Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 2456 Waiting Officer

Wang Ruile breathed a sigh of relief, and bowed his knees and said, "Thank you, big sister."

Madam Tang smiled, patted her hand and said, "Liu Niang, if you want to say bitterness, Wulang is not much better than you, he is probably more bitter than you in his heart, Mrs Cui has done something wrong, Facing you, he is probably the most uncomfortable, and you will write a few more letters with him when you go back, and between siblings, come and go, the more times, the feelings will come back."

She said, "I remember that in the past, your sister and brother had a very good relationship, even better than Wu Niang and him."

Wang Wuniang and Wang Wulang are brothers and sisters.

Wang Liuniang twitched the corners of her mouth and said, "I know."

Wang Liuniang and Wang Wuniang were about the same age, the two cousins ​​were only three months apart, and Wang Cheng was two years younger than them.

At that time, Wang Liuniang's father, Wang Wulang, hadn't had an accident yet, so both husband and wife were still looking forward to having children. At that time, Wang Chengqi was the cutest when he was seven or eight months old. The fifth lady liked it very much. The child can attract the boy to reincarnate, so she likes to hold him very much.

After going back and forth, Wang Liuniang, who was only three years old, became acquainted with this cousin.

Later, her father had an accident on the battlefield and was sure that there would be no more children. Her grandparents always liked to send Wang Cheng to her home.

There are two brothers in the second room, and the elder brother Wang Pei is a director at home, but Wang Feng is out of office, and his official career is still prosperous. Wang Ji, one of the representatives of the Wang family in Beijing, was far inferior to Wang Feng at that time.

Moreover, Wang Feng also came from the direct branch. Although the big room was separated from the second room by one floor, he supported him. At that time, the family's resources were slightly tilted towards Wang Feng.

Therefore, Wang Feng did not have a son, which was not a small thing in the family at that time.

He doesn't even need to speak, his parents have already spoken, and his family in the second room is bound to be adopted.

The most suitable candidate at that time was Xiao Wang Cheng. He was the youngest son of Wang Feng's own elder brother. He was the most suitable in terms of blood, relationship and age.

But Cui was unwilling.

If the mother is unwilling, then this matter has been dragged on.

Later, Wang Liuniang gradually grew up, and Wang Feng estimated that her daughter needed a brother to help her, so she began to select suitable children in the family to adopt.

Others don't know it, but Wang Ruile knows it. Her mother once told her in private that her great aunt was very greedy. She wanted what her father had, but she didn't want her son.

Because their second room is not separated, I think that even if they can't continue, the contacts and resources under Wang Feng's hands will belong to her two sons in the future.

Who knew that Wang Feng would want to find a child from the side branch to adopt?

At that time, her parents had already watched several boys, and they took her to watch it together. In fact, they had almost chosen a person, but at this time, Cui finally relented and was willing to let Wang Cheng adopt.

At that time, Wang Cheng was not called Wang Cheng. His grandfather and grandmother changed his name directly after the adoption. The mother said that this was because the grandfather and grandmother were expressing their dissatisfaction with their uncle and aunt. for seven years.

If they keep pushing and refusing aggressively, then the anger of the grandfather and grandmother will always disappear, and maybe they will still admire them and love their children.

It is a pity that they still gave Wang Cheng to their family in the end, but they asked their father to bring the third brother Wang Geng to cultivate by his side.

Wang Ruile lowered her eyes to cover the light in her eyes, and twitched the corners of her mouth in disdain. It was also because of this that she always felt a little bit sorry for this increasingly depressed younger brother.

It was less than two years after he adopted him. Her father died unexpectedly. Her mother couldn't bear the blow and also died. Her adoptive parents were gone, and her biological parents couldn't go back, because of the adoption and the extras they mentioned. Conditions, Wang Cheng has always had a bad relationship with them.

Then, my grandfather couldn't bear the blow and died, and all the people who were in charge of their second room were gone.

In the past, Wang Ruile didn't want to renew the estrangement between their biological mother and son. Knowing that Mrs. Cui did not like her contact with Wang Cheng, she seldom asked about Wang Cheng since her parents died.

but now……

There was a dim light in her eyes, and she felt that the elder sister was right.

Moreover, she also needs to have a backer at her mother's house.

Wang Ruile had a final decision in his mind. He lifted the car window and looked out. He saw an open space at the foot of the mountain in the distance. More than a dozen people riding on their horses screamed and rushed towards them...

Mrs. Tang, who was sitting on the side, also heard the shouts, so she leaned over to look out, and saw Zhou Man and the others galloping towards this side from a distance, no, not at them, because they were soon in a field Reined the horse before.

Their voices were blown over by the wind, "Oh, it all ran into the fields..."

"Your archery skills are too bad."

"It's like you can shoot, don't you miss it too?"

"Don't be noisy, it's gone, let's go, let's go up the mountain to see, maybe there's more?"

So the five of them were about to turn their horses' heads to leave, and Madam Tang stuck her head out and shouted, "Don't you know that spring hunting is prohibited at this time?"

Man Bao and the others were startled, and they turned to look quickly. Seeing that it was Mrs. Tang, they were relieved and came over to say hello, "Sister-in-law, are you going back to Beijing?"

Madam Tang got out of the car, waved her hand and fanned the unpleasant smell on the road, and said, "Why are you running horses on the official road?"

Man Bao pointed to the distance and said, "It's not the official road, we ran at the foot of the mountain, there is a large lawn with sparse trees, we can run freely, but we saw a gray rabbit, but it was fat. , just let it run away."

Madam Tang went with them.

The guards spread out a mat under a tree with melon and fruit snacks on it, apparently they had eaten here before.

Madam Tang asked Wang Ruile to sit down, and they were not in a hurry to return to the capital.

"You guys are quite comfortable," Mrs. Tang sat on the edge of the mat and sighed deeply: "It's better to be a girl, you don't have to be tired at home. If you want to run a horse, you can run a horse, and if you want to have a picnic, you will have a picnic. It is camping here at night. Go back tomorrow and act like a spoiled child, and the matter will pass."

Man Bao looked puzzled, "You can do it now."

"Not now," Madam Tang said, "I've been out for three days, and there are still children at home, how can I stay away for a long time?"

She sighed: "At most, you can rest here for half a day, and you have to go back in the afternoon."

Man Bao looked sympathetic.

Madam Tang glanced at her, "You don't have to sympathize with me, you're almost there too."

Man Bao immediately said: "That's not possible, that is, I will get married in the future. As long as I take a break, if I like it, I will definitely be able to come and have a picnic, right?"

She turned her head and asked Bai Shan.

Bai Shan nodded, "Yes."

Mrs. Tang seemed to be smiling but not smiling, and said to her, "Then let's look at the future."

They didn't have to wait for a long time, they took their leave and went back, and Bai Shan started to wait for an official at the Ministry of Personnel. He went there on the same day, and he was assigned to the Hanlin Academy on the same day, and he could walk in front of the imperial court.

Even Liu Huan had to wait two more days for a Ninth-rank official to go to the Ministry of Works, not to mention other people.

Some people may have to wait for the first half of the year, or even longer, to get their official positions. Before that, they need to wait in renting a house in the capital.

See you tomorrow

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