Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 2439 Cloud Collection

Wei Zhi was very satisfied, he stroked his beard and said, "Although it was the old man's suggestion to let you enter the Hanlin Academy, it was personally ordered by His Majesty. Among the many jinshi who passed the official examination with you, only three have this honor, and You are the youngest one."

Bai Shan is not only the youngest one, he is also a jinshi the year before, and he is one class ahead of the other two selected this time. After all, he is still their senior.

Wei Zhi wanted to laugh at the thought of this.

Bai Shan invited Wei Zhi to sit down, and turned around to greet Zhao Guogong... and Zhao Liulang who were here to celebrate.

This time, the three families held the same banquet in the same place at the same time, and there were quite a lot of people who came. They also stated on the invitation, so that everyone should not spend too much money, so everyone came to the banquet and only gave one gift.

As for how the three families are divided in the end, that is their own business.

However, Zhao Guogong still sent three gifts, each with a name written on it, and Zhou Man's gift list was the longest, more than double the sum of Bai Shan and Bai Erlang.

Although the concierge can't sing about gifts, as soon as people came, the servant with the gift box came in, plus the three gift slips that were sent out, the gift slip in Zhou Lizhong's hand was unfolded and it was the elder, everyone. It's hard not to notice.

Some officials who saw it couldn't help but mutter, "When did Duke Zhao and Zhou Man get along so well?"

"Tsk, apologize for what happened last time?"

The other party reacted for a while before he remembered what he said, and said, "How long has it been since then, didn't Zhao Guogong become the Minister of War?"

"That's not necessarily. Before, it was because Zhou Manren was in Huangzhuang, and the Zhou family had no one who could be her master, but now that people come out, they have to make amends. The Zhao family is so embarrassing for Zhou Man, and it is not only Zhou Man who offends Zhou Man. , and the Tai Hospital."

He sneered at Convenience, "The Tai Hospital is just a group of medical craftsmen, and they always obey the orders of Shangguan."

The official who spoke quietly moved away from him and said with a smile, "Let's go in. I think even Lord Tang is here. Let's have a wedding wine during our lunch break, so we don't need to be afraid of being impeached."

There are a lot of guests today.

In fact, Zhou Man and the others didn't plan to invite so many people. Apart from getting along well, they didn't want to invite too many people from the court.

I can't stand the number of people asking these two days.

Everyone took the initiative to ask. Naturally, the three of them could only laugh and say that they would be invited to drink when the time came. The other party took advantage of the situation and said to wait for the good news. Then they naturally had to send the post, otherwise it would be too offensive.

So the more and more posts were sent, the more and more posts were sent, which created the excitement today.

The avenue in front of the door where four carriages can walk side by side is now blocked, and the carriages from both sides of the avenue directly blocked this area.

The steward of the Bai family came out to clear up, and quickly arranged the carriage in or out, so that the guests did not wait for a long time.

But the number of people who came was still unexpectedly large. Looking at it from a distance, there were more people than Liu Huan's banquet.

No wonder everyone held it so much, it was because Bai Shanzhouman and Bai Cheng had a bright future.

If you can get closer to them at the end of the day, you will get along better in the future, right?

Today's emperor is a very generous person. He has never been stingy with his titles, and he has made great contributions in wars.

Great achievements in politics, seal!

Those who have great interests with the country and the people, and who have a good reputation among the people, will be sealed!

In the words of the emperor, if the treasury has no money, it is a big deal that he will not be named Gaojue, and he will directly circle a piece of land to reward the person.

There is still a lot of waste land under the name of the imperial court.

Too many people died in the previous wars.

But the emperor is so generous, and there are not many who can be knighted in recent years.

Of course, Bai Shan and the others are definitely not the highest. Marquis and earls still have them in recent years.

But they are definitely the ones with the greatest future.

Zhou Man doesn't need to talk about it, just look at her promotion path in the past few years. The Chongwen Museum is silent, someone has inquired with it privately, and no one can find out the faults of the books she compiled.

They specialize in the arts, and even in the books they compiled for the Imperial Child Supervisor, they can occasionally say a few words, and they are quite bright. Anyway, Kong Jijiu has used her own analysis many times.

A physician is not terrible, but what if she is not a physician?

You must know that her official rank in Chongwenguan is higher than that in the imperial hospital, so although she is an imperial doctor, she is also a civil servant.

Chongwenguan editor, what a noble position, if she is not a woman, and only writes medical books, with the number of books she is writing now, it is very likely that she will go further and go directly to Guozijian part-time. Choose one.

So this one's future cannot be guessed, because there is no example of her future, who knows where she can go?

When she first became an official, everyone thought that she would be worth it for the rest of her life if she was able to sit firmly in the fifth-rank official position, but as a result, everyone was fourth-rank.

How many people have been stuck on the level of rank 5 and rank 4 all their lives.

Zhou Man's future is unpredictable, but Bai Shan's can.

This one is really a young talent. If it wasn't for Yang and Shuzhuyu, he might have amazed the adults in the court.

But even with Yang Heshu in front, Bai Shan was amazing.

Moreover, he has better advantages than Yang and Shu.

He came from an aristocratic family, but he was from a very aristocratic family. Unlike Yang Heshu, they had a big family. They also had a noble concubine and a prince in the palace, so the adults were actually a little suspicious when they used him at first.

It was Yang Heshu who clearly stated his ideals and took the initiative to choose a remote and poor Xia County like Luojiang County for experience, and His Majesty really cherishes talents and is reluctant to use such a person.

So Yang Heshu was promoted again and again.

But Bai Shan doesn't have these concerns, and he has a better reputation than Yang Heshu. He has a good reputation in Shilin for not being afraid of power and being loyal and filial.

Just because of the King of Yizhou, officials and students from Jiannan Road recognize him, and he is from Longzhou, Guannei Road...

This is subtle.

Coupled with his own talent, this one may go even more smoothly than Yang Heshu in the future.

It's a pity that they are not at the same age nor at the same level, otherwise they can watch a game where the king does not see the king.

Bai Cheng's future can be seen more clearly, just because of the emperor's love for Princess Mingda, even if he doesn't have a real job in the future, his life will definitely not be bad.

The best thing is that the prince also loves Mingda, his younger sister, which means that, if nothing else, he may have been Jane's character in the emperor's heart in both dynasties.

So how could they not participate in such a three-person knighthood feast?

It is definitely necessary to participate, otherwise in the future, if people go further, they may really not have the opportunity to participate.

So, everyone who came in was very enthusiastic about Bai Shan, Bai Cheng and Man Bao, and the three of them could only return their enthusiasm. Even if there were friends who shared this enthusiasm, their faces still froze.

It was so stiff that when they turned to face Yin Or and Liu Huan, they still had a stiff smile.

Yin Or: "...If you don't want to laugh, stop laughing."

He looked weird.

See you at 10 o'clock at night, I had a little accident when I got home tonight, so I came home very late, sorry

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