Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 2305 expansion

Bai Shan was also shocked and asked, "Do you want to test it with smallpox pox?"


After making sure that everyone's pimples had subsided, Manbao went to prepare smallpox pox scabs and let them try whether they would still be infected with smallpox.

This is the last step. When Man Bao brought the prepared smallpox pox scab, the six of them were sitting together, looking nervously at the bowl in her hand.

I heard that it was a pox scab that came out of a human body. In the past, let alone touching it, as long as they heard that there was smallpox somewhere, they wanted to stay far away.

But they have already come into contact with cow's pox scab, and now they will come into contact with human...

Thinking about it this way, the six people were not very nervous, and they all waited in line.

Man Bao put the adjusted cotton cloth in his nose for them, she said: "Keep it at night, and then take it off after six hours. Generally, the result will be known in three to five days, but we usually leave people behind. It depends on the situation in ten days. If you don’t get smallpox after ten days, it means that the vaccination was successful, and you will not get smallpox in the future.”

Hearing the words, the six swallowed their saliva and asked, "Then, what if the previous cowpox didn't work?"

Man Bao narrowed his eyes and said, "Then you will have acne again, and this time it will be much more dangerous."

It's the same as getting pox, this Man Bao has experience, but their health is not as good as those of the previous prisoners.

Thinking of this, Man Bao was also a little nervous, and said to Bai Shan, "Will the herbs we prepare not be enough?"

Bai Shan said: "There are some in Xizhou City, and you will buy everything you need."

Man Bao sighed, "Yes."

The two of them were nervously waiting for the result, which made Bai Erlang, who came to visit them, a little nervous, and asked, "How are people now?"

Man Bao said: "It's good, there's no response yet, but it's only the second day, wait a few days to see."

Bai Erlang pondered for a while and then said: "If it is successful, the next test will be faster, right?"

Man Bao nodded, "The scabs of cowpox are ready-made, there is no need to wait again. After this time, the second batch of tests can be carried out."

And because of the previous experience, the second test will definitely be faster.

Bai Erlang said happily: "Then our speed is definitely faster than that of the army. Yesterday, the good news came back that General Ashina has even descended to three cities in Qiuci, and has already approached the capital of Qiuci."

Man Bao asked him, "We are faster than the army, what do you want to do with the rest of your time?"

Bai Erlang laughed and said: "I heard that when it gets colder, it may snow on the desert, and the snow on the dunes is particularly beautiful."

When Bai Shan heard this, he was refreshed, "There is less water in the desert, so it's not easy to snow, right?"

Snow is the same as rain, and it only rains less after winter.

"Sir said, he said that he watched the sky at night and felt that there should be rain in the Western Regions this year. If it gets colder, won't the rain turn into snow? It will definitely snow."

Bai Shan turned his head and said to Man Bao, "Otherwise, let them build a yard next to it. Anyway, it was built with yellow clay, and the speed is very fast. This way, the speed of the test is faster."

Man Bao: "Can the people of the Duhufu agree?"

She didn't have any opinion, but when she was too busy, she called Bai Erlang and the others together to help.

However, we still have to wait for this test to prove that cowpox is really useful before we can start the next test, otherwise, if it is useless, then...

Man Bao shook his head and suppressed the idea for a while.

Bai Shan has already pondered: "I should agree, I will ask Liu Huan together."

He said: "I have been in contact with them a lot recently, probably because General Guo Xiaojun had a warning before he left, and they were quite polite to us."

Coupled with Liu Huan, it shouldn't be a big problem. There are only two yards, and it only takes two days of work. The things added in the house are not expensive.

He said, "I heard that General Ashina and the Ministry of Hu are going to ask for the second batch of food and grass."

So even General Guo would not offend Liu Huan too much at this moment.

Even if they were thousands of miles away from the capital, they couldn't sue Liu Shangshu at any time, but it was enough.

As expected, Bai Shan took Liu Huan to the Duhu Mansion for a walk. After a circle, he came out. He not only added two more yards to them, but also asked them a lot of rice, noodles, vegetables and meat. The chickens in the yard changed again. There are more, and there are old hens who will place orders.

Several sheep have also been added to the grass outside the yard.

No way, Bai Shan wanted a lot of meat, saying that the soldiers to be sent later would have to be raised for a period of time, six people in one yard, and eighteen in three yards.

Eighteen people eat meat twice a day, that's a lot. He asked for more, it had to be fresh meat every day.

The Protectorate is too lazy to send them fresh meat every day. It's a place with smallpox, so it's so easy to get in and out?

So just drive a dozen sheep to them and let them kill them by themselves.

Nie Canjun, who was in charge of guarding the patient, saw it and said to Bai Shan, "They're just lazy, but we can kill it ourselves. We can also make soup with mutton bones. It's even better than mutton."

Bai Shan simply handed over the task of killing and herding sheep to Nie Canjun, while he went to the barracks to pick 18 people, and first made do with living in the two newly built yards.

Man Bao took Zhou Liru to give them a prescription for a medicinal diet and began to nourish his body.

Eighteen people thought they were going to get smallpox when they came, but they didn't expect that they would have to eat delicious food for a few days.

People in that yard are easily not allowed to enter, and the people inside cannot come out. I heard that they are vaccinating.

Eighteen people swallowed, and when the soldiers came to deliver the meal, they couldn't help but ask, "Brother, are the people in the next yard still alive?"

The soldiers guarding them knew that they were not prisoners, but soldiers just like them. Moreover, they were now disabled, and all they could ask for was to return to their hometown. The soldiers who guarded them were very polite to them. It's good, if you don't believe it, just stand in the yard and shout over there."

They are all yellow mud houses, not soundproof at all, you can hear the fart in the yard next door.

That's why they just came, and they stayed in bed every day after eating, and didn't even dare to speak too loudly, otherwise the next door would have discovered it earlier.

When the eighteen people heard it, they paused and asked, "Can you shout?"

The soldier put down the food and tableware and said: "Shout, yes, wash the dishes by yourself after eating, Master Zhou said, you are all right to go out for a walk, except that you can't get close to the yard, you can go anywhere nearby, we put the sheep in the On the hillside, you can help us take a look if you are all right."

"It's not brother, didn't we come to dye smallpox? How can we just eat?"

"What dye smallpox, it's smallpox!" The soldier emphasized: "Zhou Daren loves you, you need to take good care of your body before planting, so that you can hold the smallpox, anyway, there is no result, your side first Take care of your body, and it will be your turn when your body is healed on their side."

See you at 6 pm

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