Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 2230 miss it again

"Big brother," Fu Fu glanced at Ergo, and whispered in Jin Kuian's ear, "We have already looked for inns in the city, and without them, no such person has even come to stay."

Jin Kuian couldn't help looking at Ergo and asked with a sullen face, "Are you sure they are going to the Western Regions?"

Ergo's heart sank, but his face remained calm, and he asked: "Since you have seen them in the desert inn, you should know that the road will definitely lead to Shazhou. Did you find out, they have already arrived in Shazhou, Or have you left?"

"No," Jin Kuian said with a gloomy expression: "They didn't arrive in Shazhou."

Erge froze for a moment and then said: "Impossible, they have to go to Yumen Pass to go to the Western Regions. Besides, they have no way to go, and since they have been to the desert inn, they will definitely come to Shazhou. Did something happen to them on the way?"

Jin Kuian also hesitated for a moment, then shook his head and said, "There are quite a few of them, and this desert is not very big, so they won't get lost, there's no storm, and if something goes wrong, there won't be any traces on the road."

He paused and said, "In addition to going to Shazhou, that road can also turn to Suzhou."

"But what are they going to do in Suzhou?" Ergo doubted: "If you go to Suzhou, is there another way closer? There's no need to go to the desert inn."

"There is another possibility. They still want to come to Shazhou, but they first turn around and go back through another road. That official road goes through Suzhou."

Ergo looked up at him with doubts in his eyes.

Jin Kuian did not explain, but said, "Didn't you say they are prudent people?"

Ergo asked, "Did you threaten them while you were in the desert inn?"

Jin Kuian sneered and didn't answer, but lowered his eyes and thought for a moment before saying: "Leave three people, the others will follow me to Suzhou on the official road, it is best to meet them on the road, now Suzhou to Shazhou The area is not stable, and if we solve them on the road, the government will not think much about it.”

Jin Kuian quickly made up his mind. They were already several days behind them. If they didn't hurry up, they might really lose people.

It was a truckload of gold and silver jewellery.

Ergo naturally went with them.

Before leaving, he said to the wealthy who stayed behind: "If we encounter them coming back before we come back, don't do anything, try to find out about them, and if you can, join their team," Jin Kuian said with deep eyes. Said: "In short, we must get the gold and silver on them."


Jin Kuian quietly left Shazhou with people and changed lanes to Suzhou, but what he thought was quiet was not quiet.

As soon as he left, Shazhou Inspector He immediately contacted General Meng at Yumenguan, saying that those who needed to be on guard ran back.

After sending someone to deliver the letter, Inspector He felt that something was wrong, "Who are those people, and why did they run back?"

He frowned and asked, "You're not looking for someone, are you?"

"Sir, do you want to send someone to Suzhou to speak?"

Inspector He sighed, "Can our people go to Suzhou now?"

The master paused for a while, but did not speak.

He Zhishi remembered that the road was cut off, and he gritted his teeth a little, "I don't know who spread these rumors, you go, and let people go out to refute the rumors, Your Majesty is in peace, Xiazhou is safe, and the Central Plains are also stable, let everyone Be honest."


Inspector He rushed to refute the rumor early in the morning, but Man Bao and the others only got up at this time.

She stuck her head out of the car window, yawned, retracted her head and closed the car window, and then she and Zhou Liru helped each other brush their hair before jumping out of the car.

The two of them took a small wooden basin and went to Director Li to get water to wash. Because there is little water in the desert, the water for washing is only enough to wet the handkerchief, and the excess is gone.

The gray-faced Da Yu and the others sat aside and watched, and turned their heads in confusion. What was wrong with not washing their faces for a day? It was normal for them not to wash their faces for half a month when they were in the desert.

Therefore, Da Yu took the lead in rejecting Li Guanshifen's water, saying that they only need to drink and nothing else.

Steward Li glanced at them approvingly, then turned around and went to divide the water for the young master and them.

They don't have to be just right, the young master and Miss Man can use more.

The group was busy for half an hour, the sun rose a lot, the cold disappeared, and everyone started to hurry when it started to get a little warm.

Heavy rain couldn't help but ask Zhou Man and the others, "How many days do you plan to travel to Shazhou like this?"

Man Bao said: "We have calculated, we can arrive in about 12 to 18 days."

"The difference between you is long enough."

Man Bao said: "No way, no one knows what will be encountered on the road."

Heavy Rain: "Don't worry, we did the math before going out, and we won't encounter a sandstorm."

"I mean I don't know if there will be any interesting people, interesting things, interesting things on the road, if there are, we may need to stay longer."

Heavy rain: ... I feel that the mayor has miscalculated, and they should agree on a time with them, otherwise they will encounter an interesting place like their town on the road, and what if they have to stay for ten or twenty days?

This one hundred taels of silver is too hard to earn, right?

There are still 20 people, and that person is... Da Yu calculated with his fingers, and found that he couldn't figure it out, so he just didn't count it. Anyway, there shouldn't be many, otherwise the housekeeper will definitely envy them when they go out.

Since he didn't envy them, then they were at a loss this time.

Even if you lose some, how can you lose so much?

So the heavy rain urged Zhou Man and Bai Shan to speed up, preferably to reach Shazhou within ten days.

In fact, it is possible. If you march in a hurry, you can arrive in seven or eight days.

But Man Bao refused because there were old people (Mr. Zhuang) and young people (Zhou Liru) in the team.

Heavy rain turned to look at Mr. Zhuang, who was looking at the outside with the window open, and Zhou Liru, who was riding in front of him. He was speechless for a while.

The group walked slowly forward. When they encountered an oasis, they replenished their drinking water. When they saw something good, they tried to get some to take a look. Occasionally, they ran a long way to catch a gerbil, causing the team to have to advance an hour earlier. Stationed and waited for them.

The heavy rain was worn out along the way, and he finally saw the city gate of Shazhou after half a month, and his tears were about to fall.

finally reached!

finally reached! This is also the voice of Man Bao and theirs.

Seeing the high city gate, everyone screamed with excitement. Man Bao even threw the veil cap up and caught it when it fell. She buttoned the veil cap and lifted the veil. In front of the finger, he said loudly and proudly: "Chong Ya - let's go to the city!"

The people who were not far away turned their heads back to look at them in shock. Someone had already rushed into the city in advance to warn them.

Nie Canjun:  …

He had to change into his official uniform to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings.

When Bai Shan and the others saw it, they couldn't help but look at Man Bao and burst out laughing.

The people at the city gate saw it from a distance, twitched the corners of their mouths and turned around to ask their colleagues, "Does this look like an enemy attack? Those youngsters looked like they came from an aristocratic or aristocratic family to experience it. Where is the bandit in them?"

See you tomorrow

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