Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 2413 smooth

Compared with the patients in the ward next door who have high fever from time to time, or some people who are slow to develop pimples, the five cows being tested here in the cowshed are much smoother.

They should be the luckiest of the three batches of cows. After being vaccinated, they didn't suffer very much. They still had delicious soybean meal to eat. So Man Bao and Tai Doctor Lu went to see them every day, and they all wagged their tails happily, occasionally It's also very obedient when you can go out for a walk, but it is very fond of eating the green grass on the fields outside.

It was green grass that had just grown out. It was very tender, so tender that Man Bao felt a little craving for it when he watched them eat.

It looks really delicious.

They are so happy that it is not uncomfortable to see the acne this time. Tai Doctor Lu only felt a change in temperature once, and it was only slightly hot. He didn't need to prescribe medicine. They drank a little more water and went out to eat again. The green grass, and when I came back, I ate the oily soybean meal again, and the time for two meals was good again.

Moreover, the amount of acne on each cow is not very large. In the two batches of cows that were tested before, the one with the least acne had more than a hundred cows. According to the calculation, the cow with the largest amount of pox is 67, and the other cows are between 53 and 65.

It was directly half or even more pox than the previous two batches of cows.

what does that mean?

For the imperial physicians, they judged the size of the toxicity by the amount of smallpox and the reaction when the pox appeared, and this batch of cattle was the least toxic batch in terms of quantity and reaction.

Xiao Yuanzheng and the others came to see them in person, and they were all too excited. After a little thought, they said, "Take care, the new batch of people don't have to wait for this batch to fully recover before being vaccinated. The cowpox will be squeezed out and vaccinated as soon as it is ripe. .

The speed was very fast. On the fifth day, the last pimple was completely mature and scabbed, so Man Bao and Tai Doctor Lu started the journey of squeezing pimples again.

Occasionally, I would go to the ward next door to check on the patient's condition, pick out those who have recovered, and then put aside those who are about to recover, and finally focus on those who are still feverish and acne-prone.

This time, Man Bao did not take time off to visit Wang Ruile until all the cowpox had been squeezed out and prepared. Her condition was very stable, and it was getting better. In seven days, she was getting acupuncture and taking medicine, and her complexion had improved slightly. .

Man Bao looked satisfied, and said to Doctor Liu, "Starting today, acupuncture and moxibustion will be changed to every other day."

Wang Ruile was a little disappointed when she heard it. During this time, both she and Mrs. Tang passed the news through medical assistant Liu. If it was changed the next day, the news would only be available the next day.

Man Bao chased people out as usual, instructed Liu Sanniang on acupuncture, left another prescription, and instructed Liu Sanniang, "When you go back, you should record the pulse and the prescription for consideration, and if you have any questions, write to the fifth brother and let him He brought it in for me."

She said: "There are some recipes that you may not understand for a while, but after reading for a long time and pondering more, you will understand its advantages and disadvantages."

Liu Sanniang nodded seriously and asked, "Master, when will I invite you next time?"

After thinking about it, Man Bao said, "Call me when her pulse becomes dry. If not, this acupuncture method and this recipe can be used all the time."

Aunt Ma pricked up her ears outside to listen, took it in her heart, and planned to write it back and send it back, but that wasn't enough, so when Zhou Man came out, she immediately went up to ask, "Emperor Zhou, how is my wife? ?"

"Slightly better."

After thinking about it, she said: "If she was a dry well before, and there was only slightly moist soil and stones at the bottom of the well, she was angry, and the bottom of the well was still leaking at that time, and the anger was constantly leaking out, then now it is at the bottom of the well. The loopholes were filled, anger no longer leaked, and there was a shallow spoon of water at the bottom of the well."

Aunt Ma was taken aback for a while, and even Liu Sanniang couldn't help but ask, "Master, how much water does she need to be healthy?"

"Water is anger and vitality, and it represents the future life. At her age, it is normal to have more than half of the well water, at least it must be deep enough to submerge two adults who are connected by head and foot, otherwise Longevity will have an impact in the future. It seems to be good on the surface, but it is only superficial."

Aunt Ma couldn't help but sighed, "The Imperial Physician Zhou is worthy of being a famous little genius doctor in the capital."

Man Bao was praised, even if the other party was a bad person, she couldn't help but smile at the other party.

Madam Tang remained silent, and when she sent Man Bao out, she couldn't help but ask, "She...will her longevity be affected in the future?"

Man Bao said: "It is impossible to say that there is no impact at all. She has had too many miscarriages, and the sins she suffered when she was young will gradually reflect on her body when she is old."

Seeing Mrs. Tang's serious face, she comforted her: "But don't worry too much. When she gets out of the sea of ​​misery in the future and takes good care of her, it may not be enough."

Man Bao said: "The number of people's lifespan is very strange. It is affected by the body, diet, water and soil, and mood. How can you know that a well-maintained sick seedling can't survive a healthy person who eats the sea and drinks and doesn't move?"

Madam Tang's mood improved.

Man Bao was very curious, "It's already Qingming, why haven't you started yet?"

Mrs. Tang: "...You just expect us to do it? No, how do you know what we want to do? Did you peek at my letter?"

Man Bao said confidently: "I guess, the more you do, the more cautious you will become. If you just made a fire and backed her up, you knew at the time that it was the best when it happened. It's been half a month, you guys You are still secretly sending letters, which shows how much you are asking for."

Mrs. Tang reached out and tapped her forehead, "I haven't learned how to get along with your senior brother Tang. Light will use these brains."

After ordering, she put her hands together and said, "You're right, our request is indeed big. We were busy with Qingming things a few days ago, and now we can move on. We will have results in about a month."

Man Bao: "Is it another month?"

Madam Tang glanced at her and said, "Do you think it's easy? Several lives and lives are involved here, so you must be cautious."

In fact, it was Master Tang's advice, saying that if you want to do it, you should do it beautifully, so that you can get justice for the sister-in-law, but also prevent her from getting into trouble.

It was only then that she endured so much conspiracy.

Madam Tang couldn't see Man Bao shaking her head and sighing, so she changed the subject and said, "By the way, today is the examination of the Ministry of Rites, right?"

Man Bao sighed even more, nodded and said, "Yeah, but unfortunately I can only come out for an hour, so I have to go back to Huangzhuang, and I will be vaccinated tomorrow, so I can't stay out for a long time."

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