Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 2255 Ambush

After walking for three or four days, they entered the desert from the Gobi grassland. Master Zhiren said: "I heard from the people in the village that after entering the desert, you only need to walk north for another three or five days before reaching Gaochang."

Everyone listened to the spirits and could not help speeding up.

After the lunch break, everyone drank water and started to move forward staggeringly. Man Bao was sitting in the carriage and dozing off. Because she was sleepy in the afternoon, her head twitched little by little. Suddenly, the alarm bell rang loudly, and Man Bao was startled. , look up.

Zhou Liru, who was taking a nap opposite, was taken aback, "What's wrong with you, auntie?"

Man Bao tilted his head, but listened to Keke's emotionless broadcast report: "Unknown forces were found within the scanning range, and it was determined that it would have a bad impact on the host's life safety. Please avoid danger after receiving the warning. emergency escape."

Man Bao woke up instantly, and she asked Keke in her mind with a sullen face, "What force?"

Keke said word by word: "Unknown..."

"A man or a wolf or something..."

"People," Keke simply added in more detail, "it's just 20 kilometers away from the southwest of the host, and now it's only 19 kilometers away, there are a total of 189 people..."

Keke paused and scanned two familiar creatures, so he said: "One of them is the person the host met in the desert inn, and the other is the person he met while suppressing bandits. According to the name recorded in the video, the latter one Ergo."

Man Bao immediately opened the curtain and shouted outside, "There is an enemy attack! Nie joins the army—"

Nie Canjun was startled, and the team was immediately alerted. Nie Canjun controlled the horse and ran past, but he came to the front. The scout who went to explore the road ahead of time came back quickly, and when he got to the front, he rolled off his horse and said loudly: "My lord, a team from thirty miles to the southwest came to us, very fast, and there was no military flag."

Nie Canjun turned his head and glanced at Zhou Man, and when he saw her nod, he knew they were talking about the same thing.

He frowned. If there is no military flag, then it is not a person in the military camp. In such a place, it can only be a caravan and a horse thief, but it is obviously not a caravan at such a fast speed.

He glanced at the surrounding environment, immediately selected a place, pointed to a place, and said, "Everyone speed up, move towards taking it out, fast!"

The carriage accelerated in an instant, and the soldiers and guards escorted the carriage and quickly moved towards the direction pointed by Nie Canjun. This is a hollow with high dunes on one side, and they are not in the hollow, but on the spine of the hollow.

The high sand dunes that are facing the south will block the impact of the horse team. No one dares to gallop down from above on horseback. If someone comes down from above, the horse and the person will easily fall.

So they can only come from one direction...

Nie Canjun ordered: "Second Lu, take your people to ambush with a tripping rope, and be sure to stop the horse in front."


One man ordered his own soldiers and ran towards the place with a tripping rope.

"Zhang San and Wu Si, bring a bow and arrow and ambush with both wings."


Nie Canjun then looked at Zhou Man and several people who had already gotten off the carriage and boarded his precious Ma Dian Dian. He twitched the corners of his mouth and ordered, "Everyone should keep the carriage behind."


Everyone changed their formation. Most of the soldiers stood in front, the carriage was led to the back, and the guards of the Bai family and Yin family were closely protecting them, and a small number of soldiers were divided on both sides.

Nie Canjun ordered them to protect the drinking water. As for the luggage with gold and silver jewelry, he glanced at Bai Shanhou and asked them to give up. This was agreed at the beginning. If you are really unlucky and encounter a horse thief, you don't need to care about the luggage. The most important thing is to protect the drinking water, which is their life.

After making the arrangements, he said to Zhou Man who was standing behind him, "Master Zhou, why don't you go back to the car?"

Man Bao refused, "We want to ride horses, and we can escape fast on horseback."

"Then you also go to the back, it's too dangerous here."

This is no problem, Man Bao and the others are still very obedient, so they turned around and rode backwards. "

The heads of the carriages at the back were all directed towards the north, but they were on guard towards the southwest. Nie Can's order was that if they couldn't resist, the coachman would take the carriage and head northeast. When you go to the northwest again, you can always go back to Gaochang.

After the arrangements were made, the scouts flew back again to report, "Sir, they are here!"

Nie Canjun and everyone looked up at the high dune head, and sure enough, people appeared on it after a while, and the people who had just climbed the dune didn't expect them to stop. It whistled, and the people and horses that ran up followed them with "oh oh", and with a long knife in their hands, they flew towards them along the spine of the dune...

"Uuu, Erlangs, go ahead—"

The eyes of the three headed were all shining with strange light. The horse thieves cheered each other up, and everyone's arrogance was high. The soldiers and horses of the convoy felt uneasy for a moment. Everyone slowly quieted down.

Man Baoxin also raised it high, tightened the reins, and finally reached out and touched Chiji's neck to soothe it.

Hiding under the sand, the soldiers who only showed half of their heads and a pair of eyes saw the horses galloping down, and they could not help clenching the ropes in their hands. Suddenly they heard Nie Canjun shouting loudly. The rope was taut, and the horses rushing down saw the rope suddenly raised from the sand. Some jumped directly, while others tried to restrain their horses to stop, but those who wanted to restrain their horses stumbled on the people behind, and some stopped. If they don't get it in time, the horse's leg stumbles on the rope, the horse stumbles, and the person on the horse flies forward...

The soldiers holding the rope only felt a strong pull and made them rush forward. They knew that they had stumbled on the horse, and they didn't hold back. They turned around and rolled down the sand slope, got up and ran towards the team...

The horse thief damaged more than 20 horses in one fell swoop, and the people behind reacted, and the horses were going to chase those people.

With the tip of the knife forward, he shouted: "My sons, this is the time to make achievements, rush-"

The soldiers drank and followed Nie Canjun to face the horse thieves rushing down, and the archers in ambush also lifted up from the sand, and divided into three teams on the left and right to shoot arrows at the horse thieves...

It was the first time for Da Yu and the others to see such a battle between soldiers and thieves. The battle between horse thieves and horse thieves, and the battle between horse thieves and caravan escorts, was completely different.

Not to mention the blood, just say that the casualties vary greatly.

Heavy Rain saw that Nie Canjun brought his soldiers to meet the horse thieves and mixed with them to kill, he hesitated for a moment, turned his head and asked Zhou Man, "Are we going to help?"

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