Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 2581 Please (add a reward to the book friend

It was just unfortunate that most of the servants and senior workers from the family were brought to Zhuangzi, the Prince of Hejian County, that day, and most of their servants and long-term workers were wounded and veteran soldiers who fought with the Prince of Hejian County before.

Among them, the oldest is forty-two years old, and the youngest is only twenty-two years old. Even if he has retired from the battlefield for many years, the beating may not be very good, but the dodging is definitely better than the average tenant.

Therefore, although they were also seriously injured, many of them had missing arms or were injured in the head, but none of them died.

However, the opposite side suffered heavy casualties. The key point is that a considerable part of them were accidental injuries, especially the two members of the Li-Chief's family who came to persuade the tenants of the Zheng family to be smashed on the head with a hoe.

That's why the county magistrate Guo made such a severe sentence that the Zhuangtou son of the Zheng family was guilty of the same crime, and even two sons were arrested on the opposite side, and only one was arrested on Li's side.

Tang county magistrate folded his hands and followed her as he walked out slowly, looking at the dark clouds in the sky, guessing that it was going to rain again, he stopped and sighed at the dark clouds: "The case is not wrong, but there is a case under his jurisdiction. He is negligent for such a big thing, not to mention, the case is wrong and it is still undecided, who knows how it will be decided in the end?"

"What a coincidence, Magistrate Guo, what did you forget?"

Tang magistrate immediately looked away from the horizon, his face was serious, and he looked forward seriously, and saw that Guo magistrate, who had already gone far, was standing in front of them.

County magistrate Guo looked at the two of them, "Are you talking about me?"

Man Bao was about to deny it categorically. Magistrate Tang nodded and sighed. He reached out and patted him on the shoulder and said, "Old Guo, it's hard for the magistrate."

In a word, the county magistrate Guo's expression softened a lot, and he sighed, feeling a sense of pity for each other.

Man Bao looked at Magistrate Tang, then Magistrate Guo, and sighed deeply, and said to Magistrate Guo, "Miss Guo has worked hard, I think your face is not very good, do you want me to drive some for you? Pills to calm the nerves and make up for sleep?"

"...No need," the magistrate Guo said, "I came back to see you, Imperial Physician Zhou, and I want to ask about Mr. Zheng's condition."

"Oh, he has passed the dangerous period now," Man Bao did not hide, and said to him, "There should be no more life-threatening danger."

"Then why does he still live in the palace? I wanted to ask him something, but the Zheng family kept stopping me."

If he is outside the palace, whether he likes it or not, he has a way to meet people, but when people are in the palace, he can't forcefully break into the East Palace.

After thinking about it, Man Bao said: "It is possible to ask questions, but he may not be able to tell you with his mouth, he can only tell you with a pen."

Not only the magistrate Guo, but the magistrate Tang was also taken aback and asked, "Why is this?"

"His head was seriously injured, and now he is temporarily speechless. As for staying in the palace, it is because I want to give him a refreshing needle."

County magistrates Guo \u0026 Tang magistrates:  …

Well, Zheng Fei, they've all seen it before. Indeed, he is indeed a son of a noble family who was carefully raised by the Zheng family, but now he is speechless?

Is this a disability?

The magistrate Guo stopped talking, and now he knew why the Zheng family was so angry.

But when he found out, he was even more angry, and felt that they were unreasonable. If it wasn't for their family's boss, how could these things have happened?

Still want to fish people out, what do you think?

County magistrate Guo stiffened at the thought of this, and became thoughtful.

Magistrate Tang also raised his eyelids, and said to Magistrate Guo if he had something to say: "Did the Zheng family visit the prison?"

Naturally, Tan has explored, but I'm afraid I didn't get the information they wanted, so I wanted to bring people back?

The magistrate of Guo pursed his lips and said to Zhou Man, "Master Zhou, I want to see Master Zheng."

Man Bao hesitated for a moment, and she said, "I have to ask Yuan Zheng and Zheng Gongzi for their opinions."

The county magistrate Guo did not force her, but nodded. He looked left and right, and said in a low voice, "Don't let the Zheng family know about this for the time being."

Man Bao understood and nodded in agreement.

The county magistrate just left.

When he was far away, the magistrate Tang looked at Man Bao and said, "Bai Shan is always by His Majesty's side now. Did he tell you that this matter has something to do with the enclosure?"

Man Bao was stunned and asked, "What does it have to do with the enclosure?"

The magistrate Tang said: "That may be because the adults haven't mentioned it yet."

Magistrate Tang left after speaking, and did not explain to Man Bao that it had anything to do with the enclosure.

Man Bao scratched his head and could only go back to the Tai Hospital to find Xiao Yuanzheng.

Xiao Yuanzheng had no opinion on this matter, and said to her: "You have asked Mr. Zheng, if he wants to see him, if he doesn't want to see him, it's fine. He has a head injury, so he shouldn't be too excited. The rest is casual, we are imperial physicians. The court battle has nothing to do with us."

Man Bao nodded and went to find Mr. Zheng.

Well, by the way, a set of needles for his head.

Zheng Gongzi has adapted to the regularity of two sets of needles a day, one in the morning and one in the evening.

As soon as he saw Zhou Man, he looked away from the window and sat down on the couch with his hands on his knees.

While preparing, Man Bao asked, "Mr. Zheng, the magistrate Guo wants to see you. I want to ask you about the case. Do you want to see me?"

Zheng Gongzi was stunned for a moment and then nodded.

Man Bao stopped asking questions, and took out a needle to puncture him. After the puncture was finished, Mr. Zheng held it back for a long time before he could say a word, "Pen..."

Man Bao waited for a while, and found that he didn't mean to say more, just one word, he could only nod helplessly: "I will prepare pen, ink, paper and inkstone for you, but Mr. Zheng, your aphasia needs practice, don't because of Don’t open your mouth when you’re shy, you can only get better with repeated practice, and when the blood in your brain dissipates, you can quickly regain your language ability, otherwise it will degenerate.”

Zheng Gongzi pursed his lips, and after a long while, he said "um" without saying a single word.

Man Bao can only collect things and go out.

As soon as she went out, the palace maids and servants who were guarding outside immediately gathered around and made a small report to her, "Master Zhou, last night, Master Zheng kicked us out again, and then there will be very strange noises in his room?"

Man Bao asked curiously, "What strange sound?"

"It's... It's weird anyway. It seems to be talking and crying. It's weird anyway."

Man Bao: "...You think too much. I think Mr. Zheng's spirit is not bad. Since he doesn't like being served in close quarters, then you should not come to his room at night."

Man Bao remembered something, opened the medicine box, took out a bottle of medicine and gave it to her: "Nuo, last time you said that the abdominal pain was unbearable when the menstrual period came, this is the honey refining medicine, you count the days, Take it with warm water for the first ten days, two pills a day, one pill in the morning and one pill in the evening. This bottle is twenty pills. When your menstrual period is over, let me know and I will give you another pill. , eat for ten days, and you should feel much better going back and forth in March."

The palace maid was stunned for a moment. I didn't expect Lord Zhou to remember this. She took the medicine bottle with a blushing face and said embarrassedly, "Master Zhou, this is just a minor illness. Why do you bother so much?"

See you tomorrow

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