Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 2473 Heating 3

Bai Shan and the others happily drank two cups of tea in the pavilion before the guests came.

Because it was a temporary decision to invite guests, even the post was written on the fly, and only a few people who were close to him were invited.

Feng Zongping and Yi Ziyang Zhao Liulang met at the door. As soon as they entered the door, they knew that they were the only ones who saw them today.

Also, with Yin or's character, it's rare enough to invite them.

It's just strange, why didn't the Yin family help him handle it?

Feng Zongping asked curiously, "Are you going to live here from now on?"

Yin or nodded, "If you have something to come to me in the future, you can come here first."

It was the first time that Yin He hosted a banquet by himself, and he was not very experienced, while Bai Shan and the others guided them based on their own memory.

Anyway, there are a lot of delicious food.

So they bought a lot of delicious things yesterday, including vegetables and meat, as well as dried and fresh fruits.

At this time they sat down, and the fresh fruit was loaded and delivered one by one.

Zhao Liulang and the others were inexperienced, so they found a comfortable place in the pavilion to sit down and ate the fruit plate.

After a while, Xu An brought someone out to bring out the barbecue stove and the processed venison, put it on the iron plate, and after lighting the fire, he glanced at Yin or retreated, and let them roast by themselves.

Yin or they are already very experienced in roasting meat, and the roasted meat is very tasty, no worse than that made by a home cook.

Seeing their skilled craftsmanship, Zhao Liulang sat up straight with interest, "Okay, I haven't seen you for a year and you should be impressed. Did you go to the Western Regions to study?"

Bai Shan nodded, turning over the meat while holding the meat, and said, "We went all the way, and the most food we ate was barbecue."

Man Bao added: "And naan."

Feng Zongping smiled and said, "Then we will eat without our hands today, it's all up to you."

There were a lot of people in the meeting, and the few of them roasted enough for the three of them, so Bai Shan nodded.

While eating roasted venison, eat some fruit to relieve tiredness. When everyone is almost exhausted, the kitchen says, "Master, the dishes are ready, where do you think they are placed?"

Zhao Liulang and others, who rarely came to the door to drink and eat barbecue, were feeling happy, and they were stunned when they heard this sentence, "Is there any more dishes?"

Yin or said as it should be: "There must be vegetables at the banquet."

Zhao Liulang: ...

He touched his unpretentious stomach, looked left and right and asked Feng Zongping, "Can you still eat?"

Feng Zongping paused for a while and said, "I can barely eat some."

Man Bao also felt that the barbecue was too delicious, and the fruit was delicious, and he was full, so he said, "I can't hold on, keep it for now, we'll have another meal in the evening."

Zhao Liulang stared, can he still eat like this?

But this is Yin or the master, as long as he says yes, then he can, so he and Xu An said: "Tell the kitchen, keep the dishes you haven't made yet, and use the ones you have already made, and make them later. table."

Xu An responded, bowed and stepped back.

Zhao Liulang rushed to Yin or gave a thumbs up, "You are amazing."

Leaning on the cushion on his back, he also relaxed a lot. He bent one leg and asked, "You live here, and your grandmother and father are also willing?"

Yin He smiled and said, "I'm just happy, my grandmother and father won't interfere too much."

Zhao Liulang was very envious.

Yin He twitched the corners of his mouth, but there was nothing to admire, his grandmother just couldn't beat him.

Moreover, his sixth sister is pregnant. During this time, his grandmother's energy is all on the sixth sister.

Yin Or took a sip of the fruit wine happily, but it was only one sip, no more, he asked Man Bao, "Are you going to enter Huangzhuang later?"

Man Bao nodded, "Xiao Yuan is saying that as long as someone is vaccinated, they will go in. By the way, doesn't your Majesty want the guards to be vaccinated?"

When Bai Shan mentioned that he wanted to inoculate Bai Shan and the others with cowpox, Zhao Liulang was startled and asked, "Isn't it the best way to inoculate people under the age of sixteen?"

Man Bao: "That's right, but they are not too different in age. In the future, everyone has to travel far, so it's better to vaccinate them."

Feng Zongping and Yi Ziyang immediately said, "Can we also vaccinate?"

Man Bao nodded.

The two of them thought about it, and honestly, deep down, they were a little scared, but they also wanted to be immune to smallpox.

So the two looked at each other and said, "We also want to try it."

Zhao Liulang thought about it for a while, and then said, "How about you plant one for my son?"

Man Bao: "...How old is he, don't cheat on your son."

She looked him up and down, Zhao Liulang's back felt chills, for fear that she would say "you're almost there", but Zhou Man shook his head and didn't say a word.

Zhao Liulang didn't feel relieved at all, but felt even colder.

Man Bao and Feng Zong Ping Yi Ziyang said: "I'll feel your pulse. I really want to get a pox. I'll go back and report to the Imperial Hospital. It should be fine."

Nowadays, His Majesty is very concerned about this matter, and I wish that people all over the world would take the initiative to vaccinate, so not only did he not get angry when the officials of the court asked for leave to vaccinate, but he also took the initiative to tell the heads of various departments that they should not stop officials who wanted to vaccinate from taking leave.

Naturally, the quasi-concubines who were not within the age range for vaccination also took the initiative to request vaccination, and the emperor agreed with a wave of his hand.

So Bai Erlang decided to go in with Bai Shan to vaccinate.

When Bai Shan heard this, he immediately prepared various books and papers for the exam in advance. He said, "You will have to take the jinshi exam in two months, so you can't waste half a month."

Shirojiro:  …

Yin He couldn't help laughing when he saw it, and said, "Would you like me to ask Mr. Chongwen for some papers from last year?"

Bai Shan nodded, "Excellent."

Liu Huan, who had already passed the Mingjing test and officially entered the official position, giggled, as happy as an old hen.

Bai Erlang saw that everyone was bullying him, so he turned to Yin or bullying, "While we are in Huangzhuang, you will be studying in Chongwen Hall alone. If the prince temporarily asks for politics..."

Yin He said: "I told my father that I have been unwell recently, so I plan to take a half-month vacation with Chongwen Museum to recuperate."

He smiled slightly and said, "I plan to go to Huguo Temple to worship Buddha and relax."

Shirojiro:  …

Now it's Man Bao's turn to be happy.

Seeing his resentment, Man Bao said: "You are content, Yin or Mingda both want to get acne, but their bodies are not suitable, but Chang Yu is suitable, but unfortunately Your Majesty has too many problems and is unwilling to let the princes and daughters come to the emperor. Zhuang, he plans to clean up a palace in the Daming Palace to inoculate the emperor's children and grandsons."

When Man Bao said this, he sighed, "I heard that His Majesty ordered King Gong to bring his sons and daughters to Beijing, and he has to rush to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival together."

Bai Shandao: "It is clear that all the princes are ordered to bring their children back to Beijing, not just King Gong."

The official document of this will was written by him.

Man Bao said: "Isn't it almost the same, the first to arrive must be Prince Gong."

See you tomorrow

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