Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 2198 farewell

Even if Inspector Duan didn't think of this question at first, after a day and a night, he thought about it when he imagined the future.

This opal is really difficult to shoot, unless...

Bai Shandao: "Unless your lord doesn't want to sell it, but wants to pay tribute to His Majesty or His Royal Highness, but there is no shortage of such gems in the palace. As far as I know, His Royal Highness loves horses, not gems."

It was impossible for Duan Inspector to pay tribute to the emperor, because the emperor did not like such an act of flattery.

So it can only be given to the prince, and he is regarded as the prince's person. He can give gifts to the prince to strengthen the relationship between the two sides.

But gifts are always delivered to people's hearts, and the prince doesn't like it.

It hurts Duan Inspector's heart to give someone something that is not of much interest, and this thing is expensive.

He was reluctant to exchange it for money.

Such a large opal was enough to cover the Liangzhou Army for two years.

And with his qualifications, he is afraid that he will stay in Liangzhou for several years. Every year to support the army, he has made a lot of money with the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Household, and his hair is about to fall out.

Inspector Duan glanced at Bai Shan and asked, "How much is Young Master Bai willing to pay for it?"

Bai Shan said, "There is still five hundred taels of silver for a box of Suhexiang."

"No, it's too little," Duan Inspector thought for a while and said, "Su Hexiang, there is still one thousand taels of silver."

Bai Shan: "... Inspector Duan, we don't have so much silver."

"Isn't there still gold? Just replace it with gold."

Bai Shan paused and said: "Master Duan, you want to sell such an opal, let's not talk about the price, do you think you can sell it in the next two years?"

Duan Inspector poked in his heart.

Bai Shan continued: "It can't be realized, it's just a stone, and it's a gem only when it's replaced with silver. You've also stayed in the capital, so you should know that although this opal is a priceless treasure, it is truly a gem. How many people have taken out the money to buy it? How many of them have really paid a thousand dollars?"

Duan Inspector Shi Xin poked again, and after a while, he still took a step back, "That eight hundred taels."

Bai Shan thought about it and said, "How about I mix two boxes of benzoin from my side for you?"

He said: "Gems are not easy to sell, but spices are not to worry about selling, especially these incense from the Western Regions, not only in the capital, but also very popular in Xiazhou, or directly sent to the Longxi Prefectures, where there are some old brands Noble, the old man in the family has to incense incense when going out, not to mention that Master Duan only has so much in his hand, even if he has several times more, he can make a shot."

Inspector Duan pondered and felt that Bai Shan was right, so he hesitated and nodded.

Bai Shan smiled and said, "If Master Duan is not familiar with Longxi, I can introduce a few people to Master, or I can write a letter in hand. When the time comes, Master will send someone to take my letter to find someone, and they will introduce Longxi for you. Those sons and gentlemen."

Duan Inspector asked, "I don't know who it is?"

Bai Shandao: "My home is in Longzhou. Although I left home in the early years, I still have contact with some uncles and brothers in the clan. When the time comes, the adults will send someone to take my letter to Longzhou to find the Bai family."

He smiled again: "It would be cheaper for your lord to go to the capital. My fourth brother-in-law, that is, Lord Zhou's fourth brother, often travels between the capital and the grasslands. Your lord can send someone to wait in Xiazhou, and let him meet him. Take you back to the capital."

"My classmates in Guozijian, Chongwenguan, and Zhou's colleagues all know him. He can't do it deeply, but it's okay to recommend one or two."

Inspector Duan's eyes flashed, and he smiled: "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon in the capital, it would be better if these spices could be sent to the capital."

So Bai Shan sent him a letter, and went to find Man Bao to ask her to write two pieces of paper for Shizuo Lang, put them in together, and then hand them over to Duan Inspector.

Duan Inspector was satisfied, so he agreed to such a quid pro quo.

Bai Erlang took out Su Hexiang in a daze, and then took the precious opal from Duan Inspector.

He couldn't help but took it out and looked at it again and again, and even looked at the sun, watching it change color in the sun, he couldn't take it easy until now, "Is this changed? How can Master Duan agree?"

Bai Shan glanced at him and said, "You owe us money."

He pointed to the people around him and said, "Sir, Yin Or, Liu Huan, Li Ru, and I and Man Bao's Baiyin, you all owe it, remember to pay it back later."

Bai Erlang was disturbed by his manipulation and asked, "How much do I owe?"

Bai Shan said: "Don't worry, there are not many, there are only three hundred taels in total."

Bai Erlang immediately said: "I have gold, I will exchange it for gold."

"Unfortunately, we still have gold, but you don't have any. Because you are short of silver, I exchanged your gold for silk and brocade."

Bai Erlang asked, "What do I want the cloth for?"

"In exchange for money," he said, "in the Western Regions, these silks and satins will be valuable."

Man Bao lowered his voice and said, "Idiot, we are making money for you."

Bai Erlang just glanced at Yin Or and the others, and said embarrassedly, "Why do you want your capital for nothing?"

Yin He pursed his lips and smiled and said, "What's the matter? It's useless to put these gold and silver in our hands anyway. If you lend it to you, we will save you the trouble of transporting it around."

Liu Huan has a small brain and doesn't think much, so he nodded again and again.

However, Zhou Liru followed the second sister from a young age, and knew the key point. If Bai Erlang didn't have the capital, then the money he should have earned was naturally earned by them.

But she didn't say anything, only said: "When you get back to the capital, you have to invite us to dinner."

Bai Erlang waved his hand and said, "I invite you to go to Zhuangyuan Building for dinner."

As soon as everyone heard that they were happy, they immediately ordered their favorite dishes.

It’s been a few days since I’ve eaten coarse food. Even if Governor Duan and the herdsmen next door bought sheep to roast, the oil and water were just average, and they couldn’t be as refined as the food in the capital, so they ordered several dishes for each person and told them what they knew. I ordered all the dishes in the Zhuangyuan Building.

Bai Erlang touched the opal in his hand and waved his hand richly: "Please, please!"

Mr. Zhuang watched them making a fuss, and shook his head with a smile.

When they were almost in trouble, they called Bai Shan and Man Bao over and said, "Since you guys have all changed things, let's set off tomorrow."

Bai Shan got what he wanted for his friends, smiled and went to Nie Canjun to inform him.

Man Bao asked Zhou Liru to go to the doctor's account and hand over a booklet to the military doctor, "Here are some prescriptions with descriptions of symptoms. You can try to treat them in the future."

He added: "You have already learned about sewing. You can buy some pig's feet to try when you go back."

see you at ten pm

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