, only the position of the governor of Yanzhou is not bad. I will report to your majesty to keep it for you. on."

In fact, fighting for water and guns is not a big deal. The big event is the death of people. In fact, the death of people in the capital is not a big deal. Which month does not die in Chang'an County and Wannian County?

The big thing is that they died in a fight with water and weapons.

The impact of this is bad. Originally, the case was only judged in his Wannian County, and there was Yin Li, his immediate boss, who was in charge. Even if he did not get a good evaluation in one year, he would continue to work hard in the next year.

The trouble was so big that the case was handed over to the three divisions, so it was not a one-year evaluation issue.

The county magistrate Guo knew for a long time that he would definitely be sent out, but he didn't know where he would be sent out and what official position it would be.

If the local county magistrate, he would definitely want to die, how many years of detours he would have to go through.

But if it's a long history...

The county magistrate Guo breathed a sigh of relief. Although it was considered a relegation from the ranks, it was better than being a magistrate, so he nodded and said, "Okay, I'll go."

Yin Li nodded in satisfaction.

The county magistrate Guo didn't react until he left the Yin Mansion. Wouldn't it be better for Zhou Man to say this? It doesn't hinder them, why does he have to go in person?

This has nothing to do with his release at all, right?

Although there were some doubts, the magistrate Guo did not go back to find Yin Li. He had to be a little farther away from his boss, and it was not good to be too close.

And it seemed like he was stupid when he asked this, so the magistrate Guo decided to think for himself.

Although I didn't think about it the next day.

Mr. Guo took the time to visit Zheng's house the next day. When he went in, Zhou Man was really giving Zheng Fei acupuncture. He had needles all over his head. At this time, he was closing his eyes and resting.

He changed into clean clothes under the service of the servants, smoked it again, and went in. He sat at the empty table in the room and drank tea.

He glanced outside and asked the little servant with a smile, "Why are there only a few of you in this yard, and there's not even a girl."

The little servant said: "Our lord is happy and quiet, and he is used to calling us, so only a few of us are used."

County magistrate Guo nodded with a smile, lowered his eyes and pondered, he is not as good as Tang Zhihe when it comes to investigating the case, but after being the magistrate for so many years, he is not stupid himself, and he still figured out something wrong.

It seems that although Zheng Fei doesn't want to pursue it, he doesn't trust his family very much.

After Zhou Man pulled out the needle, and the servant brought a bowl of medicine that was bitter at first glance, Zheng Fei drank it, and before Zhou Man left, he suddenly said, "Erlang, you may not know it yet, right? Sun Zhi is missing, I heard that he was robbed by bandits on the way to Beijing."

Zheng Feihao looked up at the county magistrate Guo.

The magistrate Guo put down the teacup and looked at him.

Man Bao looked at this and then at that. Seeing that Zheng Fei was in a bad mood, the most important thing was that she was worried about the lump in his brain, so she asked, "Who is Sun Zhi?"

The atmosphere between the two relaxed a little.

Zheng Fei wouldn't speak, but the magistrate Guo said, "It's Erlang's eldest cousin."

Zheng Fei clenched his fists.

Man Bao frowned. Although he didn't know what Sun Zhi had to do with this incident, he was a relative after all. The relative was taken away by the bandits. It was inevitable that he was worried, so Man Bao asked, "Have you reported it to the official?"

County magistrate Guo: "...reported."

Man Bao comforted Zheng Fei, "Young Master Zheng, don't worry, you are injured now, and he is being robbed by bandits, even if you are healthy, you can't help him, just leave the relationship when you report to the official, you should pay the money, People should be out of the way, and people can always be found back.”

Zheng Fei laughed angrily, but in the end it was a smile. He nodded slightly to Zhou Man, indicating that he knew.

After Man Bao and Magistrate Guo left, they couldn't help complaining about him, "You know he's injured, why tell him such a thing?"

County magistrate Guo, "You didn't say you couldn't tell him."

"You didn't tell me in advance," Man Bao said, "I've already said that, his mood swings shouldn't be too big. If something happens to him, I'll write a letter to impeach you later."

County magistrate Guo: ... No matter how much he thought about it, he never thought of this.

"Master Zhou, this threat of yours is really strange."

Man Bao snorted, and then asked curiously, "Which way did he get robbed? When the country is peaceful and peaceful, why are there still bandits?"

"When will there be no bandits? Even if the world is stable, there will always be people who like to relax and dislike labor," the magistrate Guo said indifferently: "I just left Xingyang and was robbed soon after, and now I don't know if I live or die."

"Isn't Xingyang the territory of the Zheng family? It seems that their family's control over Xingyang is not very good. Why is His Majesty so soft towards them?" Man Bao asked, "Is the relationship between their cousins ​​very good?"

The county magistrate Guo smiled slightly at her and said, "No, the relationship between their cousins ​​is very bad."

Man Bao's expression froze.

Guo county magistrate said: "Zheng Erlang and Zheng Dalang have different political opinions, and the brothers of the Sun family have the same opinions as Zheng Dalang, so the relationship between Zheng Erlang and Zheng Erlang is not very good, even with Zheng Erlang and his mother. The relationship is not very good."

He said: "This time he was injured in the capital, and before he was injured, Sun Zhi came to the capital, and he went back to Xingyang two days before he was injured. This time he came to the capital from Xingyang to visit Zheng Erlang. Who knows. As soon as he left Xingyang, something happened."

Man Bao took a while to digest these words. She stared at the magistrate Guo and asked, "You never doubt that Zheng Erlang did it? Does he still have the brain to think about it now?"

"No," the county magistrate Guo smiled at her, "We suspect that it is Patriarch Zheng."

I won't add more tonight, I will continue to add tomorrow, good night

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