Yang Heshu glanced at him and said with a smile: "You guys should go back. If you can go back to the capital a few years ago, it will be good, but it doesn't matter if you can't make it. When you return to the capital on the second and third day of junior high school, your majesty may feel calmer after seeing it."

After all, they are also rushing to the capital during the Chinese New Year, so they can barely show that they are not deliberately delaying the time.

Although not very convincing in terms of the time they spend.

Bai Shan glanced at Man Bao and asked Yang Heshu, "Your Majesty is so angry?"

Yang Heshu said angrily, "What do you think?"

He said: "Zhihe said that General Ashina praised you and praised you after returning, and said that you only separated in Shazhou City, because you brought more people, so the speed was slow."

"Your Majesty thought you were slow, and you should be back in the capital after five or six days, but it's been almost half a month and you haven't moved."

"By the way, I'm afraid you don't know yet. General Guo returned to his hometown with the coffin. He passed through Xiazhou seven days ago, and now he should have arrived in the capital," Yang Heshu said, "I asked General Guo when he set off, and he is better than you. He set off from Xizhou three days later, and he has now returned to the capital. Guess what Your Majesty will think of you?"

Man Bao and the others were first surprised, then Yi Xi, "General Guo Xiao returned home with the coffin back?"

Yang Heshu replied, this matter was not a secret in the court for a long time, so Zhou Man and the others were far away from the center of the court and had been on the road, so they hadn't heard of it.

"His Majesty felt remorse shortly after Chai Duhu left, so he issued a new imperial decree to restore General Guo's official position, and sent people to welcome General Guo back to Beijing for his funeral."

The emperor has always been kind to heroes. When many generals who followed him to death died, the emperor would let the Ministry of Rites manage the funeral for him, and even he often attended funerals to show his condolences.

Yang Heshu said, "Your Majesty is much softer now than before."

If a military general made such a big mistake before, he would not have let it go so lightly, let alone change the day and night, and quickly withdraw his will.

"But don't act recklessly because of His Majesty's soft-heartedness. You did waste too much time on the road this time, so be prepared to plead guilty when you go back."

Man Bao and Bai Shan could only shyly agree.

Yang Heshu couldn't help laughing after reading it, "Dead is deed, merit is merit, I heard that you have found a recipe for cowpox this time?"

Man Bao nodded and briefly talked about the process and effect of vaccination.

Yang Heshu pondered and asked, "Can I look at your data and medical records?"

That's important data. When Man Bao heard it, she said that there was no problem, and she could take out the booklet and show it to him when she came back.

Man Bao felt that his hand was grabbed, and when he looked down, he saw Brother Qi, who was staring curiously at the red tourmaline on Man Bao's hand.

This is the red tourmaline that Bai Shan ran three shops to find. There are four strings, which are overlapped and wrapped around his hand. It is particularly beautiful and eye-catching.

Well, it also attracts the attention of children in particular.

Man Bao stretched out his arms in front of his eyes and asked with a smile, "Does it look good?"

Cui Shi said with a smile, "I don't know what's going on with this kid. He is obviously a boy, but he really likes this kind of jewelry powder."

She glanced at Yang Heshu with some anxiety, but she actually wanted to ask Man Bao child if she was sick in private.

Man Bao said happily: "My child, everyone likes shiny things. He can play with him if he likes it, but it's important. You can watch this kind of thing, but you can't put it in your mouth."

Man Bao thought for a while, and when he felt that manpower was always slack, he said, "Sister-in-law can use some bright fabrics to make some toys for him. Children like brightly colored and shiny things. These are not good for him to play with. Give him something to play with."

Cui Shi was taken aback and asked, "Is this normal?"

"Yeah, it's nature," Man Bao said, "Everyone has a love for beauty, and children are more obvious because they can't hide their thoughts yet."

Cui turned her head to look at her son who was leaning against Yang Heshu's legs, and then raised her head to look at her husband's face.

Yang Heshu was originally smiling, but when he saw his wife's face, he couldn't help but froze.

Cui was jealous, so she couldn't help but pursed her lips, and pinched her son's face with her fingers. She was really unscrupulous. She obviously took him the longest time every day, and she often took him to play. Whenever his father appeared, he was always more attached to his father.

She didn't think there was anything wrong with this, but now she felt so sad.

Man Bao didn't know what she was thinking, so she happily took out a box and opened it to Mrs Cui, "Sister-in-law, look, these are the things we gave you."

The gift was given by everyone, and Yang Heshu also received a good piece of original jade, which has been opened, and the condition is good, but it has not been polished.

Bai Shandao: "We saw two pieces of jade like this at the time, and they were in good condition, so we thought of giving it to Brother Yang and Xuexiong Tang. If we want to do anything, we can design it ourselves and let the craftsmen do it now."

Yang Heshu was very pleasantly surprised when he saw this white jade, "It's really beautiful, thank you."

What Cui Shi got was a box of gems, all of which Man Bao personally picked.

She smiled and said, "This is really a souvenir."

Manbao and the others brought a lot of gifts to their relatives and friends, plus the things they plan to collect and use, and don't plan to sell out, they add up to a lot anyway.

Everyone went to the luggage, and finally felt that they were reluctant to do anything here. Even Yin He urged Man Bao, "When your niece comes, ask her if she can go back with us."

Zhou Lijun only learned from Xiang Ming when it was almost dark. She combed her hair in a bun and was obviously married. Before entering the door, she rushed up to hug her sister, and then went to Zhou Man, "Where's my aunt?"

Zhou Liru blushed and said excitedly, "Little aunt is talking to Lord Yang in the study, second sister..."

She glanced at Xiang Mingxue who came in behind, and asked in a low voice, "Are you married to your second brother-in-law?"

Zhou Lijun tapped her forehead and smiled: "You are stupid, you call him second brother-in-law, can I not marry him?"

Xiang Mingxue stepped forward with a smile and bowed to his sister-in-law. Zhou Liru hurriedly returned the salute and said, "My sister-in-law was talking to Lord Yang about the cowpox in the study. I'll take you to see our luggage first."

Zhou Lijun: "What's so good about luggage?"

When she turned a yard to see the pile of luggage in the car and in the yard, she opened her mouth, "Is this all your luggage?"

When I went there, I had already brought enough luggage, so how could it be three or four times more when I came back?

Zhou Liru said: "Yes, there are things we bought for ourselves, as well as for our relatives and friends, and the rest are for sale, second sister, you don't know, we encountered a horse thief's den on the way, there are many If we don’t take it well, we will have more things.”

see you at ten pm

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