Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 2228 integration

Aman was talking about a mountain stream that was far away from the town. They had gone to the lower reaches of the lake before. The lake water flowed out of the big lake in the town.

Because there is water, an oasis is formed.

And at a 60-degree angle from that place, there is also a long, but much narrower oasis. Manbao and the others thought that it was also the way to the exit of the lake. Only when they went there did they realize that the water there was not go out, but come in.

There is a water source under the big lake. This one is the same as the one at the exit. It came from nowhere. After appearing in the desert, it slowly flows towards the big lake, and finally converges into the big lake.

The location of the mountain stream that Aman said was twenty miles away from the town. Except for the sparse grass and trees by the water, the other places on both sides were Gobi, so there were many rocks in the water.

But the water was clear and not deep, and they could see the bottom of the river from standing on the bank.

However, Ah Man didn't dare to let them go into the water in person, he said, "Don't look at the water that seems to be shallow, but it's actually deep. There are other places at the bottom of the river, so be careful. They are all good fish catchers. Most of the fish eaten by the long family are caught by them, and they are allowed to catch them.”

Bai Shan held Man Bao, who could only watch from the shore regretfully.

The people brought by Aman rolled up their trousers and started to go into the water, then gently rummaged for the stones at the bottom of the river.

Man Bao stared blankly and asked, "Are you looking for stone fish?"

"Yes, you can only catch them when they are frightened. Some stone fish are stupid. When they are frightened, they can't get out of the cracks in the rocks, and they will hide in the cracks and play dead." Several fish catchers are very experienced, although they catch There are not many opportunities to visit stone fish, but I want to touch stone fish. After all, although this thing is small, it is really delicious.

The fish catcher said, "This fish has no thorns. It's the best to make raw fish. The adults are waiting. When we catch the heavy rain from the mayor's house, we will give you slices of fish. His slices of fish will be good."

Man Bao nodded again and again, thinking that if they caught more, they could try it.

So she started pointing, "Not here, only there."

Refers to somewhere behind them.

Several people looked back and asked inexplicably: "How does the adult know?"

Man Bao said without changing his face: "I just saw one go in."

The few people had no doubts, they turned around and walked back slowly, and then rummaged through the stones. Two or three stone fish squeaked out from the cracks of the stones. Seeing that they were about to slip away with a swipe of their tails, they immediately slid away. Grab together...

As soon as they were busy, one of them grabbed one and threw it up immediately.

The fish fell to the ground, jumping and trying to get back into the water. The Man Bao people on the shore immediately stepped forward to hold it down and muttered, "I'll give you water right now, give you water right away..."

Bai Shan has quickly taken the wooden bucket to fetch the water, and brought the water to Manbao and put it into the wooden bucket.

But the stone fish was very angry. This is not the river it likes. It turned around the wall of the barrel several times. When it found that it couldn't get out, it began to jump around in the water.

Man Bao wiped his face, stared at it and said, "It's useless, you can't escape my palm."

Bai Shan also noticed the benefits of this mountain stream. Most of the water here is shallow. Although the net is not easy to use in the water full of stones, it can be useful.

So Man Bao instructed them to look for the stone fish, and Bai Shan instructed them how to pull the net and then rummage for the stone. , there are seven or eight stone fish struggling inside.

The expressions on the faces of several people are a little stagnant, so simple?

When everyone turned to look at Zhou Man and Bai Shan again, they were in awe.

Man Bao didn't want all of them, but took three big ones, and put the remaining four back into the water because they didn't look that big.

She pointed to the front with great interest and said, "Go, let's rush the duck!"

Several people in the water were also excited and rolled up their sleeves and went up.

A few people turned over this section of the river, startling countless stone fish, not to mention a few fish catchers, even Aman had a mysterious look on his face.

Stone fish are harder to fight than silver fish, and they may not be able to catch them once a year. They thought there were very few, but they didn't expect so many.

However, Manbao didn't take a lot. First, all the small and medium ones were put away. Later, she found more. She estimated the number of people, and some large ones were also put into the river.

The few people on the side were hesitant to say anything, but they actually sold it.

Man Bao obviously didn't expect this, and excitedly said to them: "This is enough, let's go."

After returning, she generously gave each of them a string of copper coins, and gave each of them two fish to go back to try the early adopters, which made Aman send two to the mayor, and said happily, "Just say we thank him a lot. entertain."

Aman: ...Actually, I can give some more.

He glanced at the fish in the bucket, but didn't say anything, and left with the mayor's fish and his own.

Forget it, he divided it into four, if it's a big deal, give his to the mayor, and he will take the mayor's.

Man Bao and Bai Shan insisted on carrying the fish into the kitchen, and said, "I can't eat so much, so I can raise it for another day. If it's delicious, I can eat it tomorrow."

Bai Erlang and the others didn't know how many fish were in the bucket, because later they rolled up their sleeves and went into the water. Except for Yin or, everyone's clothes were a little wet, so they went to change their clothes as soon as they got back to the yard. .

Bai Shan stood to block Man Bao, Man Bao put his hand into the wooden barrel, and there were two fish in it and disappeared.

The two just stopped to feed the fish.

Because of this incident, the relationship between the few people and the people in the town has taken a step further. Everyone knows that the yard lives in the imperial doctor who has seen the emperor, so some people began to visit the door tentatively to seek medical treatment.

Although Man Bao and the others ran out from time to time, rummaging in the desert and the Gobi to find all kinds of strange things, they did not refuse patients. As long as they came, she and Zhou Liru would help to see the doctor.

If not at this time, Aman will run to attack.

All the prescriptions prescribed by Man Bao and the others were also obtained in Ah Man's pharmacy.

It's a pity that the medicines in his pharmacy are not complete. In the end, the mayor moved all kinds of medicines from his warehouse so that the medicines could be caught.

Of course, the mayor didn't give it for nothing, he asked for money!

And the prescriptions prescribed by Zhou Man and Zhou Liru.

The mayor and Aman were shocked when they saw the person who came to the small hospital come up with a prescription for the first time. The person inside could actually prescribe the prescription, and they knew the words on the prescription. Give it to the patient to take it by himself!

You must know that many doctors will not prescribe medicines to patients. After seeing a doctor, they will prescribe medicines themselves. For example, Aman, he never prescribes them;

Some older doctors also prescribe prescriptions, but they are only known by the people who prescribe medicines in their own stores. Except for the door of the medicine store, it is difficult for people to recognize them, even if they are few colleagues.

See you at 6 pm

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