Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 2437 together

Man Bao and Bai Shan couldn't help persuading him, "Since the adults can think that you want to go out, then you must be on the list."

Liu Huan was still very depressed, how could he forget to look at his name?

The three hurried back to the official department.

The people in front of the list have all dispersed. Those who can pass the examination of the Ministry of Personnel are no fools, even if they have no connections, take the opportunity to go around the Ministry of Personnel and get to know a few more people.

Looking back, the election officials have something to say, right?

So everyone dispersed.

Bai Shan and the others could go straight to the top of the list, Liu Huan sniffed and looked from the back to the front.

Bai Shan looked from the front to the back, and Man Bao looked back from the middle. After a while, Man Bao found her. She happily stepped forward and clicked the position: "Look, here it is."

Bai Shan and Liu Huan immediately leaned over to look at it. They both breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the words "Liu Huan" on it. Bai Shan said, "Look, we didn't lie to you, did we?"

Li Maoyue stood under the porch and looked at the three of them. After a long while, he coughed speechlessly and asked, "Master Zhou, Bai Xianzi, isn't your family holding a banquet today? Why don't you go back at this time?"

Man Bao looked up at the sun in the sky, and confidently said to Li Shangshu, "It doesn't matter, everyone is still in the ya at the moment, so they definitely didn't go."

Li Maoyue looked at her for a while, then said with an "oh", "I just came out of the palace, and even Lord Wei told His Majesty that he would end his political affairs early and ask you for a glass of water and wine. So the palace The small court meeting is over."

It was only then that Man Bao remembered, yes, today is the announcement. As a minister of officials, Li Maoyue will definitely attend the Xiaochao meeting. He is here right now...

Man Bao stared, pulled Bai Shan, turned around and left.

Bai Shan hurriedly bowed to Li Shangshu and immediately followed him out.

Liu Huan was a little afraid of these elders who were about the same age as his grandfather, so he smiled with Li Shangshu and went after them.

Man Bao stood on the avenue with a tangled expression on his face, "Do you think we should go back to entertain guests immediately, or go to the palace and pick up Bai Er immediately?"

Bai Shan had already dragged her to the palace, "Let's go, today is a happy event for the three families, but not from one family. Uncle and Aunt Tang came over from Changqing Lane early this morning."

Mr. Bai and Mrs. Bai arrived in the capital just a few days ago. Their luggage was left at Zhou's house, but they were temporarily staying at Changqing Lane.

Because the eldest son and his wife lived there, they also lived there in order to see their grandson.

On the old Zhou's side, except for the couple who stayed in their hometown on Tuesday and Thursday, who was buying tea, everyone else was also in the capital.

Most of the people Zhou Man invited were colleagues and ladies who got along well after getting to know Jingzhong, and there were many people from the Bai family.

So this time, the banquet is actually divided into two parts, one part is the relatives of the Zhou family and the relatives of the Bai family.

After Bai Shan passed the jinshi examination the year before last, the Longzhou side has been in touch with their family. Not only Bai Shan, but also Bai Erlang, the branch that has been separated out, is ranked in the clan.

Not to mention that this time Bai Shan and the others came back from the Western Regions, and they directly sealed the baron and viscount, and the food towns are all in Longzhou. Although it is not big, there are only a few villages, but it is enough to shock the Bai family.

So they arrived in the capital two months earlier, and they were waiting to attend the banquet celebrated by the Bai family.

And with their arrival, some of the Bai family's in-laws also emerged, so the number of guests in the Bai family increased.

Originally, if they didn't have an invitation, it would be useless to come, but the family greeted them in advance.

After Mrs. Liu pondered, she thought of the industry that was still in Longzhou, so she agreed. Jin Yi does not return home, just like Jin Yi travels at night. Since they take the initiative to come to the door, they will put on their most beautiful clothes and bring out their best food to entertain them.

She had to take back everything she had taken from her.

So Mrs. Liu made a lot of posts and sent them to them.

She did her best to handle the banquet. Old Zhoutou and Qian Shi wanted to share some at first, but after seeing the things assigned by Mrs. Liu, they didn't speak, and simply gave her the full authority to handle it.

People like them are very particular about which cups are used for which table, and Lao Zhoutou and Qian Shi can't even tell who is who.

The couple discussed it and felt that they really couldn't help Man Bao in this matter, it was enough not to cause her trouble, so they called the children and left them to Mrs. Liu for conditioning, and let her just tell them if she had something to do. Just do it, and the idea will be decided by them, and they will be responsible for the work.

Mrs. Liu secretly breathed a sigh of relief, smiled and agreed with the old Zhou head Qian Shi, and turned around to use Wu Wu Lang.

When Lao Zhou first saw it, he was happy, thinking that Mrs. Liu was indeed a family with them and would not see outsiders.

Mrs. Liu also said to Mrs. Zheng: "It's also a generous family, this is Zhou's house, and Man Bao is one of the protagonists, but he can leave everything to us to take care of it, and he won't care about the long and short like other families. In the future, you Let Man Bao and the others be their heads, and get along well with their relatives, they are all good talkers."

Zheng's obediently responded.

Anyway, there are a lot of people here today, most of whom are the clan of the Bai clan, so Bai Erlang, one of the protagonists, has to show up with them whenever he says anything.

So Man Bao and the others stood at the gate of the palace, and they found a servant and asked him to go to Chongwen Hall to pass a message, and let Bai Erlang tidy up and come out quickly. He asked for leave yesterday, and he should have come out in the morning, he must have slept in late.

The three of them waited lazily against the palace wall. Bai Shan said to her, "You are too lazy, you can even enter the palace."

Man Bao snorted and turned to look to the other side. She was tired of walking, so she didn't want to go that far to Chongwen Museum.

The three of them waited for a long time, and it was almost half an hour before Bai Erlang came out, but he was not alone, but a large group of people. In addition to the classmates who also asked for leave and went out to drink with him, there were also Princess Changyu and Mingda. Princess.

Princess Mingda said solemnly: "We are going to Huguo Temple to offer incense."

Man Bao nodded shyly.

After everyone got on the horse and got on the carriage, Man Bao chased after him on his horse and quietly got into the carriage of the two princesses.

The princesses' guards and court ladies turned their heads to the side and pretended not to see.

Man Bao and Ming Da crowded together and asked, "Why did you guys come out earlier?"

Chang Yu pointed at Ming Da and said, "Ask her."

Mingda said embarrassedly: "I want to give the gifts prepared for you to Bai Er to take back, who knows that when they are talking, cousin and the others are here. As soon as they hear that we are going to leave the palace, they will be together. already."

Man Bao comforted her, "It's okay, I'll take them away in a while, and you can go home with me directly."

I'm going to have a big hemorrhage tomorrow, so I'll save the manuscript tonight, and I'll start adding more on Monday.

Whenever there is a large expenditure, I want to reach out to the sky and help me get up. I can write for another eight days and eight nights.

see you tomorrow

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