Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 2283 blood draw

Man Bao, who was already sitting in the curtain, immediately poked out half of his face from the small hole, "No, all of you have to smoke, I have to compare."

After a pause, he said: "And how do you know that you can't give birth? Maybe you are more powerful than young people?"

village head:……

Bai Shan couldn't help but let out a light cough to make her pay attention to her words.

Man Bao shut up.

Bai Shan smiled and said to the village chief, "You sit down first, don't be afraid."

He is not very confident: "This should not hurt, come on, put your hand in from here."

The village chief's hand trembled a little. He was ready to take out a knife from Zhou Man to cut his hand open to get blood. In fact, this is acceptable. It's only a knife. They can still stand it, but... …

The village chief stared at the curtain, and it was terrifying if he couldn't see it.

But the village head swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and sat down on the stool, and then tremblingly stretched out his hand. Just as he reached in, his hand was grabbed. He was startled and almost jumped up. It was pulled out, and then it was tapped.

Man Bao said: "Don't talk, relax, it doesn't hurt, what are you afraid of."

She asked, "What's your name?"

village head:……

Seeing that he didn't answer, Man Bao said: "Forget it, I know you are the village head, but remember to tell the people outside after you go out, and after you sit down, say your name first, I have to remember it, so that I know whose What is the blood like, it will not be confused later."

As she spoke, she unpacked a package and pressed the needle directly on his arm. The village chief felt as if his hand had been stung, and after a while, there was a slight tingling, and his hand was stinged. was let go.

"Okay, call the next one."

The village chief, who had been waiting for the knife, pulled out his hand to take a look, and it took a long time to find a spot on the arm that was tingling just now.

Seeing that Man Bao had not moved for a long time, he could see from the hole that Bai Shan lowered his head to meet half of her face, and he couldn't help smiling from the corners of his eyes. He reminded the village chief, "Hello, call for the next one. come in."

The village chief went out in a daze before letting the next person in.

Bai Shan is responsible for asking people to sign their names outside, and making sure that people and names are the same.

It's true, others don't have that ability, but Bai Shan has. After a meal last night and some cloth and food distribution, he almost recognized all the people in the village.

Those who don't know each other are basically hiding behind, unwilling to speak and come forward.

Everyone who walked in with anxiety came out in a daze. If it wasn't for a tingling in their arms, they almost thought Zhou Man had done nothing.

Did this take blood?

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and at the same time was a little worried, how much blood can be taken out of pain? What's the use of so little blood?

The child was the last to get blood. They were the most confused. Because they didn't know what to do, they were the most fearless when they put their hands in. After being bitten, they pursed their lips. The woman who came in with the child immediately comforted them, and they tried their best. Hold back not crying.

Bai Shan looked down and looked down, but he held back his tears.

At this moment, he felt that their flaws were not so ugly, he smiled and took out a piece of caramel from his purse for him.

The child stared blankly, as if he didn't know what it was.

Bai Shan peeled off the candy wrapper, pinched a small piece and put it in his mouth.

The child's eyes widened and stared blankly at Bai Shan with a candy in his mouth.

Bai Shan reached out and touched his withered and yellow hair, and the man Bao inside was also drawn blood, released his hand, still stuck his head out of the small hole and smiled, "Okay, this child is really Okay, next one."

There were only five children who were so young that they needed caramel to coax, and each of Bai Shan gave them a piece.

So the five children became the most enviable in the village, and some teenagers looked around them with envy in their eyes.

Man Bao put the blood he had drawn into the box, and each test tube had the number and name written on it, there was nothing he could do.

She uploads things as learning materials, and Teacher Mo can conduct research after getting them.

This takes a certain amount of time, and it cannot be obtained in an instant, so Man Bao and Bai Shan decided to look for the meteorite first.

The village chief said: "We only know one tiankeng, and we don't know where the other two are, but the direction of the fireball should be over there and over there."

The village chief gestured in a general direction, "But it's far away, it's the desert, and we don't dare to go too deep, or we won't be able to get out."

So they didn't find those two sinkholes.

Man Bao and Bai Shan looked at each other, a little disappointed, but decided to go to the known Tiankeng first.

The village chief was willing to let his son guide them, so everyone began to prepare water.

Mr. Mo also applied for a lot of things for Man Bao. In addition to protective clothing and helmets, there was also a box of detoxification antidote.

When radiation pollution is not very serious, drug rejection can be taken.

"However, it is still recommended that you wear protective clothing and helmets, because the rejection medicine is only for rejection, and the repair is not very serious damage, and the effect on the human body with serious pollution is not very good."

Man Bao responded and put them all in Keke's space after receiving them, and then only picked out three sets of protective suits, one for her and Bai Shan, and one for Daji.

She took out everything and put it in the box, and then everyone set off in the direction of the Tiankeng.

Since knowing that the poisonous stones fell from the sky, the people here all think that the tiankeng is the source of the curse, and no one wants to approach it, even the people in Danshi Village.

Walking out of the village and finding that there were no guards outside, the village chief's son, Aini, froze for a moment before saying, "Go there."

Bai Shan nodded and ran ahead on his horse. He turned his head and said to Aini, "There are no guards outside, so you can leave if you want."

Aini was excited for a moment, then calmed down slowly. He shook his head and said, "The children grow up like this, no matter where they go to live."

Going out and seeing the expressions of disgust and fear of those people may be even worse for the children, so it is better to live in the village, anyway, the people in the village can already accept the children.

Anyway, the children born by everyone are similar, and there is no need for anyone to look down on someone or fear someone.

Bai Shan thought about it too, they were different outside, but they were the same kind in the village.

They walked for a day before they reached the edge of the desert, and then watched Anibi look for the direction of the sun and then moved forward. Man Bao was very skeptical, "Is the direction correct?"

After all, depending on the month, the direction of the sun will also have some deviations.

Aini said: "It doesn't matter if you are not allowed, we will find it after walking around."

Bai Shan and Man Bao: It makes sense.

I modified the content of the two chapters before and after Danshi Village. If you are interested, you can go back and read it. It is about the discovery of meteorites, but there are not many.

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