Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 2210 Comfort

In addition to selling all kinds of small items, many people came out with fabrics, and there was a piece of oilcloth on the ground, on which was placed a string of very brightly colored fabrics.

There are all kinds of strange patterns on it, Man Bao couldn't help but look at it, Bai Shan simply took her hand and looked forward.

The street vendor excitedly opened a piece of cloth to show them the pattern, "Do you think the color of this cloth is particularly correct? This pattern is also carefully traced by us, and it is a good material."

Man Bao reached out and touched it. The color was beautiful and the pattern was gorgeous, but the material was a bit thick, and it couldn't even match the fine texture, let alone compared to silk and satin.

Wearing this kind of fabric on such a hot day is actually a bit airtight.

Bai Shan also felt that the material was average, but it was okay to wear it for pleasure, so he asked the price.

The vendor had just witnessed the passing of the stone they asked for a price, so he thought about it and said, "A tael of silver."

Bai Shan: Do they just look like stupid people with a lot of money?

He glanced at the other party, thought about the price of the second-class fine cotton, and said: "Three hundred yuan a piece, do you sell it?"

The vendor opened his mouth and saw that both of them were staring at him with round eyes. He suspected that if he raised the price again, the other party might walk away as ruthlessly as he did to the vendor just now, so he hesitated and nodded: "Sell."

So Bai Shan bought a piece of cloth for three hundred dollars.

When the vendors on the side saw that they had made a deal, they began to sell them even more enthusiastically. Many people put out the melons and fruits that could not be eaten at home, but it was a pity that Manbao and the others had eaten them this afternoon. The melons were cold and hurt the stomach, so Man Bao told them not to eat too much.

Therefore, everyone's eyes lingered on those melons and fruits, but they didn't say anything about buying them. They just asked the price and decided to check the price tomorrow.

The group of people withdrew their hands regretfully, then turned back and whispered, "Didn't you say that no one buys the melons and fruits here? Why are they more expensive than our capital?"

Man Bao said: "Tomorrow I will look everywhere. Maybe there are cheap ones somewhere, but it's really good here. There is a stall at the door. It's very convenient."

Bai Shan didn't know that these stalls were temporarily set up for them, and nodded, "Looking at the town, it's quite prosperous, and even if there are fewer guests outside, they themselves are very lively."

The street vendors saw them go into the house just like that, and their hearts were filled. Fortunately, the soldiers who came with them also ran out to join in the fun after eating dinner and taking a bath. Although there were not many purchases, there were also transactions. , the most important thing is popularity.

Since April this year, no merchants who should come have come, and the town has been silent for two months.

Originally, this time of year was the busiest time for the town. Whether it was businessmen from the Central Plains going to the Western Regions, or businessmen from the Western Regions going to the Central Plains, most of them had to pass through here, otherwise their town would not have been built so well.

Generally speaking, from June to September is the peak period for visitors to their town. These four months make more money than they earn from grazing and planting in one year.

Bai Shan and the others didn't know this at first, but after a few more days, they will know.

Nie Canjun restrained his subordinates, allowing them to play in the small town or go hunting on horseback, but they were not allowed to conflict with the local residents.

So at first, the soldiers didn't dare to go far. After getting up every day, they practiced in the yard before going to sleep.

They have been on the road all this time, and they went up the mountain to kill horse thieves a few days ago. It is impossible to say that they are not tired. It is the time when they are short of sleep, so they hid in the room and slept in the first two days.

Man Bao and the others were just the opposite. Early in the morning, the morning light shone into the house through the window, and Man Bao opened her eyes in the sunshine. Then she blinked, and when she woke up, she jumped up from the bed happily. .

She slept well and her body relaxed, she stretched her waist hard, turned around and pushed open the window to take a look out first.

I saw that the outside was already lively, and there were not many people selling, but there were many people busy by the lake. Some were washing clothes by the lake, and some were washing vegetables and rice, but they were divided into places.

Man Bao leaned her chin against the windowsill and looked out. It was a large lake, and a dense forest followed the lake. If she hadn't looked far and saw the yellow desert on both sides, she almost thought it was in the middle of nowhere. A place with abundant water resources like Yizhou.

Zhou Liru, who was separated by a screen from her, seemed to be awakened by her. She yawned and got up, and looked in from behind the screen. Seeing the aunt's bright eyes, she shrank back, pulled the quilt up, covered herself all, and beat her. Yawned: "I'm not going anywhere today..."

Man Bao was a little disappointed, "Okay, then I'll get up by myself."

Like Zhou Liru, there are many people who choose to stay in bed the next day. The only one who can get up at this time is Mr. Zhuang, and only Bai Shan.

When the three master and apprentice met in the yard, Mr. Zhuang nodded with satisfaction, and said to the two: "Don't worry about them, let's go out for breakfast."

So the three master and apprentice went out with Daji and two guards.

The guard who slept on the east and west sides took a look and continued to lie still. There were four carriages parked in the yard, two were empty blue cloth carriages, and the other two were loaded with a lot of luggage. Yesterday they only The luggage that the masters use daily, such as those gold, silver, jewelry and fabrics, are still in the box. It is estimated that they will be packed up in the afternoon and put in the room, so at this time, you have to be careful not to let people touch them. Put things in order.

Bai Shan and the others went out, and after the guard closed the door, they looked at the master.

Bai Shan and Man Bao pointed, "Sir, we walked there yesterday. There are many shops, including restaurants."

They had already eaten at the inn in Ale last night, and they plan to change their place to eat today.

Mr. Zhuang took a look and turned around, "Let's go then, and look over there."

In the morning, we mostly eat pancakes, and there are very few noodles, let alone porridge.

However, there is a lot of goat milk here, a bowl of one penny, boiled, and a bowl of three cents with tea.

Yes, goat milk is not expensive, but tea is expensive, which is the opposite of Central Plains.

Bai Shan tried a bowl of goat milk without tea leaves, and after taking one last bite, put it aside and ordered goat milk with tea leaves again.

The three masters and apprentices only had a mouthful of cake and a mouthful of milk, and they ate it with relish.

The guards on the side have a good appetite. As long as they are on the road, they will not relax, especially after experiencing bandit suppression and treasure hunting a few days ago, and they are even more nervous. Now they relax, even the guards are a little lazy of.

In the eyes of the residents of the town, these new guests are very friendly, and even the guards look silly, they look very deceived, but it is a pity that a few young masters and young ladies do not seem to be in charge of money, so they are very stingy. , they won't buy things that are more expensive. And also very picky.

See you at 6 pm

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