Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 2296 farewell

Man Bao took the problematic stone from the excavation robot's frame, put it in a pile of stones on the side, and then picked up the broken small stones under the guidance of Keke.

There are many rocks in this tiankeng, and one of them is a big rock that is broken.

It should have been the falling meteorite that smashed through the sand and encountered it. The two stones collided and were torn apart together.

Except for a few protruding stones that were shot under the sand, the other meteorites floated to the surface and were very broken.

Bai Shan put the stones he picked up on the pile of stones. No one pointed him, but he could tell which ones were meteorites and which ones were ordinary stones.

Most of what Man Bao was looking for were meteorites that sank under the ground. Bai Shan was powerless. After all, his eyes couldn't see into the ground.

Man Bao received all the meteorite blocks he found in the classroom. Teacher Mo had been waiting. He took the things and packed them up. After isolating the radiation, he sent an email to Man Bao and asked, "Everything is here. already?"

Man Bao asked Keke to reply with a "yes".

Teacher Mo asked her, "Is the mining robot still useful?"

Man Bao replied: "It's too old, it was broken when a meteorite was dug up before."

Teacher Mo said: "If it's broken, it's broken. If you treat it as scrap iron, it is also something that will be eliminated."

After Mr. Mo replied to this email, he decided on the ownership of the excavation robot that was temporarily borrowed at that time, but the alliance and encyclopedia that gave him permission had long forgotten about it.

In other words, there are more important and more important things for them to pay attention to and worry about, and this little sesame and mung bean is not enough to attract their attention.

How to distribute the meteorites given by Zhou Man, I don't know where the news came out, and now several planets are snatching this thing.

They all want to obtain post-meteorite research, to be able to discover the secrets of genetic variation faster, stabilize genes, and benefit all intelligent races, and by the way, become famous and live on forever...

Even Teacher Mo said to Man Bao, "I will be very busy recently. If you have something to do, send me an e-mail, and if you don't understand your homework, send an e-mail. I will give you an answer when I see it."

He added: "I recorded a lot of courses some time ago. I listened to the lectures by myself first, and then I had homework to do, and then send me an email when I finished it. The recommended books for the next year have been sent to your mailbox, and you have finished reading this year's books. If you don’t understand the book, just buy it and take a look. If you don’t understand it, write it down and send me an email. Of course, I suggest you find a way to answer it yourself. If you can’t answer it or you’re not sure, ask me again.”

Man Bao knew that from today, she would become a student in a semi-stocking state.

I don't know why, but she was not disappointed, she was a little excited and happy.

She whispered to Bai Shan, "When we get back to Xizhou City, let's go out with Mr.

Bai Shan raised his eyebrows and asked, "What about the cowpox?"

Man Baodao: "The news should reach Xizhou City, and it's fine if it doesn't. We just said that we met someone outside who knew the approximate method of vaccination, and we'll know if it's true or false if we try it out for ourselves."

Bai Shan asked, "Where to try?"

"What do you propose?"

"I propose to try it in Xizhou." He said, "Since we are here for the cowpox method, we will naturally go back after we have the exact news."

Man Bao pondered, "It's easy to say, I have smallpox scabs on my hands, I can test it if I buy two cows, but what should I do?"

Man Bao was a little worried, "This is not the capital after all, and our relationship with General Guo is not good." In the capital, there are the emperor and the prince, and the hospital below. As long as her advice is reasonable, they will always help her.

Bai Shan thought for a while and then said, "Let's talk to General Guo first. It's good to be successful. If we don't make a case with the capital, we just have time to study this method in detail."

Man Bao was still a little distressed, "Who should I use?"

Bai Shan smiled and said, "Of course it's a prisoner. Xizhou was originally the country of Gaochang. After being captured, many prisoners were imprisoned in the city. There are also prisoners who were exiled from other places. ."

There are indeed many prisoners in Xizhou, but with the exception of a small number of prisoners who were imprisoned in prisons, or were directly taken to the vegetable market for beheading, the rest were all dragged by General Guo to serve as soldiers in the army.

They are still criminals, and they can only rely on military merit to reduce their crimes. If they are lucky, they are willing to work hard. After a few years of fighting, the reduction will be over, and then General Guo will put people into the military, and they are still soldiers.

It's just that you can be rewarded for meritorious deeds.

However, General Guo was stingy, and treated the soldiers he recruited and conscripted by the imperial court harshly, and he was even called the soldiers who were criminals.

But no matter how harsh it is, it is better to fight a war than to be a medicine man, and still be a medicine man of smallpox.

Daji attacked them, "Master, those prisoners are not necessarily happy. The prisoners in the capital have no other way, so they choose to give it a try, but the criminals here have other choices."

Bai Shandao: "The big deal is to give money, there must be a brave man under the heavy reward, I don't believe that no one will come."

Anyway, what are they afraid of when they have money?

Man Bao, however, felt distressed about money, "First try to see if you can recruit among the prisoners."

Bai Shan glanced at her and nodded with a smile.

The meteorites in the three tiankengs were all disposed of, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Back at Danshi Village, Man Bao called for the six villagers, and finally drew their blood and asked Teacher Mo to help with the test.

The results are good, their rejection effect is good, and the medicine has repaired a little damage to their bodies.

Man Bao simply gave them a few prescriptions, "This time I came out in a hurry and didn't bring any medicinal materials. This is a prescription. You can grab the medicine and eat it. It will be easier to give birth after recuperating your body."

He added: "It doesn't matter if it's inconvenient for you to go out. After we return to Xizhou, we will ask someone to send you some things, and the medicinal materials will be prepared. I will write the names at that time, and you can use them to boil the medicine."

The village chief and the villagers were grateful.

Especially the village chief, he sent people away ten miles away, and then sent them ten miles away. When he wanted to insist on sending the third ten miles, Man Bao finally couldn't help but stop him, "Send a thousand miles to send you a goodbye, or the village chief wants to get along with him. Are we going to West State?"

The village chief was still a little timid about the outside world, and shrank his neck and declined.

However, when Zhou Man and the others were leaving to part, he still gritted his teeth and asked indescribably, "Sir, can they really have children when they are so old?"

Man Bao: ... It's fine to ask her this question in the village, why bother to ask her from twenty miles away?

Man Baodao said, "A healthy person can't guarantee childbirth, but their fertility is not bad, and normal couples should be able to give birth."

The village chief breathed a sigh of relief and solemnly bowed to Zhou Man and the others before watching them leave.

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