Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 2534 pomp

The people from Longzhou were very enthusiastic. After Manbao came out, he said to Bai Shan, "Since they want to help, we shouldn't hurt the elders' friendship, so let them help."

Bai Shan glanced at her and nodded slightly.

Master Bai didn't want them to interfere, but seeing Madam Liu nodding at him, he agreed.

Their family is already understaffed, and many competent stewards are in Mianzhou. Since there are coolies who come to the door, why not?

No matter what the purpose is for these people in this family, the ability and means of their directors are still passable.

It's just that today is a good day, and it's impossible for them to do important things, but it's okay to do some hard work and maintain a decent appearance.

So the servants in the family were called to identify the person.

The clansmen who were forcibly arranged errands reluctantly led the assigned servants down, and couldn't help but talk together, "If this is not properly arranged, it will be shameful, it's theirs, or ours?"

"Who do you mean? Of course it's ours, after all, it's all given to us."

"So the second uncle is not asking for trouble? It's okay to take over the management for a few days in the morning. It's not too soon or too late. We just took over the errand after hearing this roughly. Can't we subsidize the face?"

"Second Uncle, this is also a swollen face and a fat man. I want to have a good relationship with the Mianzhou team."

"Don't be in a hurry to make a good relationship at this time, isn't this tricking us?"

"I guess the second uncle himself didn't think that he would say three resignations. Their family has only resigned twice. If they resigned once, the second uncle would definitely not insist. Who would have guessed that the third time they would accept it. ?"

"It's the princess who is married today, everyone should cheer up, no matter what, we have to survive today, don't think that we and the Mianzhou branch can be taken care of if we have split up, it's really going to make a joke. Come on, people won't say how the Bai clan in Mianzhou is, but they will still say how the Bai clan in Longzhou is, and we, the Bai clan in Longzhou, can't afford to lose this face."

"How can the Mianzhou team be so lucky, and it's their turn to recruit a concubine."

Don't look at people like Liu Shangshu who don't care about the Concubine Duwei, but in other small families who have no shortcuts to the official position, it is a very honorable thing to be the Concubine Duwei.

At least hiring a princess can give the family access to the elites in Beijing, making many things possible.

Therefore, to Master Bai, the people of this family in Longzhou are very envious, and their eyes are almost red with envy.

In particular, Bai Dalang and Bai Erlang have both passed the jinshi examination, which is even more enviable than Bai Erlang becoming a concubine.

Although they didn't want to admit it, they still had to say: "The Mianzhou team has risen, and at least it won't decline within three generations."

Even if Bai Erlang is a little worse, there is still Bai Dalang. He is a jinshi who has passed the exam himself. He has his own younger brother, the concubine Duwei, and their family is in contact with the powerful.

The emperor loves Mingda, the direct princess, and the next emperor is the princess's own brother, so the Bai family in three generations can have a direct relationship with the most noble family in the Jin Dynasty. As long as the descendants are not particularly disrespectful, the Bai family in Mianzhou can borrow it. It became famous because of this.

One sighed, the two sighed, and everyone sighed together.

But Master Bai, who had left the hall, called his confidants and instructed: "Take people quietly to the garden and tell them what to do and what not to do, and let them take care of these masters. If there is anything missing, go to the warehouse first. Take it, there is nothing in the warehouse, let those masters find a way, today is a good day for Erlang, whoever rushes to make me feel uncomfortable at this time, and when the wedding is over, I will make him uncomfortable for the rest of his life."

When the chief steward heard this, he immediately bowed in response, and immediately ordered people to quietly bring all the deputy stewards to the garden for a lecture.

"...Master has handed over the stewardship to the gentlemen from Longzhou, but that's something that can't be pushed down. In fact, it's you who are in charge," he said, "We've been preparing for this marriage for so long. Although the guests are only here in the morning and moved to the Princess Mansion, we can't go wrong at this time."

"If I lose face, Erlang will lose face, and the entire Bai family will lose face, and the master will humiliate his servants to death, so you'd better tighten your own skin, and now let me keep an eye on what I'm doing," he said: "You are all smart. Come on, these gentlemen here are unfamiliar, please remind me a little more, hurry up and pick it up from the warehouse, if it's not enough, listen to the words of the gentlemen, but no matter what happens, you must give the errand to me. I'm open, if I dare to make you feel uncomfortable at this time..."

"Big steward, what if those old masters don't listen to us?"

The big steward slanted his eyes and said, "Come to me, but since the family dares to take over, as long as they don't want to fall out with our Mianzhou team, they won't feel uncomfortable at this time, but you also have to Be smart, say good things, and be more respectful."

Everyone understands that, to put it bluntly, it is to coax them to work for them.

After listening to the audience, Mr. Fang was stunned. He went back to study with Lang Yi on Thursday, and sighed, "If you want to talk about this ginger, it's still Mr. Bai who is hot."

However, Thursday Lang asked, "What are you doing in the garden this early in the morning?"

"Go and see if the vegetables in the thatched hut are growing," she said. "During this period of time, apart from the meat, only cabbage and pickles were the ones. A few children didn't have much appetite, so I went to see."

Zhou Chulang put on his clothes and said, "Go back and ask Big Brother, see if anyone in the countryside in Yongzhou is growing fresh vegetables... Hurry up, all the treasures are up, I must be busy today, although the Bai family is there. There are people from Longzhou to help, but we still have to help."

Fang should go.

Man Bao and Bai Shan and Bai Dalang stood together in Bai Erlang's room watching him get dressed.

Bai Erlang glanced over and was a little nervous, "Don't look at me like that, I'm a little nervous."

Bai Dalang: "What are you nervous about now? Don't be nervous when you go to the palace to see His Majesty and the Empress."

Bai Shan said: "I really have nothing to do, so I can only watch you."

They belonged to the marriage cohort, and Bai Dalang could still get a little work to do, but they followed Bai Erlang the whole time.

Man Bao also had nothing to do, so he leaned his hands against the screen and looked at it, "Don't say it, you're much more handsome when you dress up like this."

Bai Shan and Bai Dalang nodded in agreement, and both had a feeling of being a young boy in our family.

It was dawn, and the three of them surrounded Bai Erlang to have breakfast. After breakfast, Yin Or, Liu Huan and others also came to the door on horseback.

Because he was going to marry the princess, Bai Erlang felt that the ostentation couldn't be lower, so he called all his classmates and friends who had a good relationship with him as a wedding team, including Zhao Liulang and Feng Zongping.

However, because of his natural identity, Zhao Liulang was unable to participate. He wanted to stand behind the prince and escort the princess to marry.

see you at nine

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