Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 2464 Proposal

Man Bao stared at it, and felt that it was really a little ugly.

She immediately called Jiulan and instructed: "Send us a message today, and let the family bring in the ointment for removing smallpox acne marks tomorrow."

That ointment was made by Manbao in Xiazhou for the children who had suffered from smallpox in Yushantang. They visited those children during the Chinese New Year. The ointment was somewhat effective. The pockmarks on their faces were much lighter. A little bit of acne scars even disappeared.

The acne scars have decreased, and they are still young, so they will stretch and fade a little when they grow up. Man Bao changed the prescription with the help of Mr. Mo, but unfortunately they left in a hurry and only had time to leave them a few cans. The ointment that has changed the prescription has not had time to see the specific effect.

Man Bao thought about it, maybe he could write to Xuexiong Yang, if he wanted to use it, there would be more people vaccinating in the capital in the future, and this ointment would still be very useful.

Well, their family can have another business.

Manbao's acne scab fell, and she stayed in Huangzhuang for ten days. After confirming that she was fully immune to the smallpox virus, she was able to go out.

This time, her time in Huangzhuang was not short. Old Zhoutou and the Qian family still missed her, and as soon as they saw her coming back, they pulled her to look at her, and then sighed: "They are all officials, why are they so vain? Shan can come home every day, but you have to live outside every now and then?"

Man Bao said: "It won't be like this after a while."

The old Zhoutou was curious, "Didn't you say that your vaccinia has been tested, and the emperor gave you a promotion last time."

Man Bao said: "That's not a promotion, that's a nobility, if it's good, it's good, isn't this the beginning of getting pox?"

Man Bao murmured a few words and asked, "Father, smallpox is a serious disease, do you want to let Li Xue and the others go to the vaccination?"

Old Zhou nodded, "Go, go, by the way, your fourth brother is back, he often walks outside, why don't you give him the seeds first."

In the eyes of Lao Zhoutou, smallpox is very scary, but his daughter is so powerful that she has already knocked down the smallpox. I have never seen the emperor promote Man Bao for this reason. Oh, no, is it a nobility?

Old Zhou Tou was full of confidence in this.

But Man Bao thought about it seriously, "The fourth brother is old, and the danger is relatively high, but you can try it."

He has also eaten sugar pills, and there are some things in his body that fight toxins, and the danger is still less than that of an average adult.

Chuu Lang happened to be back when he heard this at the door, as if struck by lightning, he ran in and asked incredulously, "Manbao, who are you saying is old?"

Man Bao lifted his eyelids and glanced at him, and said bluntly, "You."

Thuro's eyes widened.

The old Zhoutou said impatiently: "Your son can go to school, you think you are still young, go and go, change your stinky clothes and come back."

Man Bao, however, hadn't seen Thursday Lang for a long time, and didn't dislike him until he came back from outside. He moved to the side and gave him a place, "Fourth brother, sit."

Thursday Lang was sitting on the small stool, and then he saw Man Bao and the others were surrounded by a fireplace. He: ...

He couldn't help but turn his head to look at the big sun outside, and couldn't believe it: "Dad, it's June, what are you doing around the stove on such a hot day?"

Man Bao pulled out a taro from under the stove to show him, and said with a smile, "Eat the taro."

She said: "This taro was planted by Tong Nei's servant in Huangzhuang. I know that I have a cough... I want to go home, so I dug a bag for me."

Maybe Lao Zhoutou hasn't eaten taro for a long time, and it's weird, otherwise he wouldn't be able to squat by the fire with Man Bao in the hot weather.

Shizu Lang squeezed one and felt soft, so he patted off some of the soil on its body, endured the scalding, peeled off a layer and took a bite, and praised: "It's not bad, that Tong Nei waiter is very good at growing taro?"

After thinking about it, Man Bao said: "I don't know, but he should be very good at coaching people. He used to be in the palace, and Lord Gu was the eldest, and he was the second."

Thursday Lang almost squeezed the taro in his hand and flew out, but he quickly stabilized and asked curiously, "Then why did he go to Huangzhuang?"

Man Bao: "I did something wrong, but I summed it up and I think it's all because of his illness."

Shirou: "So?"

"So I'm treating him. It's impossible to cure him, but it's relieved a lot now. These taro are his thanks to me. By the way, he has to come to me for needles later. Dad, you have to tell the concierge. With a bang, I gave him a door note, and if someone comes back, if I'm not at home, I'll invite someone to sit in the hall, don't neglect them."

Old Zhou Tou nodded and couldn't help asking, "I gave you a pocket of taro as a consultation fee?"

"No, this is a gift," Man Bao lowered his voice and said, "The consultation fee is a purse of golden beans."

Old Zhoutou's eyes lit up, and he immediately patted his chest and said to Man Bao, "Don't worry, I will definitely greet people when they come."

How much is a purse of golden beans? In the past, when their family saw a doctor, as long as they spent more than a bunch of money, they felt distressed.

Old Zhou Tou asked with concern, "What's wrong with him, is it serious?"

Man Bao said: "It's very serious. The most serious one is cold symptoms. He's getting old, and he has all the old problems in the past."

Old Zhoutou and Thursday Lang sympathized with each other in their hearts.

Man Bao asked: "Fourth brother, why did you take so long to go home this time? Originally, the third brother wanted to wait for you to come back and then go back, but the left waits for you, and the right waits for you. In the end, it was Grandma Liu. I found a familiar caravan to send them back."

Thursday Lang said: "This year's tea is good. I found two other tea mountains and made a contract with them. They will supply us with tea for at least three years, so it is a bit late."

He said: "I went back and took a look before I went to Beijing. The third brother and the third sister-in-law have returned home safely and are busy with summer harvest."

He thought about it for a while and then said: "If you want me to say, you now have a lot of job fields in the capital, and those fields are even better than those in the village. Just let the second brother and the third brother come to the capital. I don't think the elder brother can handle it alone. Come to so many job fields."

"No." Before Man Bao could speak, Old Zhou was the first to object. He said, "Jiantian is a jobfield, that's duckweed, something without roots, who knows when it will be gone? The head of the family, No matter how little, no matter how bad it is, it is ours, and it can’t be neglected.”

"It's deserted without mentioning it," said Thursday Lang. "Can you ask people in the village to help with planting, and it's not far from the capital to our house. It takes nine or ten days to arrive by car. Just go back before the busy farming season."

For Thursday Lang, who often goes out for three or two months now, the ten-day journey is really not worth mentioning.

But for the old Zhoutou, who stayed still when he arrived at a place, he couldn't understand the calmness of Shizuru Lang. Nine days and ten days were not long enough?

Old Zhoutou: "You think your brothers are you, are you willing to toss back and forth?"

Thursday Lang choked, and simply said: "Then you ask the eldest brother, the second brother and the third brother."

See you tomorrow

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