Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 2543 labor

Most of the servants who were recruited had never seen Zhou Man, the village owner, and some people happened to be at the market that day, so they met her once.

Many people stopped their movements and secretly raised their heads to look at her.

Man Bao looked at the progress and was very satisfied. She went to look at the meals. Friday Lang said, "The staple food is steamed buns and pancakes. There are three meals a day, and every meal has some meat."

There is not a lot of meat, just to ensure that they have oil and water. Wuwu Lang has been buying for his own restaurant, and he can buy a lot of meatless bones every day. After stewing the soup and scalding some vegetables, the taste is also very good.

Mainly he was willing to put salt.

If you have salt, you will have strength, not to mention that he still has meat. The dissatisfaction in the heart of the recruited servant has long since dissipated, and after a little thought, he thinks that it is also very good to serve the village owner. Now he will work for ten days and wait until the autumn harvest. There are ten more days when the slack ends, and this year's labor time will be full.

Serving in the county government, the food is not as good as it is now.

Man Bao looked at it and was very satisfied, and said to Wu Wulang, "If the money is not enough, I can ask Lijun to take it, and I can have more meat."

Friday Lang nodded in response.

Only then did Man Bao go to see the servants build the road. Seeing that they all stopped their movements, she nodded slightly to them: "I know that the spring ploughing is just around the corner, and everyone has some opinions on the service at this time. This, I specially recruited 300 households of servants with Xun County magistrate, we will be responsible for this section of the road, separate from the top, middle and bottom to repair, and it can definitely be repaired in ten days."

She said: "After the road is repaired, your eggs, vegetables, fish and shrimp caught in the river can all be delivered to Xincheng in the shortest possible time. These things may not be sold in the market, and may only be exchanged for some. Very cheap stuff, but in the new town, you can sell it for a higher price."

"Not to mention that after the road is repaired, there will be more scholars and merchants coming and going between the capital and Yongzhou. At that time, it is possible to make money by setting up a stall on the roadside and selling some steamed buns."

The servants were stunned, and one couldn't help asking: "The village owner, who buys these things from the roadside stall?"

"Yeah, can't they buy it in Yongzhou and the capital?"

Man Bao looked up at the sky forty-five degrees and said melancholy, "There will always be some people in this world who get up late for some reason and miss breakfast..."

Bai Shan Ren smiled and said directly, would it be better to sleep in?

The servants listened very carefully. This sentence is a bit complicated. Although they don’t understand it well, the more clever servants have already considered it. When the road is repaired and the spring ploughing is over, they will make steamed buns and bring them to try.

If you can't sell it, just keep it for yourself.

After Man Bao delivered his speech, everyone's enthusiasm increased again, and they became more energetic in their work.

The village owner is right. She doesn't take this road often, but they do. This road was built for them.

Man Bao nodded with satisfaction. After getting on the horse, he went to the next section. After a short run, there were another hundred people. There was only the foreman here. He had seen the movement there a long time ago. As soon as Zhou Man arrived, he immediately ran up. Salute, "The villain greets the village owner."

Man Bao dismounted and said with a smile, "Get up, how are you guys doing this section of the road?"

He has been a foreman for many years, and this is the first time he has seen a village owner to check the quality of the road, but he also has experience, and immediately leads people to the road they have just repaired for Zhou Man to see, "The bottom The first floor is paved with stones, and the top is covered with yellow mud. We rolled the stones back and forth twice to grind the road down to the ground. If you don’t believe it, you will know by stomping your feet.”

Man Bao didn't stomp. She walked on the road with her horse and found that there was not much dust raised. She nodded with satisfaction.

Generally, official roads have to be repaired every few years.

Bai Shan poked the pavement with his toes, nodded, and went to see them laying stones and loess with Man Bao.

Man Bao looked at it and asked, "Where did you come from?"

The foreman said: "Half of it was dug from the expanded road, and the other half was dug from the ditch as instructed by the mayor."

This will also provide a way to communicate.

Man Bao nodded in satisfaction and asked, "How many years have the ditches in the nearby villages been closed?"

"It's been three or four years," the foreman said. "There is a big water conservancy, and the Huangzhuang side needs labor every year, so the water conservancy in the ditches here is not available."

Man Bao was stunned, "Is Huangzhuang also asking for servants from the county?"

"Yes," the foreman said with a pleasing smile, "That's the emperor's father. Your Majesty wants to use people. How can the county magistrate refuse?"

The emperor is too lazy to care about such a thing.

Man Bao felt that he had to talk to Ming Da when he looked back, she couldn't rob her.

But the last time I passed by Huangzhuang, there were not many people inside. In other words, what should they do when they encounter spring ploughing?

Mingda was also worrying about manpower at this time. Zhou Man and Xun County magistrates all moved. Only then did Mingda know that there were not enough manpower in her imperial village.

Not to mention spring ploughing, even the workers who built the road this time can't come up with it.

She couldn't help but ask the bitter-looking steward of Huangzhuang, "Where did you get your hands for the spring ploughing and autumn harvesting in previous years?"

"The servants and tenants in Zhuangzi will do it first, and then the county will send some people to help."

Mingda asked, "The order to count?"

"Yes, a commissary order."

Mingda couldn't help but ask, "But isn't the order to avoid spring plowing and autumn harvest?"

"Oh, my princess, we recruit the servants from Huangzhuang for the spring and autumn harvest. If we avoid it, what else can we recruit for the servants?" The steward said, "It took them several lifetimes to work for the royal family. Blessings, it's too late for them to be grateful."

Bai Erlang, who was on the side, looked at him and asked, "Have you settled the wages for the servants?"

Otherwise how could they be grateful?

"No," Huangzhuang's steward said dully: "My concubine, I've never heard that conscripts are paid wages."

Why are people grateful? "That's because your food is good?"

"They bring their own food."

Huh, Bai Erlang was taken aback, this is not even comparable to the order of the county government.

Bai Erlang became interested, rubbing his chin and thinking, so are they really grateful, or are they fake? Or is it just your own imagination?

Mingda also became curious, and couldn't help but ask, "Does Huangzhuang have to recruit servants if there are insufficient staff?"

"Yeah, it's been like this in all dynasties," the steward of Huangzhuang seemed to have noticed something, and quickly explained: "His Royal Highness, our Majesty is gracious and did not let them enter Huangzhuang directly, but only dispatched servants. If the previous dynasty, The land that Emperor Ai sees is directly circled, and all the people in it have become the royal family."

"But it is also their blessing to be able to eat the royal food."

Shirojiro:  …

Even Mingda, the royal family, thinks this is unreasonable. Who is a good citizen who doesn't do it and thinks it is a blessing to be a slave and a maid?

see you at nine

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