It's almost evening, and it's no wonder that Man Bao can still be found.

The mountains near Qili Village are not very deep, and neither adults nor children will go deeper than the passages opened by the adults.

It's not that they are more honest, but the deeper you go, the deeper the thorns and grasses, the more snakes and insects, the more difficult the road to walk, the deeper you go, whether you can find something or not, the hands and faces A lot of marks were scratched out first.

The situation is better in the mountain northwest of Qili Village, where the trees are relatively sparse and tall, and there are fewer thorns, vines and grasses in the forest.

However, people don't like to go there, because legend has it that there are not only wolves, but also wild boars and tigers. There are children who don't obey and go up the mountain and are taken away in one bite.

so poor.

Man Bao only started to play outside in the past two years. Naturally, wherever the big girl takes her, she is used to going wherever she goes.

And the big ones were brought to play by Friday Lang and Saturday Lang. Before, the two brothers were brought to play by Shirou Lang. As for Thurs Lang...

Well, he never goes into the mountains over there.

Man Bao dragged the bamboo basket and stomped down towards the foot of the mountain.

Big head and big girl, they have already collected a bamboo basket, and they are working together to lift it down.

There are leaves here, most of them are dead leaves, and they are not heavy at all. When Daya saw Manbao, she immediately threw the bamboo basket to her brother and ran over to pick up Manbao, "Little aunt, I'll lead you up the mountain."

Man Bao didn't come for the dead leaves, she came for the straw mushroom, so she asked, "Have you found the straw mushroom?"

"I found it, the fourth uncle found a lot, didn't you take it home in the morning?"

"I'm still looking for it." I didn't find it myself, it's boring.

Keke: "...Host, I don't mind that you didn't find it, you only need to include that one."

Man Bao refused, "No, I must personally find the straw mushroom you mentioned, and I will record what I found."

Koko is so helpless.

Although Da Ya felt that it was difficult to find it now, she also patted her chest and expressed that she would help. As for the big bamboo basket full of dead leaves, she asked her brother to drag it back by herself. Anyway, it was already down the mountain, and their family's fat The heap is not very far from here.

Da Ya helped my aunt lift the other side of the broken bamboo basket and went to the mountains with her.

Datou stood in the distance, silently watching the two of them walk away.

He sighed maturely, and dragged the big bamboo basket away.

As for whether the bamboo basket will be damaged or not, I don't care, if it is broken, let the second uncle repair it.

There are many children helping out in the woods. Although it rained last night, it was not very wet inside. It is summer after all, and the ground outside is already dry. This is the woods, and the water evaporates slowly, so It is only when the treasure is full that the ground can be seen a little wet.

Da Ya took her to find straw mushrooms.

But this piece, everyone has looked for it in the morning, and the possibility of being missed is very small.

Man Bao searched for a long time, not to mention straw mushrooms, he didn't even see some poisonous mushrooms that could not be eaten.

Man Bao sighed sadly, and waved his hand: "Forget it, I'll look for it when I'm out of bed."

It seems that my sister-in-law is right. If you want to find mushrooms, you have to come in the morning. If you go in the evening, you can't even see a shadow.

But she had to go to class, so Xiu Mu was able to go up the mountain that morning.

After giving up the search for straw mushrooms, Man Bao started to turn his head and began to pull dead leaves from her broken bamboo basket.

She has always been careful, and when she plucked the dead leaves on the ground, she would not let one go. Sometimes she saw the black soil, and she tore off a large leaf from the side, and plucked the soil into the bamboo basket.

Da Ya didn't want to form a team for her when she saw it, and said, "It's so hard to carry it back, little aunt, I won't be teaming up with you."

Man Bao said: "What are you afraid of, let the fourth brother and the others come and carry them back later"

Da Ya thought about it too. She couldn't call the four uncles and the others, but the little aunt would definitely be able to call them, so she happily pulled the mud into the broken bamboo basket. In order to prevent the black mud from leaking out, she also thoughtfully used leaves Surrounded by...

Man Bao was unable to pull the bamboo basket until the end, so he simply gave up on it, took a wooden stick and pulled the dead leaves and good soil into piles, and then let the fourth brother and the others do the loading.

Man Bao kept her head down like this, where there were many dead leaves and where the soil was good, she would run wherever she went, and in a short while she walked a little further away from Da Ya.

Da Ya has been paying attention to her, anyway, there are people in this area, as long as people are within sight, and a few people in the village who have a good time with Da Ya also came to join in the fun.

They are all the same age as Da Ya and rarely play with Man Bao, and Da Ya's sister-in-law is a very different person in their eyes, so they are still a little afraid of her.

So looking at her from a distance, she asked Da Ya in a low voice, "Why does your aunt do this kind of work?"

Da Ya asked curiously, "Why doesn't my sister-in-law have to do this kind of work?"

"My grandma said that your sister-in-law is your family's baby bump, and my younger brother is the family's baby bump, so he doesn't need to do this kind of work."

Daya tilted her head and thought for a while: "My grandma never said that. My grandma and my mother only told us not to take the little girl to dangerous places. They never said that the little girl doesn't have to work."

The girl said, "Your grandma and your mother are so good."

Da Ya glanced at the little aunt and saw that she had gone a little far, so she called out, "Little aunt, don't run too far."

Man Bao bowed his head and pulled the dead leaves, while answering, thinking that Da Ya is really stupid, calling so many friends, what if they and them snatch the dead leaves and good soil?

Of course, we have to hurry up and pull them together, take it first and then talk about it.

Man Bao worked hard for a while, and when she felt tired, she wanted to sit on the ground, but at this time, there was a little rain on the dead leaves where she hadn't swept away, and she didn't want to sit, and all the places she swept were exposed. She didn't want to sit even more.

She looked left and right, and saw a few wooden stakes exposed from the felled trees not far away.

Although there are some tender branches growing on the stake, it can still sit.

Man Bao ran over and sat down, letting out a long breath.

Daya and the others were picking up dead leaves while talking not far away, and occasionally glanced at Man Bao to make sure that she was sitting not far away and continued to work hard.

Man Bao became interested in the tree stump under her butt. She learned from the book she read from Keke that how many years the tree has grown can be known by looking at the circles on the tree stump.

A circle is a year.

Man Bao thought it was very strange. He thought this tree was more interesting than people, and he remembered his age better than people.

Man Bao moved her little butt, lowered her head to count the annual rings, and counted, she accidentally sat on the ground with her buttocks, and subconsciously grabbed in the direction of the tree stump, she grabbed a black root, of course, this Shi Manbao thought it was the root of a tree.

But when she pulled it hard and wanted to use it to get up, she broke it, and the "black root" was cut off, revealing the white flesh inside.

Man Bao and Keke said "Huh" at the same time, one was curious to see, the other was curious to scan.

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